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New Leaders Mod: LIST

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  • New Leaders Mod: LIST


    I have opted to place the list of new leaders here

    For the New Leaders Mod:

    Here is the list.
    Edit: I have included now the length of reign of the leader, making it easy to chose for a particular period
    {Note: all dates are in A.D. unless specified as B.C. and ~ = possible/hypothetical leader's regin.
    2nd Note: b. = the leader's lifespan, rather than length of reign
    3rd Note: c. = circa; approximately}

    (Again, + represents Harlan's original pic; and, * indicates a leader pic which is either planned or not finished yet.)
    I'll be adding to it as I go.

    1. North America--United States, Canada, Sioux, etc.
    1a. Allies {World War Two}.
    2. Latin America--Mexico, Central America, etc.
    3. South America--Brazil, Maya, Inka, etc.
    4. Europe--United Kingdom, Germany, France, Scandinavia, East Europe, etc.
    4a. Holy Roman Empire.
    4b. Byzantium.

    [next post]

    4c. Eurasia--Russia, former USSR, Ukraine, etc.
    4d. Asia Minor--Turkey, Ottoman Empire.
    5. Asia--China, Tibet, Mongolia, Korea, Viet Nam, etc.
    5a. Japan.
    5b. India.
    5c. Pakistan, Burma/Myanmar, Nepal, etc.
    6. Middle East--Persia/Iran, Babylon/Iraq, Arabia, Islamic, Palastine, etc.
    6a. Egypt.
    7. Africa
    8. Oceania--Australia, New Zealand, Polynesia, Indonesia, etc.




    Sir John Alexander MacDonald, 1867–73, 1878–91 (macdonald) Canada, 1867
    *Sir Wilfrid Laurier, 1896–1911 (laurier) Canada, variant
    *Sir Robert L. Borden 1911–20 (borden) none
    Sir William Lyon Mackenzie King, 1921–26, 1926–30, 1935–48 (king) WWII Canada
    John George Diefenbaker, 1957–63 (diefenbaker) Canada
    *Lester B. Pearson, 1963–68 (pearson) none
    Peirre Elliot Trudeau, 1968–79, 1980–84 (trudeau) Canada
    Peirre Trudeau (petrudeau) Canadian, hanging
    John Napier Turner, 1984 (jntunrer) none
    Brian Mulroney, 1984–93 (mulroney) none, House of Commons
    Kim Campbell, 1993 (campbell) none, Ottawa Parliament
    Jean Chretien, 1993 to present (chretien) Canada

    George Washington, 1789–97 (gwashington) USA, B. Ross
    Thomas Jefferson, 1801–9 (tjefferson) USA, 1818
    *Andrew Jackson, 1829–37
    Susan B. Anthony, ~1851-1906 (sba) none
    Abraham Lincoln, 1861–65 (alinclon)
    Theodore Roosevelt, 1901–9 (troosevelt) USA
    Woodrow Wilson, 1913–21 (wwilson) USA, small
    Eleanor Roosevelt, ~1921-1961 (eroosevelt) none, White House
    Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1933–45 (fdroosevelt) USA
    +Franklin D. Roosevelt (roosevelt2) USA
    Harry S. Truman, 1945–53 (htruman) none, White House
    *Dwight David Eisenhower, 1953–61
    John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 1961–63 (jfkennedy) USA, imposed
    JFK (jfk) USA
    Lyndon Baines Johnson, 1963–69 (lbj) USA
    Richard Milhous Nixon, 1963–69 (rnixon) USA
    *Gerald Rudolph Ford, 1974–77
    *Jimmy Carter, 1977–81
    Ronald Wilson Reagan, 1981–89 (rreagan) USA
    George Herbert Walker Bush, 1989–93 (gbush) none
    Bill Clinton, 1993–2001 (bclinton) USA, hanging
    (gwbush) none
    George Walker Bush, 2001 to present (gwbush) none
    Hillary Rodham Clinton, ~90s to future (hillary) none


    +Tecumseh, 1768?–1813 (tecumseh2) none


    War Eagle, b. 1785-1851. (wareagle) none--very small, unknown, flag shown
    Sitting Bull, b.1831–1890 (sittinbull) Oglala Sioux
    *Red Cloud, b.1822–1909
    Crazy Horse, c.1877 (crazyhorse) none
    *Gall, c.1840–1894 (gall) none
    Crow King, c.1881 (crowking) none


    *Eithinoha, ~any B.C.
    Hiawatha, c.1550 (irhiawatha) half sky, half Iroquois stripes
    Deganwidah, ?~any (deganwidah) Iroquois Confederacy


    Sequoyah {Sogwali}, c.b.1766-1843 (sequoyah) Cherokee Nation


    *Esdzanadkhi, ~any B.C.
    *Cochise, c.b.1815–1874
    Geronimo, c.b.1829–1909 (geronimo) none
    *Mangas Coloradas {Magnus Colorado}, c.b.1797–1863
    *Victorio c.1850-80


    *Aakuluujjusi, ~any
    *Alignak, ~any
    * Akycha, ~any
    *Paul Okalik, 1999 to present

    1A. Allied, WWII--USA/UK

    Churchill, Roosevelt (allied) none


    * Juana de la Cruz, 1651–95 (delacruz) none
    *Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, ~1810-?
    *Vincente Guerrero, 1829
    * Santa Anna, 1833-1855
    +Benito Juarez, 1855-1871 (juarez2) Mexico
    *Francisco Indalecio Madero, 1911-13
    *Victoriano Huerta, 1913-14
    Venustiano Carranza, 1914-20 (carranza) Mexico
    *Francisco {Pancho} Villa {Doroteo Arango}, ~1914-?
    *Emiliano {Morelos} Zapata, ~1914-?
    * Álvaro Obregón, 1920-1924
    Carlos Salinas de Gortari, 1948 to present (salinas) Mexico, small

    Central America/El Savador/Nicaragua

    *Jose Napoleon Duarte, 1984-89 (duarte) El Savador, background
    *Augusto César Sandino, b. 1893-1934 (sandino) Sandinistas

    Aztec Empire

    *Huitzilopochtli, ~any B.C.
    *Tenoch, 1325-1375
    Moctezoma Ilhuicamina, 1441-1469 {Montezuma I} (motecuzomai) none, Aztec mural
    *Itzcoatl, 1428-1440
    +Motecuzoma Xocoytzin, 1503-1520 {Montezuma II} (montezuma2) none
    *Cuitalahuac {Cuauhtemoc}, 1520-1521

    Maya/Toltec Empire/Olmec Empire

    Quetzalcoatl ~any (quetzalcoatl) none
    *Kulkulcan {Mayan}, ~any
    *1300–900 B.C.)
    *Ixbalanque ~any B.C.
    Tlaloc ~any B.C. (tlaloc) none
    Hanab Pakal, 615-683 (pakal) Maya
    *Mixcoatl, c.900
    *Ce Acatl Topiltzin c.mid900-1000
    *Topiltzin, c.1200?
    *Nezahualcoyotl, c.1403 - 1473
    +Hunahpu, ~any (hunahpu2) none


    *Narciso López, b1798?–1851
    *José Martí, 1853–95
    * Fulgencio Batista, 1933-44, 1952-59
    Fidel Castro, 1959 to present (castro) Cuba
    *Vilma Espin, ~?

    South America

    +Simon Bolivar, ~any--b.1783-1830 (bolivar2) none
    *Native Leader, ~any (amazona) none

    Quishwa/Quechua/Inka Empire

    Pachacamac, ~any (pachacamac) Quishwa/Quechua
    *Viracocha, ~any BC
    +Manco Capac, c.1200s (cupac2) none
    *Mayta Capac, c.1300s
    Pachacuti, 1438-71 (pachacuti) Inkan, small, variant
    Atahualpa, ~b.1502-1533 (atahualpa) none


    *Native Leader, ~any (amazona) none
    +Pedro II, 1831-89 (pedroii2) Old Brazil
    *Manuel da Fonseca, b.1827-1892
    Juscelino Kubitschek, 1956-61 (kubitschek) Brazil


    Alan Garcia, 1985-1990 (alangarcia) Peru
    * Alberto Fujimori, 1990–2000


    Eva Duarte de Perón, b.1919–52 (eva) Argentina
    *Jorge Videla, 1976-1981


    *José Miguel Carrera, 1811-21
    *José de San Martín, b.1778-1850
    Salvador Allende, 1970-73 (allende) Chile
    *Augusto Pinochet, 1974-90

    4. EUROPE
    England/United Kingdom/Great Britain

    *Egbert, b.775-839
    *Alfred {the Great}, 849-899
    *Edmund I, 940-946
    *Ethelred II, 968-1016
    *Edmund II, 1016
    *William I {the Conqueror}, 1066-1087
    *Henry I, 1100-1135
    HenryII, 1154-1189 (henryii) England
    *Richard I, 1189-1199 {Lionheart} (richard)
    Richard I {Coeur de Lion} (lionheart) Crusader
    *John {Lackland}, 1199-1216
    Eleanor {of Aquitaine}, ~1189-1204 (eleanor) Aquitaine
    *Henry III, 1216-1272
    *Edward I, 1272-1307
    *Edward II, 1307-1327
    *Edward III, 1327-1377
    *Richard II, 1377-1399
    *Henry IV, 1399-1413
    *Henry V, 1413-1422
    *Richard III, 1483-1485
    Henry VIII, 1509-1547 (henryviii) none, inside Tower of London
    Elizabeth I, 1558-1603 (elizabethi) England
    James I, 1603-1625 (jamesi) Royal Banner
    *George I, 1714-1727
    *George III, 1761-1820
    Victoria, 1837-1901 (victoria) Union Jack
    Elizabeth II, ~1952 to present (elizabethii) UK
    *David Lloyd George, 1916–22
    +Winston Churchill (churchill2 ) UK
    Sir Winston Churchill, 1940–45, 1951–55(swchurchill) UK
    *Harold Wilson, 1964–70, 1974–76
    Margaret Thatcher, 1979–90 (thatcher) UK
    *Tony Blair, 1990–97
    *John Major, 1997 to present


    Clovis I, 481-511 (clovis) none
    *Lothair, 511-561
    *Theodoric IV, 711-716 (theordoriciv) none
    *Charles I, 768–814 {the Great} (charlesiv) none
    *Louis I, 814-840
    *Robert {the Pious}, 996-1031
    *Louis VI, 1108-1137
    *Philip II {Augustus}, 1180-1223
    *Louis IX, 1226-1270
    Charles IV, 1322-1328 (charlesiv) Brittany/France
    Charles V, 1364-1380 (charlesv) Pre tricolour
    *Jeanne d' Arc, 1412?–31 {Joan of Arc}
    Charles VIII, 1483-1498 (charlesviii) Trinity Fleur de lysee
    Louis XII, 1498-1515 (louisxii) Ancient king
    Francis I, 1515-1545 (francisi) Pre tricolour
    *Francis II, 1559-1560
    *Louis XIII, 1610-1643
    Louis XIV, 1643-1715 (louisxiv) Fleur de lysee
    Louis XV, 1715-1774 (louisxv) Fleur de lysee
    *Louis XVI, 1774-1792
    *Marie Antoinette, 1755–93
    Napoleon I {Napoleon Bonaparte}, 1769–1821 (napoleonb) Imperial France
    Josephine, 1804–9 (josephine) none
    Charles X, 1824-1830 (charlesx)
    Georges Clemenceau, 1906–9, 1917–20 (clemenceau) France, small, several
    +Charles Degaulle, 1959–69 (degaulle2) France
    Charles De Gaulle, ~WWII (cdegaulle) France
    Francois Mitterand, 1981-1995 (mitterand) none
    *Jacques Chirac, 1995 to present


    Brünnehilde {Brynhild}, ~any BC (brunnhild) none
    *Ermanaric {Ostrogoth}, c. to 375
    *Athanaric {Jörmunrekkr} {Visigoth}, to 381
    Gunderic {Vandal}, to 428 (gunderic) none
    *Gaiseric {Genseric} {Vandal}, 428–77
    Theodoric I, {Ostrogoth} c.454–526 (theordoric) none
    *Louis II {the German}, 834-876
    Conrad I, c.911-918 (conradi) none
    *Otto I {the Great}, 936-973
    *Otto III, 983-1002
    *Conrad II, 1024-1039
    * Conrad III, 1138-1152
    *Frederick I {Frederick Barbarossa}, 1152-1190
    *Frederick III {Habsburg}, 1440-1493
    *Frederick II {the Great}, 1740–1786
    *Frederick William IV, 1840-1861
    *William I, 1861-1871
    Wilhelm II , 1888-1918 (wilhelmii) Royal cross
    +Otto von Bismarck, b.1815–98 (bismarck2) WWI War Ensign
    Paul von Hindenburg, 1847–1933 (hindenburg) Weimer
    Adolf Hitler, 1933-45 (adolfhitler) Nazi
    *Wilhelm Pieck, 1949-60 (pieck) East Germany
    *Willy Brandt, 1969 to 1974 (brandt) West Germany
    *Konrad Adenauer, 1949-63 (audenaur) Federal Republic of Germany
    *Helmut Kohl, 1982–1990, 1990–98 (kohl) small Germany, bakground


    *Ferdinand I {of Leon, Castile}, 1035-1065
    Urraca, 1109-1126
    *Alfonso VI {of Leon, Castile}, 1126-1157
    *Juana I, 1274-1305
    *Alfonso X, 1252-1284
    Isabella, 1474-1504 (isabella) Ancient royal ensign
    *Ferdinand V, 1506-1516
    Phillip II, 1556-1598 (phillipii) Old Spanish
    Phillip III, 1598-1621 (phillipiii) Old Spanish
    Phillip IV, 1606-1665 (phillipiv) Old Spanish
    Carlos II {Charles II}, 1665-1700 (carlosii) Royal standard
    Ferdinand VII, 1746-1759 (ferdinandvii) none
    *Carlos III {Charles III}, 1759-1788
    *Carlos IV {Charles IV}, 1788-1808
    *Ferdinand VI, 1808
    *Ferdinand VII, 1814-1833
    Alfonso XII, 1874-1885 (alfonsoxii) none
    *Alfonso XIII, 1886-1931
    Francisco Franco, 1939-1975 (franco) Spain, eagle
    * Juan Carlos I, 1975 to present


    *Henrique, 1085-1139 {Enrique}
    Afonso I, 1139-1185 {Afonso Henriques} (henriques) Ancient Portugal
    *Sancho I, 1185-1211
    Afonso II, 1211-1223 (afonsoii) Old Royal standard
    *Afonso III, 1248-1279 {the Brave}
    *Afonso IV, 1325-1357
    *Pedro I {Peter I}, 1357-1367
    *+Prince Henry (the Navigator}, ~b.1394-1460
    *Afonso V, 1438 - 1481
    *Manuel I {the Fortunate}, 1495-1521
    *Vasco da Gama, ~b.c.1460-1524
    *Cardinal Henry, 1578-1580
    *João IV {John IV}, 1640-1656
    *Maria I, 1777-1816
    *João VI {John VI}, 1816-1826
    *Louis I, 1861–89
    Carlos I, 1889–1908 {Charles I} (carlosi) Portugal


    Athena, ~any BC (athena) none
    Helen, ~c.1200 BC (helen) Hellenic
    *Theseus, ~c.1200 BC
    *Minos, ~c.1200 BC
    *Agamemnon, ~c.1200 BC {of Mycenae, or Argos}
    *Menelaus, ~c.1200 BC {of Sparta}
    Achilles, ~c.1200 BC (achilles) none
    *Ulysseus, ~c.1200 BC {Odysseus}
    *Solon, c.639–c.559 B.C
    Pericles, c.495–429 B.C (pericles) none
    Philip II, 359–336 BC (philipiim) none
    Alexander III {the Great}, 356-323BC (alexandertg) Hellenic Macedonia
    +Alexander III {the Great} (alexander2) Alexandrian
    *Ioannis Kapodistrias, 1844–47
    *Constantine I {Constantine XII}, 1868–1923
    Eleftherios {Eleutherios} Venizelos, b.1864–1936 (venizelos) Greece
    *Alexander Zaïmis, b.1855–1936
    Constantine II (Constantine XIII}, 1940 to present (constantinegr) Greece
    *Constantinos Karamanlis, 1980–85, 1990–95

    Italy/Sicily/Roman Replublic/Roman Empire--West

    *Sulla {Lucius Cornelius}, 138 B.C.–78 B.C
    Caius Julius Caesar, b.100? –44 BC (julius) none, Roman Empire map
    *+Caius Julius Caesar (caesar2) Rome, Ancient
    Marc Antony, c.83 BC–30 BC (antony) none, small Roman banner
    Augustus {Octavian}, 27 BC to 14 AD (octavian) none
    *Livia Drusilla}, ~c.b.55 BC–29AD
    Gaius Caligula, 37–41 (caligula) Roman
    Nero, 54–68 (nero) none, inside Pantheon
    Titus, 79–81 (titus) none
    *Trajan, 98–117
    *Severus, 193–211
    *Diocletian, 284–305
    *Maximian, 286–305
    *Constantius I, 305–6
    *Theodosius I {the Great}, 379–95
    *Valens {East}, 364–78
    *Majorian {West}, 457–61
    *Zeno {East}, 474–491
    Peter III {the Great} (peteriiias) none, Segesta Temple
    *Roger II, 1105-30, 1130-54
    Vittorio Emanuelle II (vittorio) none, Rome sunset
    +Benito Mussilini (mussilini2) Italy
    Giuseppe Garibaldi (garibaldi) Italy

    4A.Holy Roman Empire

    +Charlemagne, 800–814 (charlemagne2) Holy Roman
    Charles IV (charlesivr) Holy Roman
    *Charles V
    *Frederick I {Frederick Barbarossa}, 1152-1190

    4B.Byzantium/East Roman Empire

    *Leo I, 457–474
    +Constantine I (constantine2) Constantine
    Theodora (theodora) none
    *Constantine IV
    *Leo III


    +Arthur (arthur2) none
    Boadicea (boadicea) none
    * ...


    Kenneth I, 843-959 {MacAlpin} none
    *Constantine I, 862-877
    *Kenneth II, 971-995
    *Malcolm II ,1005-1034
    *Macbeth, 1040-57
    *Malcolm III, 1058-1093
    *Alexander I {the Fierce}, 1107-1124
    *David I, 1124-53
    William {the Lion}, 1165-1214
    *Margaret {Maid of Norway},1286-90
    William Wallace, b.1272?–1305 (wallace) Scotland
    Robert I {the Bruce}, 1306-29 (rtbruce) Scotland
    *James I, 1406-1437
    *Mary Stuart {Queen of Scots}, 1542-1587
    *Henry McLeish, 2000-


    * Brian Boru, 940?-1014
    *Edward Bruce, 1316-18
    * Rory O' Connor, 1156-1191
    *Isabella Augusta Gregory, ~b.1852-1932
    * Eamon de Valera, 1932-48, 1951-54, 1957-59, 1959-73
    *Michael Collins, 1919-21
    Arthur Griffith, 1922 (griffith) none
    *Mary Robinson 1990-97


    *Willem {William I} van Oranje, 1572-84
    * Willem Frederik I {of the Netherlands}, 1772-1843, 1815-1840
    * Thorbecke,
    * Stadhouder Maurits, 1585-1625
    * Willem II {of The Netherlands}, 1840-49
    *Wilhelmina, 1890-1948
    * Juliana
    * Drees
    * Den Uyl
    * Maxima

    Viking Empire/Scandinavia/Kalmar/

    *Erik the Red, c.950
    *+Leif Eriksson, ~c.1000
    * Canute {Knut}, 995?–1035

    *Christian II, 1481–1559 {Union of Kalmar} (christianii) Norden


    *Gustavus I, 1523–60

    +Gustavus II 1611–32 {Gustavus Adolphus} (adolphus2) Royal Swede
    Olof Palme, 1969-76, 1982-86 (palme) Sweden
    Dag Hammarskjold, b.1905–61 (hammarskjold) Sweden


    *Harold I, c.850–c.933
    *Erik I
    * Haakon IV {Haakonsson}, 1217-63 (haakoniv) Old Norge
    *Haakon VII {Christian Frederik Carl Georg Valdemar Axel}, 1905-1957
    Einar Gerhardsen, 1945, 1945-51, 1955-63, 1963-65 (gerhardsen) Norway


    *Valdemar I {the Great}, 1157-82
    *Canute VI, 1170-82, 1182-1202
    *Valdemar II {the Victorious}, 1202-41
    *Haakon VI {Magnusson}, 1355-80
    *Christian IV
    Frederick VI, 1808 to 1839, 1808 to 1814 (frederickvi) Danish Ensign
    Christian VI, 1730-46 (christianvi) Royal Ensign
    *Johann Friedrich, Graf von Struensee, 1770-72
    Christian VIII, 1814-1848 (christianviii) none, Egeskov Castle
    Anne, b.1574-1619 (anne) Danmark
    *Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, 1993-


    Urho Kekkonen (kekkonen) Finland
    *Tarja Halonen
    * ...
    * ...
    * ...
    Last edited by Nordicus; July 14, 2001, 10:04.
    Existence is Futile.

  • #2
    (Again : + represents Harlan's original pic; and * indicates a leader pic which is either planned or not finished yet.)

    Alrighty then... Rest of list...



    4c. Eurasia--Eastern Europe, Russia, former USSR, Ukraine, etc.
    4d. Asia Minor--Turkey, Ottoman Empire.
    5. Asia--China, Tibet, Mongolia, Korea, Viet Nam, etc.
    5a. Japan.
    5b. India.
    5c. Pakistan, Burma/Myanmar, Nepal, etc.
    6. Middle East--Persia/Iran, Babylon/Iraq, Arabia, Islamic, Palastine, etc.
    6a. Egypt.
    7. Africa
    8. Oceania--Australia, New Zealand, Polynesia, Indonesia, etc.

    4C. Eurasia/Eastern Europe
    Russia/USSR/former USSR

    *Ivan III {the Great}, 1462–1505
    Ivan IV {the Terrible}, 1533–84 (ivan) Moscovy
    *Boris Godunov, 1598–1605
    *Alexis, 1645–76
    * Peter I {the Great} 1682–1725
    Catherine I, 1725–27 (catherinei) Emperor
    *Anna, 1730–40
    Catherine II {the Great}, 1762–96 (ctg) Russia
    *Alexander I, 1801–25 (alexanderi)
    *Alexander II, 1855–81 (alexanderii)
    *Alexander III, 1881–94 (alexanderii)
    Niklas II {Romanov}, 1894–1917 (romanov) Russia
    Vladimir I. Lenin, 1917-1924 (vilenin) Soviet
    Lenin (lenin) Soviet
    Josef V. Stalin, (jvstalin) Soviet
    Josef Stalin (josefstalin) Soviet
    Nikita Kruschev (kruschev) Soviet
    Leonid Breznev (breznev) Soviet
    Mikhail Gorbachev (gorbachev) CCCP
    Gorbachev (gorby) Soviet screen
    *Boris Yeltsin


    *Nicholai Chamsachurdia


    *Leonid Kuchma
    * ...


    Klement Gottwald (gottwald) Czech
    *Vaclav Havel
    +Vlad {the Impaler} (vlad2) Vladimir
    *Josip Broz Tito
    *Slobodan Milosevic
    *Franjo Tudjman


    +Lech Walesa (walesa2) Polish ensign
    *Stanislaus Leszczynski
    * ...


    +Attila (attila2) Ancient Hungarian, small
    Marie Theresa (theresa) Austria
    *Francis Joseph
    * Franz Ferdinand I
    * ...


    *Ivan II {Ivan Asen}, 1218–41
    *Michael, {Asen}, 1246–57
    * Nikolae Ceaucescu


    4D.Asia Minor
    Turkey/Ottoman Empire

    *Beyazid {Bajazet} I
    Beyazid II (bayazidii) none
    Mustafa Kemal {Ataturk} (mustafakemal) Turkey
    Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (kemalataturk) Turkey, small
    Memhet {the Conqueror} (mehmettc) Ottoman ensign
    +Murad IV (muradiv2) none
    * Selim I
    * Selim II
    *Abdul-Hamid Khan (akhan) Imperial Turkey

    5. ASIA

    Xia, ~any BC (xia)
    Sun Tzu, ~any BC (suntzu) none
    *Qin Shihuandi, 221BC (qin) none, Great Wall
    * Wu Hou {Lu Hou}, 188-180 BC
    *Kao-tsu {Han}, 206 BC to 220 AD
    Wu Tang {Wu Zetian}, 690-705 (wutang) Imperial
    *T'ai-tsu {Taizu}, 960-976
    *T'ai-tsung, b. 939-997
    *Xiaozong {Song}, 1163-1190
    *Ningzong {Song}, 1195-1224
    *Chu Yüan-Chang, 1368–98
    Tianshun, 1457-1464 (ming) Ancient Chinese
    *Shun Zhi (Shun Chih) 1644-1662
    Quin Long {Chien Lung}, 1736-1796 (quinlong) Ancient Dragon
    Tz'u-hsi, 1861–1908, 1861–73, 1874–89, 1898–1908 (tzuhsi) Old China
    *Tsu-hsi (tsuhsi) none
    Yuan Shi-kai {Yüan Shih-k'ai}, 1912-16 (shikai) Imperial
    +Mao Tse-Tung, b.1893-1976 (mao2) China
    Mao Zedong (maozedong) China, half
    +Chiang Kai Shek, b.1887–1975 (chiangshek2)China National
    Chiang Kai-shek (kaishek) China National ensign
    Zhou Enlai, b.1898–1976 (zhouenlai) China, several, small
    *Deng Xiao Ping, b.1904-1997 (ping) none
    *Jiang Zemin, 1989 to present (zemin) none, small China


    *Dalai Lama I, 1391-1475 {Dge-'dun-grub-pa} (grunpa)
    *Dalai Lama XIV, b.1935 to present {Bstan-'dzin-rgya-mtsho} (lama)

    Viet Nam

    Ho Chi Minh (hochiminh) Viet Nam
    Tran Duc Luong (tranducluong) Viet Nam
    Le Kha Phieu (lekhaphieu) none, Thein Mu Pagoda


    Pol Pot (polpot) none, Royal Palace
    *Lan Xang


    *Rama I
    +Rama V {Chulalongkorn} (ramav2) Thailand
    *Rama IX
    Chuan Leekpai (leekpai) Thailand


    Yi Song Gye (yisonggye) Ancient (dubious) Korea
    Yi Songjong (yisongjong) Ancient Korea
    Taejo (taejo) Old Korea
    *Hung Hyegyong

    A. North Korea

    +Kim Young-Sam (youngsam2) North Korea
    * Kim II Sung

    B. South Korea

    Chun Doo Hawn (chundoohwan) South Korea
    Syngman Rhee (syngmanrhee) none
    Kim Due-Jung (kinduejung) South Korea, hanging


    Genghis Khan (khan) Mongol ensign, close-up
    Bortei (bortei) none
    Kublai Khan (kublai) none
    Timur (timur) none
    Natsagiyn Bagabandi (bagabandi) People's Republic
    Yumjagin Cedenbal (cedenbal ) Mongolia
    Enkhbayar (enkhbayar) Mogol, variant

    5A. Japan

    +Hirohito (hirohito2) Naval Ensign
    Hideki Tojo (tojo) Naval Ensign
    *Masayoshi Ohira
    Meiji (Mutsuhito) (meiji) Japan
    *Masayoshi Ito (ito)
    Nagako (nagako) Royal
    * Minamoto
    * ...

    5B. India

    Ghandi (ghandi) India
    Indira Ghandi (indira) India
    Ashoka (ashoka) none
    Jawaharel Nehru (nehru) Government
    * Rajaraja

    5C. Nepal/Pakistan/Bangladesh

    Birendra (birendra) Nepal, small
    Muhammad Ali Jinnah (jinnah) Pakistan, imposed
    *Hasina Wazed


    +Ayatolla Khomeni (khomeni2) Iran
    +Cyrus {the Great} (cyrus2) Persia, native
    * Suleyman
    * Xerxes
    *Muhammed Reza Pahlevi {Shah}
    *Darius III


    Shubad (shubad) none, Sumer tablets
    Nebuchadnezzer (nech) none
    * ...

    Saudi Arabia/Arabia/Islamic

    Muhammad, 570?–632 (muhammad) none
    Abdul Ibn Saud (ibnsaud) none
    +Saleh al-Din {Saladin} (saladin2) none
    Benazir Bhutto (bhutto) Islam
    Al Faisal (faisal) Royal Saudi
    Emir Saud (emirsaud) Saudi Arabia
    Abd Allah Yasin (yasin)


    Saddam Hussein (saddam) Iraq
    * Faysal I
    *Nuri as-Sa'id
    *Abd al-Ilah


    +Sargon II (sargonii2) none
    * Hafez Al-Assad


    Yitzhak Rabin (rabin) Israel, variant
    Moses (mosesh) none
    Golda Meir (meir) Zionist
    *David Ben Gurion
    *Solomon (solomon) none, Dome of the Rock


    Nar-Mer, c.3040B.C. (narmer) none
    Gamal Abdel Nasser (nasser) Egypt
    Anwar Sadat (sadat) Egypt
    +Cleopatra (cleo2) Egypt, close-up
    Akhenaten (akhenaten) none, pyramids
    Amentoktep (amentoktep) none
    Nefertiti (nefertiti) none
    Seti II (setiii) none
    * ...

    7. AFRICA


    Kwazulu/Zulu/South Africa

    Mandela (mandela) Kwazulu
    Nelson Mandela (nelsonmandela) South Africa
    Nandi (nandi) Kwazulu
    Shaka Zulu (shakazulu) none


    Haile Sellasie (sellasie) Ethiopia
    * Menilek I
    *Menilik II
    * Zoskales
    *Makeda {Sheba}


    Moussa Traore (traore) Mali
    +Afonso I (afonsoi2) none
    Oba (oba) none
    *Mansa Musa

    8. OCEANIA

    +Sukarno (sukarno2) Indonesia
    *Suharto (suhartob) Indonesia
    * Muhammed Hatta
    * Gus Dur
    Agong (agong) Malaysia


    Liliuokalani (likalani) Micronesia
    Poulaho (poulaho) none


    Edward Gough Whitlam (whitlam) Australian ensign
    Bob Hawke (bobhawke) Australia, large
    * Sir Edmund Barton
    * Sir Robert Gordon Menzies
    Carmen Lawrence (lawrence) Australia ALP
    Last edited by Nordicus; July 14, 2001, 09:24.
    Existence is Futile.


    • #3
      Existence is Futile.


      • #4

        I'm just a lowly settler, but was wondering what it is that you're listing and why you're listing it? I'm not really familiar with all the modifications n such.



        • #5

          Sure, it's a list of leaders/rulers {for diplomat leader photos} I'm finishing up for this mod for CtP:

          In short, the mod adds ...? {I have to count when I'm done the list} a lot of new diplomat photos seen during diplomacy, as well as allowing for a greater variety of opponents


          Existence is Futile.


          • #6
            Hey Thomas.

            Pls add King Valdemar II aka Valdemar Sejr (The Victorious).

            He was King of Denmark from 1202-1241 when the danish flag (Dannebrog) fell down from heaven and Denmark was a kind of superpower in the northern Europe (lots of other nations and citystates didn't like us then

            According to legend, the Dannebrog fell from heaven during a battle in Estonia in 1219, and tradition has maintained that the flag appeared at Lyndanisse on the 15th June 1219 (we won!) .
            First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



            • #7
              Thanks Nordicus, muchly appreciated.


              • #8
                Simply Awesome Nordicus
                Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                • #9
                  No prob

                  Hey, BirdMan...

                  Thanks for the suggestion
                  I'll see if I can find the flag later.


                  Existence is Futile.


                  • #10
                    It's simple. We still uses it (square flag, red with a white cross).
                    Last edited by TheBirdMan; July 3, 2001, 02:29.
                    First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                    • #11
                      It's simple. We still uses it (square flag, red with a white cross).
                      Oh, right--Danneborg...found out that means, "The Danish Cloth." I thought there may have been varients, as well as other ensigns, but the Dannebrog is actually the oldest--continuously used--flag in the world. A quote: "Regions, counts, kings and the like have had flags or banners older than Dannebrog, but no sovereign nation has used the same flag as long as Denmark."

                      Existence is Futile.

