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Insanely huge citysize?

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  • Insanely huge citysize?


    As the topic says... once upon a time around 10 years ago, I remember playing a CtP 1 game for the first time, i was hooked right then and there. Only managed to get 3 or 4 cities, but the strange part about it, was the middle one I had..... it had a size of 127... then it got taken over by some artificial intelligence... A.I. Takeover. (Not the computer AI's... but just a technological advance A.I. thingie).

    Been pondering on this for a long time, an have never found anyone who could state that a city in this game 'should' be able to reach that size.

    So I'm wondering... is it even possible..? As far as I can remember, i did not run any mods, just the basic CTP1 game.

    I remember being waaaaaaaay ahead in technology, having space stuffs etc.

    What's your largest citysize folks? And if u can answer, is what happened to me a bug or something that can actually happen in the game..?

  • #2
    Well it sounds like a really high amount. I bet you can cheat it using the cheat mode. I've never seen a bug like that before. The upper limit on the amount of population a city can support before the post modern ages is something like 106 or 107. Its theoretically possible, but would be difficult.


    • #3
      The thing is, i didn't cheat it .. xD

      An it was extreme late game, tech-wise


      • #4
        I had a friend hit an insane number over 100 also, he did it using those CTP equivalents of We Love the King days which kept his city automatically growing 1 population a turn. It worked out well until the celebration ended and then his city started to starve. He didn't each either, likely you both did the same thing to get there.


        • #5
          Oh yeah... i recall having those We wuv teh King thing too .... but they didn't starve afterwards... they city just got a hostile takeover by my own created A.I.... xD

          So We Love the King-day's makes it grow 1 size per turn eh?


          • #6
            That's possible without cheating. The answer is: Meat Factories. The building allows a city to generate extra food and thus to grow beyond the limit set by the terrain. Though it does not happen all the time you build it. And you probably built the Wonder which gets rid of all unhappiness in your empire but has the risk of 10% each turn of breaking off from your state. Bad luck .


            • #7
              Ahhhhhhhhh that explains tons then... cheers Imhotep

              Now.. if I could just find my old CtP discs an re-create that scenario...


              • #8
                I am not sure what the limit is, but playing chieftan difficulty it is pretty easy to get a city to grow 1 pop a turn from agri rev to the end of the game if you keep the food maxed and happiness >85 or >100 if you get low on food. I have had cities upto 200+. Can't do it on diety difficulty though.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by dxp82 View Post

                  As the topic says... once upon a time around 10 years ago, I remember playing a CtP 1 game for the first time, i was hooked right then and there. Only managed to get 3 or 4 cities, but the strange part about it, was the middle one I had..... it had a size of 127... then it got taken over by some artificial intelligence... A.I. Takeover. (Not the computer AI's... but just a technological advance A.I. thingie).

                  Been pondering on this for a long time, an have never found anyone who could state that a city in this game 'should' be able to reach that size.

                  So I'm wondering... is it even possible..? As far as I can remember, i did not run any mods, just the basic CTP1 game.

                  I remember being waaaaaaaay ahead in technology, having space stuffs etc.

                  What's your largest citysize folks? And if u can answer, is what happened to me a bug or something that can actually happen in the game..?

                  Wow! A city size of 127?! That's pretty incredulous, but not impossible. I'm currently in a game with a city size of only 27, but I once had one go up to 33.

                  For me, it's a simple forumla: Slavers & the Emancipation Act.

                  Step 1: Get as many Slavers as you can, as fast as you can.

                  Step 2: Get those Slavers into battle, alongside strong units who have a good chance of winning fights.

                  Step 3: Using Slavers locked with strong units, attack as many opposing units as possible, as fast as possible. Every battle you win adds 1 point to your closest city.

                  Step 4: Don't let anybody build the stupid Emancipation Act wonder. Use Lawyers or Nukes or bombard the hell out of the opposition, but whatever you do, never let anyone get that wonder!

                  Step 5: Sit back an watch your city grow to unprecedented levels!!!

                  BTW: You know what the truly funny part is? As soon as your civ establishes itself as a slave-taking civ, the AI invariably sends out Abolitionists in an attempt to set your slaves free. These dumb units, if detected early enough, will increase your city size just by going there and getting captured by Slavers! It's flawless!!!


                  • #10
                    That can't work, you can only have a max of 27 slaves without a slave revolt, and only 20 of those can work.

                    Virtual democracy and food vats can produce some large city sizes quite quickly, and of course happiness control is important since the sensorium only takes care of 80 pop.


                    • #11
                      Sensorium takes care of 8,000 pop, so don't worry Food vats is not the way to go, since they give you only +5 food surplus (but are neccesary to keep a giant city from starving). Non-stop celebrations are the way to go, and once the city hits 20 pop or so, shelling out enough Entertainers to achieve that is easy. Even the Sensorium isn't neccesary, since a new entertainer citizen gives +2 Happiness, while increasing Overcrowding only by 1 (kinda broken).

                      Personally I managed to have some size 35-40 cities before the end of the game, but I was playing on Emperor/Deity. On Chieftain, having size 100 cities is not unheard of.

                      Capturing Abolitionists... damn, it's a guilty pleasure

