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  • I am interested in a new team game but with the following format:

    4 civs, TheBirdMan and Kralj Matjaz in the one team, running a single civ each, and me alone in the other team running two civs.

    We'll ask for a third party to start it making sure that we all get as equal starting locations as possible using the cheat mode.


    • Originally posted by Keygen
      I am interested in a new team game but with the following format:

      4 civs, TheBirdMan and Kralj Matjaz in the one team, running a single civ each, and me alone in the other team running two civs.

      We'll ask for a third party to start it making sure that we all get as equal starting locations as possible using the cheat mode.
      I would say, running 2 nations alone is more efficient than having 2 persons to coordinate 2 nations....... Besides Kralj and I plays very different - at least in the early part of a game.

      I would accept you and me with 2 nations each. An expanded challengegame you can say. And having a third party to set that game up for us.
      First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



      • How about you, Kralj and ricketyclik, running from one civ each against me running two civs only?

        That is a challenge I would gladly take


        • Nah.


          • Originally posted by Kralj Matjaz

            However, I'll go to visit Ricketys land ( next week and will be away another month...
            I come from the land down under
            Where women blow and men chunder
            Can you hear, can you hear that thunder?
            You'd better run
            You'd better take cover

            (Men at Work)

            Enjoy Kralj


            • Originally posted by Keygen
              How about you, Kralj and ricketyclik, running from one civ each against me running two civs only?

              That is a challenge I would gladly take
              Really..... No, that wouldn't be fair either - take 3 nations...... If Kralj and Rickty say "yes" that is . But we have to wait until Kralj is back, unless he (and you) agrees that either Rickety or I could play his nation while he is away.

              I still think coordination between two is difficult. Between 3 even more difficult. But a game like you propose could have fun enough to try it out.
              First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



              • I would prefer waiting for Stojan to return, might have finished 1-2 more games by then

                But I think Rick just said no


                • Correct

