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Inquiry into status of Super League current Games

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  • Inquiry into status of Super League current Games

    I am, as previously stated, not attempting to overthrow and throw in to a Negative Paradigm Shift but rather a more streamlined,friendly and competitive and repitive gaming system that more can enjoy,

    I would like feedback, i.e. not a spamfest please, I will delete non essential remarks to keep focused on subject, but want to know how many games want to continue in the current season.

    I am all for continueing the season, just if the games are not moving then lets call them and move to a more streamlined season.

    I for one want to have a very simple scoring system. I also want a very simple setup.

    First) Please vote in the Poll I will start

    Second) Please comment on your vote i.e. Grandpa Troll votes stop games that are dead and start a new season.

    Third) I will start another thread on game setup

    Fourth) Lets be flexible and lets be fair to all.

    I am excited and many feedback in the form of poositive comments are being shared.

    I have been made a moderator so It would seem I can and will move forward. I say this in a non dictatorship manner but more so in that we need no committee,subcommittee rules,bylaws and the such to comlicate matters.

    Lets just as a fun loving group of men just say lets do it and make it happen. Please/

    I look forward and hope the same is fpr you all!

    Yes, if no activity within 45 days
    Yes if no activity within 30 days
    No, let them stay no matter how long they are inactive
    Let them stay and start a new season with new improved more fun game parameters

    The poll is expired.

    Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah

  • #2
    I am for giving some time to the slow games to finish but if stalled for a long time drop them completely and give a defeat to the team that is holding the game if it is not doubtless winning otherwise give no points at all.

    Doubtless winning would mean both teammates leading in the Power Graph and that the game is not in an early stage.


    • #3

      I shall go through and purge older games and then ckear up the board.

      Then we can get to the two or three modes of play.

      First) A Super League Streamlined for quicker more reliable play

      Second) a Small map simple scoring high intensity map gameing setup

      Third) What Dimytes spoke of in his thread

      Fourth) A Successsion game for the community to participate and watch an observed the best in action!!

      Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


      • #4
        Time to punch the time clock and get to work!

        I am a manager by trade and therefore waste of productivity and inefficiecncy is like a bare nerve in a tooth cavity, ya gotta get relief and ya gotta get it NOW!

        Motivating your people is utmost importance to maintain the edge on being the leader, some lead some follow but some slow things up and then the wheels fall off the wagon.

        I am gong go through these games and then shed light on the dead-in-the-water ones so we may move forward.

        I ask your input.

        I ask your support in revamping an outmoded and non-working style.

        I am here to serve you, my feloow Apolyton Members.

        I am taking the reigns and ask you join me for the ride.

        I ask you for trust and for committment.

        I dont expect to find weapons of mass destruction, nor do I expect any Axis of Evile.

        What I do however expect is to find games that have run off into the weeds and have overgrown.

        These are the ones I want to declare D.R.T. (Dead Right There)

        I look forward to working closely with all members of the community.

        Grandpoa Troll


        CTP Multiplayer and Super League CIVGROUP Moderator/Leader.
        Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


        • #5
          Yes if no activity within 30 days.

          It's about time somebody came here and started streamlining things. Grandpa Troll
          The Chuck Norris military unit was not used in the game Civilization 4, because a single Chuck Norris could defeat the entire combined nations of the world in one turn.
          - Chuck Norris Facts

