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"Advanced CivCTP Scenario Design"

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  • "Advanced CivCTP Scenario Design"

    I seem to recall that the title of the most useful document for those of us who were lucky (mad?) enough to design Civ2 scenarios was "Advanced [Civ2] Scenario Design" by Leon Marrick, assisted by Harlan Thompson.

    However, (unsurprisingly), there appears to be no such concise bible for CivCTP scenario creation, just an assortment of files on the Apolyton site which are by no means exhaustive, and I was wondering if anyone had the inclination to put one together (or organise a communal effort to do so).

    For example, I have discovered (to my dismay) that there seems to be a limit of 64 wonders (any additional ones appear in the construction options list, but when you finish building them, they just don't appear. You get the immediate effects of the wonder, but not the long-term ones).

    This is just the kind of thing that needs to be recorded to avoid confusion and encourage people to design scenarios to entertain us. At present, most of the released scenarios (though very impressive) seem to be concentrated mostly on improving the existing game, rather than major modifications. This may be simply because such projects are extremely lengthy, and they are all (like mine) under construction. OTOH, I am sure that the vast increase in complexity of CTP modifications compared to those of Civ2 is a contributing factor. e.g. the number of flags associated with units has risen from about 10 to about 200 (IIRC) and modifications to one file (especially major ones) can have severe repercussions in a multitude of related files.

    If no one else is more eager I think I may undertake this project - but I doubt that I'm the best person for the job, since I rarely finish what I start. I would also be more than happy to contribute to a communal effort - but that would immediately bring matters of organisation into play (And, of course, deciding whether to be organised, involving meta-organisation).

    Any thoughts?


  • #2
    That would be nice J Bytheway! But it is a hard and time-consuming job indeed. I personally don't have much time to do so but it would be great if someone had.

    I am trying to create a small guide for PBEM scenario creators in CTP-Multiplayer section but not as complete as the one we are talking about.


    • #3
      Given the lack of response, I have gone ahead and started. I'm just writing about units.txt at this very minute (too much to say!).

      Hope I can reference your guide from mine.



      • #4

        How about take either Apolyton pack 1 OR Wes' medmod 4.13 as your starting point?

        Both are well known and many problems and wishes have been solved.

        Read more here:


        Lots of reading I know, but it might save you some time later (or give you input for your own scenario).
        First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



        • #5
          Thanks for the links.

          I've now finished the guide, and sent it off to, as requested at the top of the mods info page. It should appear on the mod guide page soon. Hope you can all spare the time for a quick look - I may start a new thread on the subject...


