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Recruitment Center Book VII

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  • Recruitment Center Book VII

    Recruitment Center

    ...continued from Recruitment Center Book VI

    Well... a place about all those CTP funs who find no challenge in playing against the AI and looking for a human opponent but... don't know where to start or how to join a PBEM game. We all were in that position in the one or the other way once. Or for current PBEM players who are simply looking for new games to join or new players to start from scratch. So here you will be able to find or ask for valuable information about this seductive way to play against humans called PBEM or indicate your desire to play PBEM!

    There are two known ways to join a PBEM game. Either start a new one or replace another player who has left from a game in progress.

    Here are some basic things you should know about PBEM:

    1. PBEM is the way to start a game with human opponents without having to worry about the time pressure:
    "Damn I have to leave. I have an urgent job to do."
    "Common harry up dude! I don't want to wait a whole life to play a turn!"
    "I am an American. I can play from 1:00AM-5:00AM (GMT). I am Europian and I can only play from 6:00PM-10:00PM (GMT)."
    "Is it day or night?"
    You can play via email at any time you like and yes you can go to the rest room without having to worry about what excuse to find.

    2. Have a question?
    a) Do you want to join a PBEM? Post here asking to join a game.
    b) Do you want to start your own game but don't know how? Post here asking for people to join in and how to start it.
    c) Do you want info about anything except joinning or starting PBEM? Do not post here!

    3. In order to play PBEM you must have 1.2 patch. If you don't have it you can find it at Apolyton or Activision.

    4. The Hack 1.21 is not required but you can have it installed if you'd like.

    5. If you are thinking of getting engaged to PBEM games then you should know that we PBEM players DO NOT LIKE players who disappear without giving a reason why they did. If you are not sure whether you want or have the time to join a PBEM then DO NOT JOIN.

    6. New PBEM players are consider people who have little to none PBEM experience.

    7. There is no 7 point! At list I can't think of anything else right now

    Any youngblood looking for his first PBEM game experience? Or perhaps an older player who wants to join a new game?

    Related Threads

    Recruitment Center Book VI
    Recruitment Center Book V
    Recruitment Center Book IV
    Recruitment Center Book III
    Youngblood Recruitment Center Book II
    Youngblood Recruitment Center

  • #2
    World Scenario

    Turn: 210
    Age: Diamond
    Players: 5 (Originally 6)
    Started: April 2000
    Comments: Currently racing for Alien Life Project completion. ~10-15 turns left to finish.

    Team Spirit

    Turn: 136
    Age: Modern
    Players: 8
    Started: October 2000
    Commends: 4 teams of 2 players each.

    Aint No Fun

    Turn: 191
    Age: Diamond
    Players: 6
    Started: May 2001
    Commends: Relatively near ending. One powerful civilization.

    Three Guns

    Turn: 136
    Age: Modern
    Players: 5 (Originally 6)
    Started: August 2001
    Commends: 3 teams of 2 players each. 1 player eliminated. Nuclear war in progress.

    Let There Be Rock

    Turn: 105
    Age: Modern
    Players: 6
    Started: August 2001
    Commends: Played about half the game.

    Chicken Run

    Turn: 73
    Age: Renaissance
    Players: 8
    Started: May 2001
    Commends: At relatively early stage.


    Turn: 289
    Age: Diamond
    Players: 8
    Started: September 1999
    Commends: The very first CTP PBEM started at Apolyton. Near ending.

    Unspeakable Bloodlust

    Turn: 114
    Age: Modern
    Players: 5 (Originally 6)
    Started: January 2002
    Commends: Bloodlust on. One powerful civilization candidate to win. Relatively near ending.


    Turn: 184
    Age: Modern
    Players: 5 (Originally 6)
    Started: July 2002
    Commends: Played about half the game.

    The Weakest Link

    Turn: 10
    Age: Ancient
    Players: 8
    Started: March 2003
    Commends: 4 teams of 2 players each. First team to completely annihilate only one rival player will win the game. Very early stage.


    • #3
      Looking for players to join the above PBEM games that have been dead for a long time. There are some active players that were part of some or all of the fore mentioned games. If you're interested in continuing playing in them post here.


      • #4
        I'm still willing to moderate unspeakable, play in monkey and three guns.
        lost all information for these games when my hard drive fried.
        will need updated info for all games plus any other games i am in.
        I heard a loud voice, I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! It's rider was named Death, and hades was following close behind him. They were given power over one fourth of the earth to kill by the sword, famine and plague.
        Revelation 6:8


        • #5
          monkey thread closed?
          unspeakeable bloodlust closed?

          they all get the following message:

          Forum Message
          Sorry! This forum is not accepting new posts.
          anti steam and proud of it

          CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


          • #6
            Platypus Rex, all threads that are located in the archives, including the games in question cannot be used to post anything, they're locked.

            What I will have to do when and if any of the above games revives is to start a new thread.


            • #7
              OK, the following players are interested so far:

              dancemasseuse, horned frog, cuaich, platypus rex, milamber , nuke boy, gumpold and me.

              Anyone else? Just one game would do


              • #8
                Since I have had part of many of the games.... then count me in.

                TBM, starting his 3rd CTP-PBEM life .
                First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                • #9
                  I'll stay active in the ones I'm already in.


                  • #10
                    I'll join in any that need to be finished, I was in Chicken run at one point, before it was abandoned again.


                    • #11
                      Tempting to join in, but I need to finish up some games I have going first.

                      I wanted to post here that we need a substitute for Mathemagician in the Domination and Peaceful Noodle games. Details below . . .

                      PEACEFUL NOODLE
                      turn 111, renaissance age
                      you replace Mathemagician of the Dornheimer
                      Currently in 3rd place out of 8
                      6 human and two AI players
                      Link to thread:

                      SIMPLE MATTER OF DOMINATION
                      turn 109 renaissance age
                      you replace Mathemagician of the Dornheimer
                      Currently in 4th place out of 7
                      7 human players
                      Link to thread:


                      • #12
                        As far as I can remember, I was in "Monkey" and "Chicken Run" and I'll stay in, if they come back to life again. "The Weakest Link" sounds interesting, so if still in need of a replacement, I'll play. And I think I can take one more. It doesn't matter which one, just tell me.


                        • #13
                          OK, it took me some time to figure out where to put everyone according to their posts, fairness and balance. I came up with the following order:

                          World Scenario: Kralj Matjas (Brazilian), Nuke Boy (Germans), Keygen (Americans), EPW (Assyrians), TheBirdMan (Zulus)

                          Team Spirit: MILAMBER (Russians), Nuke Boy (Incans), Keygen (Greeks), EPW (Germans), dancemasseuse (Cubans), TheBirdMan (Mayans), Kralj Matjas (Persians), Cuaich (Indians)

                          Aint No Fun: Keygen (Greeks), Horned Frog (Germans), TheBirdMan (Irish), dancemasseuse (Japanese), Nuke Boy (Americans), Kralj Matjas (Mayans)

                          Three Guns: Keygen (Greeks/Germans), MILAMBER (Canadians), dancemasseuse (Native Americans), ricketyclik (Australians)

                          Let There Be Rock: Keygen (Greeks), TheBirdMan (Hebrews), Dimytes (Russians), Cuaich (Brazilians), J Bytheway (English), ricketyclik (Americans)

                          Chicken Run: Keygen (Scottish), dancemasseuse (Romans), TheBirdMan (Vikings), Horned Frog (Zulus), hatschy (Russians), EPW (English), Pave (Greeks), Cuaich (Mayans)

                          Monkey: EPW (Chinese), TheBirdMan (Romans), dancemasseuse (Jamaicans), Hatschy (Germans), Keygen (English), Paul (Russians), MILAMBER (Americans), Platypus Rex (Scottish)

                          Unspeakable Bloodlust: EPW (English), dancemasseuse (Polynesians), Dimytes (Egyptians), Keygen (Japanese), Kralj Matjaz (Phoenicians)

                          Midway: TheBirdMan (Chinese), Nuke Boy (Indians), dancemaseuse (Vikings), Keygen (Egyptians), Cuaich (French)
                          I'll still need confirmation from Kralj Matjas, Nuke Boy, Dimytes, J Bytheway, Pave and Paul who are already part of some of the above games and I know they're active.

                          As for the rest let me know if you have any objection with the above line up.


                          • #14
                            So how are we going to get these restarted?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by EPW
                              So how are we going to get these restarted?

                              Something like this. World Scenario turn 210 to Krajl.

                              I have several of the games in my old archive, so that could be one way.

                              TBM aka Max.
                              First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.


