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    By Merlin

    Recorded by the Monk Cathorix of the Articusian Order in Rome

    In 4000 B.C. Merlin the First founded the city of Rome on the river Salus in the southern woods. After his death in 4100 B.C. his decendents continued his wishes and expaned the empire. They built Pompii and Antium in the northern plains and these cities grew well. Under Merlin the X the empire changed to a monarchy and began the great exploration of this continent. Some years later we changed to Theocracy under Merlin XV, the King now became the Archbishop of Rome and High Preist, "Fait infinitum lux" (Let there be infinte light). By this time Merlin the XV had discoverd the Turkish empire. The explorers traveled west to seek their empire for Merlin the XV did not want any competiton on this contininent. The explorers along with clerics travel along a strip of land bettween the Glacier Mountian to the west of the northern plains and the Southern Sea. Finnally they emerged on the Southwestern end of the continent and found Istantbul. A cleric Friar Articus attempted to convert the city of Istantbul but the heretics would not listen. Then Ankara was discovered by our explorers to the Southeast of Istanbul. Friar Articus traveled there and converted them, but in a few years the Turkish troops killed all belivers! Rome would go to war with the Turks! By now we had discovered the use of gun powder and cannons. Rome built 3 prototype cannon and sent them with an army of older troops to the west. After finnally reaching the land of the Turks Friar preached the end was near in Ankara, not long afterwards the great army struck! The 3 cannon decimated the enemy troops. There were no injuries or casualties on the Roman side and the defenders were totally defeated. The great army took Ankara. Then moved to Istanbul and conquered it in the same manner, a total defeat for our enemies. Afterwards the army moved north and conquered the last Turkish city, the Turks were no more. Now it is 1450 A.D. Not long ago Merlin the XXXXVIIII changed Rome into a democracy. I the last monk of the Articusian order write this record in the halls of the cathedral in Rome in remeberence of the glorious centuries of the Roman Theocracy.

    "Fait infinitum lux" (Let there be infinte light).
    Last edited by Martin Gühmann; April 27, 2012, 18:25.
    Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"