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Alien victory conditions

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  • Alien victory conditions

    Ive been trying to stop the game from finishing in the event of completing the alien project

    I just want to be able to press the "continue" botton when I'm defeated by a player who has completed the alien life form

    I've tried all the txt files and ldl files

    the closest I got was in "victoryscreen.ldl" but the text for continue botton is just like the other two (credits and high scores)
    and in the string file it just says "CONTINUE"

    I dont want to delete the wormhole wonder
    I just want to play further after the alien project

  • #2
    Re: Alien victory conditions

    [QUOTE] Originally posted by Megadude
    Ive been trying to stop the game from finishing in the event of completing the alien project

    I just want to be able to press the "continue" botton when I'm defeated by a player who has completed the alien life form

    I've tried all the txt files and ldl files

    Originally posted by Megadude
    the closest I got was in "victoryscreen.ldl" but the text for continue botton is just like the other two (credits and high scores)
    and in the string file it just says "CONTINUE"
    I guess the continue button is disabled, so that you can't press it. Anyway that is a tough question, I assume that the disabling of the continue button is hard encoded. I assume that you can continue the game if you win the alien life form project.

    Originally posted by Megadude
    I dont want to delete the wormhole wonder
    I just want to play further after the alien project
    Well you could strip the wormhole sensor from the flag: WONDER_FLAG_WORMHOLE_DETECTOR

    The result would be that no-one could build the alien life form project.

    Unfortunately, I cannot tell you whether the game can be modified so that you can press the continue button even if you have lost the alien life project. But I assume that this is not possible.

    Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


    • #3
      thanks man
      but I found a better way
      if you save the game when the defeated tab pops up
      and load it , there wont be any defeated tab anymore !!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Megadude
        if you save the game when the defeated tab pops up
        and load it , there wont be any defeated tab anymore !!
        Ah, I forgot that. Indeed the developers of the game forgot to make that window modal.

        Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"

