Could someone tell me , for a scenario, with a couple humans, how I could allow each human to have say 3 advances of their choice?
is it possible
I was wondering with the one free tech game could that be changes somehow to allowing a human "X" choice instead of one choice?
If so would that throw the game off or would say if you picked mass transport for troops ships at start
could you
A) have troop ships if you didnt have any sea faring advances yet?
B) If you picked mass transport you would or would not be allowed the next advance after mass transport or would you still have to drop back and pick up all prerequisites up to that point first (Preferably)
Took me all day to think up that one
I shall await experts to advise me
is it possible
I was wondering with the one free tech game could that be changes somehow to allowing a human "X" choice instead of one choice?
If so would that throw the game off or would say if you picked mass transport for troops ships at start
could you
A) have troop ships if you didnt have any sea faring advances yet?
B) If you picked mass transport you would or would not be allowed the next advance after mass transport or would you still have to drop back and pick up all prerequisites up to that point first (Preferably)
Took me all day to think up that one
I shall await experts to advise me