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EPIC PBEM Proposed

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  • EPIC PBEM Proposed

    I am wondering if anyone here would be interested in an epic adventure.......

    I am working on a scenario and it involves a const.txt file change for the map size as well as a few altered files..such as units not having abilities to pirate or pillage

    I have excluded some as well

    Let me know

    I would suspect you would fair well with 512 RAM and a decent processor

    Let me know if any interest is abound..I am starting a scenario single player to do as a storyline

    I am so so in the modding and not looking for any official match just a nice friendly game

    I have no problems compiling a list of any/all alterations

    I have a slic code whereas you get some PW "per" POP COUNT

    let me know if anyone is interested

    Additionally, I went to the diffb.txt and altered the years per turn so the game takes longer and slows down

    Looking forward to potential playing partners

    Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah

  • #2
    I'd be interested in seeing what you're up to!!


    • #3
      I am finishing up at work now.....

      What I would like is to get 1 or two who would be interested in a massive game with several ai's

      I, if found some interesting parties, would make this setup and play..

      Ill wait to see how people respond..maybe we could get some folks interested...


      Trollworld and how it came to be

      Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


      • #4
        I might be up for such a game. Seems like all the other games I'm in have stalled out. But I have a couple questions first.

        I have read about some of the modifications or whatever that you can download, but I haven't tried any of them yet. If we play this modified game, do I have to download the same modifications as you? Also, if I did download some of the modifications that are supposed to make the AI more challenging or change how trade works etc, will that affect how my other PBEM games act and stuff? I have kind of wanted to mess around with some of that, but I'm worried it'll just screw the game up or start making my other PBEM games wig out. What's your experience with this?

        If it's not going to mess with my other PBEM games, I'm in!


        • #5

          according to the following distinguished group NO IT WONT






          and a few others...

          all we will do is be using a scenario

          PLUS one file the const.txt file

          Now according to them all you have to do is start the game with the file as host we will see

          If I need to send the copy of the const.txt file to each player for them to "start" then they can revert back to the original after then no problem thats what I do when playing my scenarios

          I will be gathering more information as time passes..I want to keep this to say 3-4 humans and then we could go with no ai

          I am speaking in the neighborhood of a 350 X 700 map

          the default is 70 X 140 so as you can see it will be a super sweet map..maybe a long time before interaction..that's my whole point with this game lots of time to establish a Kingdom and will be a big military to do combat

          Ill keep all interested up to date so we can see who is and isnt interested

          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


          • #6
            It does sound interesting, Gramps.

            What other changes have you made? (I like big maps).
            I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

            Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...


            • #7
              "Unofficially" (and I will publish an official list when time comes if people show interest)

              I tweaked the risks.txt (ruins) to give a low of 390 gold and high of 1500 with an 85 % chance of gold, increased the ruins chance in the box as well as took out barbs.

              I made the units a .03% chance, 0% chance of finding a city and like .05% chance of a settler.

              Advancements chance was .04 and units was .03%

              Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


              • #8
                I can't remember for sure, it's been quite some time since my last occupation with scenario building, but I think in order the changes in const.txt to take effect must come from the original file and not a copy in the scenario folder. If you have already made it working then disregard this post.


                • #9
                  Files in some scenario folder (the folders in the "scenarios" folder) won't influence games other than those using the scenario. Changes in the "const.txt" will affect ALL of your games, so better keep a copy of the original file and don't forget to swap files before and after playing turns of this special mod.

                  Scenarios that contain nothing but SLIC code are not needed by players other than the one who starts the match. This is because the SLIC code is stored in the saved game files - encrypted of course, so you can't mess around with it in a running match ;-). What's not stored in the saved files, that's all the custom graphics (new icons etc.) or texts (e.g. for buttons in message boxes). As for texts, there is a way to display custom messages with SLIC code only (the message text can be custom, not the text on the buttons, see the OFT scenario for an example).


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Keygen
                    I can't remember for sure, it's been quite some time since my last occupation with scenario building, but I think in order the changes in const.txt to take effect must come from the original file and not a copy in the scenario folder. If you have already made it working then disregard this post.

                    That is the only file, as far as I remember, that cant be used in the scenario file folder
                    Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by hatschy
                      Files in some scenario folder (the folders in the "scenarios" folder) won't influence games other than those using the scenario. Changes in the "const.txt" will affect ALL of your games, so better keep a copy of the original file and don't forget to swap files before and after playing turns of this special mod.

                      Scenarios that contain nothing but SLIC code are not needed by players other than the one who starts the match. This is because the SLIC code is stored in the saved game files - encrypted of course, so you can't mess around with it in a running match ;-). What's not stored in the saved files, that's all the custom graphics (new icons etc.) or texts (e.g. for buttons in message boxes). As for texts, there is a way to display custom messages with SLIC code only (the message text can be custom, not the text on the buttons, see the OFT scenario for an example).
                      I will make a word document with all changes, not so many that will be impossible to keep up with

                      as for the SLIC I am thinking of starting a game with say 15 settlers..already have that SLIC

                      and perhaps a small PW SLIC whereas a small amount of pw is added per pop count per turn..

                      a few other things I am contemplating is I dont think a person should be penalized for swamp or somehow Ill change the terrain.txt to reflect something instead of the current bleak return..

                      I am very glad we got this much interest and will look at it as time goes by..I have done one of these in a relatively short time..a day or so..

                      I would start a fresh on with a document to record..I have side by side pc's so I can do the editing on one machine and docuemnt on other as I go along..

                      I have done these so many times..I found smaller changes are more stable than larger

                      another item I would do is increase the overall happiness as well as the city improvements so since we will have such a distance from Capital..I will look into perhaps tweaking that as well..maybe Cathredal being more potent (an expensive) to help defer that unhappiness penalty

                      I again thank all for the comments/suggestions/and encourgement

                      Grandpa "Not a real modder..just wanna-B a real modder" Troll
                      Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                      • #12
                        Well let me know I might want to be one of the human guinee pigs for this one.
                        If it ain't broke, find a bigger hammer.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by checkMate
                          Well let me know I might want to be one of the human guinee pigs for this one.
                          I will be making updates as time passes

                          looking forward checkmate
                          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                          • #14
                            Takes me back to my high school days when I was taking a bunch of computer programming classes---by the end of the day my eyes would be bugging out of my head from reviewing code for too long. Then I switched to biology in college. Good luck at making it work. I'm sorry that I'll have to defeat you all (if I'm invited to the game, of course) after you've worked so hard


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by thehappies
                              Takes me back to my high school days when I was taking a bunch of computer programming classes---by the end of the day my eyes would be bugging out of my head from reviewing code for too long. Then I switched to biology in college. Good luck at making it work. I'm sorry that I'll have to defeat you all (if I'm invited to the game, of course) after you've worked so hard
                              Hey looking forward

                              let me know in the meantime ifin ya want some of a friendly little get together now
                              Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah

