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I really need help here!! !! !!

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  • I really need help here!! !! !!

    Here's the deal.
    I've read the forum about how to stop the enemy from setting up franchises in my cities, but not a word on how to remove them when they are already there.

    I try to do the lawyer thing (sueing)

    But I can't.

    I clik on the lawyer and try and sew, but a big red circle with a line through it pops up. Which I assume that means for some reason I can't sue...

    This is my only roadblock so far and it makes me have to restart. EVERY city has a franchise set up and my production is completely halted to the point that I can't build a bank for 1,000 turns..

    PLEASE HELP!!!!!!

  • #2
    A lawyer can sue a franchised city at a cost of 500 gp this lawsuit always succeeds. How much cash do you have? Just a hint use diplomats, slavers, lawyers, spies to stop the AI from getting to that point. The next tactic AI uses is infectors between the two your civ will be toast. If you have no money turn science off for a few turns to get some.
    “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
    Or do we?


    • #3
      Another thing to remember is that the lawyer has to be outside the city to sue it. Otherwise it will be interpreted that you're trying to get the lawyer to sue himself.
      Truth is not negotiable.


      • #4
        I think I tried that. (suing from outside) When I do it, I just get a big red circle with a line through it.

        I know I have enough money to do it, but it seems to not work.

        So, I click the lawyer, select sue, and click the franchised city, right?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Dictatress
          Another thing to remember is that the lawyer has to be outside the city to sue it. Otherwise it will be interpreted that you're trying to get the lawyer to sue himself.
          I used a lawyer from within a city that had been franchised to sue that city and it worked... don't remember if I lost the lawyer though. Either way it was a good thing !
          Are you ready for the tomorrow that will never come? We will all have one.

          Hebrews 9:27


          • #6
            Anyway, there's one infallible method of not getting franchised to death and removing what franchises there are. Just build an army and conquer the civilization that dared use a corporate branch against you! You also have some excellent weaponry available around that time...
            Truth is not negotiable.


            • #7
              Originally posted by PatRussell
              I used a lawyer from within a city that had been franchised to sue that city and it worked... don't remember if I lost the lawyer though. Either way it was a good thing !
              This is actually the way I used to do it and it worked like a charm. Just make sure you select your lawyer; click on the sue icon and then click on the city itself. If this does not work, you can e-mail me your saved game so I can look into it
              "I'm an engineer. I make slides that people can't read. Sometimes I eat donuts." - Alice

