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Call to Power worth $6?

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  • Call to Power worth $6?

    I figure this would be a good group to ask. I found CtP for $6 at Egghead, shipping included, so I figured "why not"? I know there are many people who say this game is a complete waste of time. But there are others (including some longtime Civ2 vets) who say it's a great addition to the series (patched version, of course). What do you think? Did I waste my money?

  • #2
    you did good, the only way to waste $6 is to burn the notes! seriously thou, it's not a bad game but it's not a good one either, but for six bucks....


    • #3
      good ! CtP=Civilization: Waste of Time =)))
      i didn't like CtP but i've heard that's not a too bad multiplayer game...


      • #4
        You did good - it is certainly worth £4 just to see how old things can be done differently - the 'trade route' + piracy concepts of CtP are fun - but then when we get things like corporate franchise units yuck ...
        "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
        "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


        • #5
          Yeah, get it - but use the med mod to make it about 6000% better.

          The cheapest I've seen it for is my local branch of Electronics Boutique for £9.99 (around $16 US)


          • #6
            Yeah, get it - but use the med mod to make it about 6000% better.

            The cheapest I've seen it for is my local branch of Electronics Boutique for £9.99 (around $16 US)


            • #7
              Get it!

              BTW, I would not pay more than $6 for CTP II

              What's so great about the Med MOD?
              "I'm an engineer. I make slides that people can't read. Sometimes I eat donuts." - Alice


              • #8
                You all!
                Just a bunch of people to critisize the game I'm spending my time on, I guess?

                Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                • #9
                  I kinda don't like the game but for that price I'd buy it.


                  • #10
                    CTP is a great game with many aspects to learn a much better war than CIVII...consider yourself lucky!
                    The C:CTP MASTER.....


                    • #11
                      I love the look of it so far, but it will take quite some time for me to tell if I'm going to get into it.

                      If you know anyone who would like to pick up a copy, send them over to and check out the $5.99 software section. That's where I got CtP.


                      • #12
                        This is an add!

                        If you haven't been there before (or even if you had) visit the
                        multiplaying forum and see what's going on there.

                        Read the threads, most are from PBEM games and some are better that others.

                        Normal comments:
                        CTP-PBEM games=slow game: Yes.
                        CTP-PBEM games=boring start: Agreed (normally).

                        But it is getting more and more exiting for you as the games grows older.

                        Actually, it's hard for some of us to live without our daily turn, feel the bloodpressure rising as you open your turn, thinking: "What have those other bastards done to me this time???"

                        And for the 6$. It's cheap. Buy it and get started. When the SP games do not satisfy you anymore, join the PBEM partyzone.
                        First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                        • #13
                          $6! Lucky dog. Last local egghead went out of buisness 3-4 years ago.

                          Has anyone seen CTP 1 online near this price?

                          I have CTP2, but would love to pick up a copy of CTP 1 to add to my library. Any hints to find it cheap would be most welcome.

                          Last week I did find SMAC at best buy for $9... want to trade?

                          Also, does anyone know specifically what the DVD version of CTP 1 adds? I've read reports here in the forums (thanks all) that the DVD version isn't patchable (to 1.2), and dosen't support user mods/scenarios (can this be true?) - but I'm curious just exactly what the DVD allowed them to put on the disk to make it worth while for Activision to have 2 versions.

                          All answers appreciated.

                          Last edited by grey; June 12, 2001, 16:19.


                          • #14
                            Grey, go to There, you'll notice a $5.99 software section. You can pick up CtP1 for only $5.99, shipping included! Of course, this is the CD only--there is no printed documentation, which for me is a bummer, but I'm working through it. Go get it!


                            • #15
                              Thanks for the pointer!

                              I had done a "search" at egghead for "civilization" but only turned up the Mac version - listed at $25.

                              now don't you all wonder why the "search" only lists the more expensive software... hmm....

                              I'll point out to anyone else that the $5.99 includes ground shipping. pretty cool.

                              Looking forward to joining the "cpt vs ctp2 threads" in "up to 30 days" - at which point I imagine I'll need these strategy threads more too.

                              Shameless plea: now if only someone could solve my CTP2 problem over at

                              Thanks again,

