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Chicken Run Part V

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  • Turn 93 to dancemasseuse.


    • Turn 93 to the Zulus
      First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



      • Turn?


        • Ugh

          I got some sort of Trojan and it took out some OS files and I spent all day yesterday reinstalling, however, I could not put XP back on, so had to go with factory install restore, which is by default Vista.

          That being said, I could not get Call To Power to work properly. I will try but from memory, had a heck of a time getting it installed when I originally purchased this PC with Vista.

          I will try to resolve this one way or another in next few days.

          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


          • Due to some recent events, my future time with Apolyton will be extremely limited. While I have more than enjoyed the good folks here and the bond of fellowship established, recent events have shown me my misplaced committments. If anyone feels the necessity to replace me, I understand and encourage this course of action.

            Perhaps my committment may be reestablished, but does not look so in the near future. Just to let you good folks know, I will miss our many good times, battle's and positioning in games and most of all, you all taking me under your wing and making me feel like family. Most of you, this I stress because most disturbingly, not all.

            It is ok, for I understand many highways and many byways in life.

            Some however end up against a wall, which is where I am at this time.

            Grandpa "Missing the good times" Troll
            Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah

