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Another oldtimer has left - Hatschy

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  • Another oldtimer has left - Hatschy

    Mail received from Hatschy

    -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
    Fra: Harald Lernbeiss []
    Sendt: 16. september 2007 19:20
    Til: dancemasseuse (E-Mail); Milamber (E-Mail); Ricketyclik (E-Mail); TheBirdMan (E-Mail); Keygen (E-Mail); Ken Pierce (E-Mail)

    Emne: Have to say goodbye ...

    Hi all,

    first I have to apologize for not even reading my gaming emails for several
    weeks. Second, and that's the bad news, the past weeks showed me that I
    cannot continue playing CtP, not even the games I'm currently in, due to
    lack of time. For the multiplayer games, please try to find someone who
    takes over for me. All those who have a challenge match running with me,
    please claim a victory for yourself and please tell whoever manages the
    challenge ladder update now to take me off the ladder.

    Thanks for all the hours you spent with the games. It's been a great time
    playing with you and a lot of fun,


    What to say - Be careful out there.

    Work is ok, but it's not all.
    First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.


  • #2
    Re: Another oldtimer has left - Hatschy

    What!!?? No time for CTP!!!!?? What's this world coming to?

    Good luck out there Hatschy! Come back when you have a little bit of free time!!

