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Forever Future mod: first PBEM game thread

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  • okay


    • Oh, and congratulations on your first factories, Eerion. The unmistakable stink reached us even up here
      160 sent.


      • "First".
        First ones were created long time ago

        161 to Max


        • Phew! Indeed the stench is getting worse, and 99.9% of our world's pollution comes from Japan. 200 turns (and dropping) to disaster! Kyoto IS in Japan ... Isn't it? Do something about your problem, Japan, rather than making cute little sarcastic remarks!


          • I will. Must only develop some pollution cleansers.
            If you want, you may help me with that. Develop that tech fast and we'll trade for it.


            • Actually, I'd rather discover Banking first.


              • Originally posted by Eerion View Post
                I will. Must only develop some pollution cleansers.
                If you want, you may help me with that. Develop that tech fast and we'll trade for it.
                Okay! It's a deal! ... Wait, but what do you offer in trade? You offer to clean up your own mess that you made all by yourself?? Such a deal! Are you from the United States by any chance?


                • Originally posted by Eerion View Post
                  I will. Must only develop some pollution cleansers.
                  If you want, you may help me with that. Develop that tech fast and we'll trade for it.
                  There are other ways to immediately bring down pollution...

                  Mr. Hirohito -- Tear down your factories!


                  • I'd be nice if you could cut off such demands.
                    It's completely unacceptable, and I will never agree to such illogical behaviour.

                    Turn 162 to MAx
                    Last edited by Eerion; November 10, 2011, 18:37.


                    • Originally posted by Eerion View Post
                      I'd be nice if you could cut off such demands.
                      It's completely unacceptable, and I will never agree to such illogical behaviour.

                      Turn 162 to MAx
                      I can see by your response you're taking this personally. It's just a game, with little ones and zeros swimming around the screen. We're just having some fun with your MASSIVE lead, Eerion ... What else are we to do -- bow down, worship, and move out of the way of the almighty powerful Japanese Empire? Sorry, I can't do that! Relax!


                      • I see the American culture is greatly influencing the Holy Japanese Empire! Why do you have to take only the worst from it, though
                        Turn 162 to quinns.


                        • I can see by your response you're taking this personally. It's just a game, with little ones and zeros swimming around the screen. We're just having some fun with your MASSIVE lead, Eerion ... What else are we to do -- bow down, worship, and move out of the way of the almighty powerful Japanese Empire? Sorry, I can't do that!
                          I'm not taking this personally.
                          I'm responcing as a leader of great nation
                          That's why I left a space between out of game message (162 to Max) :P
                          And if we were talking out of game - sorry, then I missed that
                          Max - I knew you'll say it. Darn :P

                          edit: I just thought that it's pretty hard to communicate in this game because of no in-game message senders. It's hard to behave that your ruler is angry because of some actions, because it may end like now. You have any idea for that. I like roleplay in such games, and something it's pretty evil roleplaying, but I don't want make people think that I'm doing it for real


                          • Okay, I understand... Thanks for explaining. I misunderstood

                            Now then... where was I, where was I... oh yes, factories! Would you please put some perfume in them, oh great Japanese leader? They really, really stink. And Lord Viking, if you think they stink up in Viking Land, they REALLY stink the nearer you get to Japan! The Mexican people now walk around with breathing masks all day.


                            • I don't think that breathing masks have been invented yet...
                              Sorry, had to write that

                              After Pope experienced dark side of factories, he asked his scientists to find a way to reduce such pollution. They told they'll solve that matter, but need some time. But before that happens shutting factories down would deny work of generations of Japanese workers, so we would appriciate if you refrain from such unacceptable demands. And maybe, when you will be about to create your own factories, we may share the informations about cleansing with you.

                              Where's my turn? I'm currently pretty busy in rotterdam, but I'd love to send 1 today
                              Last edited by Eerion; November 11, 2011, 16:54.


                              • Oh I beg to differ... we invented the "Scarf" also known as a "Keffiyeh" several thousand years ago (in ancient Mesopotamia -- see below wiki reference). They can be used to filter out some of the vile Japanese pollution by wrapping them around our mouths and breathing through them. Quite the invention... eh?

                                KeffiyehFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search

                                The keffiyeh/kufiya (Arabic: كوفية‎, kūfiyyah, plural كوفيات, kūfiyyāt), also known as a ghutrah (غترة), ḥaṭṭah (حطّة), mashadah (مشدة) , shemagh (شماغ) or in Persian chafiye (چفیه), Kurdish cemedanî ( جه مه داني) and Turkish puşi, is a traditional Arab headdress fashioned from a square, usually cotton, scarf. It is typically worn by Arab men, as well as some Kurds. It is commonly found in arid regions to provide protection from direct sun exposure, as well to protect the mouth and eyes from blown dust and sand. Its distinctive woven check pattern may have originated in an ancient Mesopotamian representation of either fishing nets or ears of grain.[

