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Working In Space

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  • Working In Space

    At first I was just confused, now I'm convinced that I just plain don't know what I'm doing. Reading the manual, but so far no help.

    I have Space Planes, a Rail Launcher (which I have yet to see in space above the city), Space Engineers, and Storm Marines. I can't figure out how to get them into space - and if I could get them into space, how to get them down. They were all built on land, should they have been built in space?

    Also, assuming I locate the phantom rail launcher, does it lauch from land to space and space to land? Can any city use the launcher? This RL thing has me really confused - I guess that's the first thing I will try to find in the manual, but the manual track record of explaining fine points is not impressive.

    Would apprecite some wisdom.

    "One more such victory and we are undone" - Pyrrhus of Epirus

  • #2
    Space planes can launch on their own. Look for the button with the rocket taking off. It costs 10 movement points (and fuel). When a unit is in space it will have a decent button (I think it looks like a space capsule). Decending costs 10 also, but can be done with less. Space fighters work likewise.

    To launch other units into space you must have built either a Rail Launcher or the Star Ladder wonder. The unit must be in the city with the launcher or ladder. The launch button (just like the space plane and fighter) will appear for units in that city.

    Be warned, launches (ladder excepted) and decents generate polution, and quick. I've had a decent of a standard (non space) unit generate a runaway polution cycle.

    Also, Space Engineers can't move by themselves on the ground.

    Hope that covers it.
    "I draw your attention to the words of Werner Erhard, who declared that true clarity can come only when someone is willing to notice: 'There is something I do not know, the knowing of which could change everything.' " - Conversations with God, book 3


    • #3
      Thanks for the info. I never noticed that danged button, and I'll bet the manual explains it.

      Do have a question about the rail launcher. The Library said that the RL would appear in space in a pod above the city. I have the Star Ladder and a city in space above the city - I don't think the buiild city for the RL is the same one, and I don't see the pod in space. Did I get it right about the RL being in a pod?
      "One more such victory and we are undone" - Pyrrhus of Epirus


      • #4
        Originally posted by Neal the Neophyte
        Do have a question about the rail launcher. The Library said that the RL would appear in space in a pod above the city. I have the Star Ladder and a city in space above the city - I don't think the buiild city for the RL is the same one, and I don't see the pod in space. Did I get it right about the RL being in a pod?
        When a city builds a RL, it does not include a space city. So, when a unit is launched and there is no space city above it, the unit shows up in space as a cargo pod (reread the GL entry).

        Hope I understood your question.
        "I draw your attention to the words of Werner Erhard, who declared that true clarity can come only when someone is willing to notice: 'There is something I do not know, the knowing of which could change everything.' " - Conversations with God, book 3


        • #5
 have a great grasp on whats happening

          Thanks for answering the questions asked

          I have been extremely busy between CTP PBEM and CIVIII PBEM..over 40 gmaes plus several stories and succession games
          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah

