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President EPW's Dual Duel Success story

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  • President EPW's Dual Duel Success story

    Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah

  • #2
    4000 B.C

    Not much is known of the begginnings of the Great American Empire. It is known that the tribes were united on the Coadunation Hills the Supreme Overlord. It is said that seven other tribes were created, there leaders all eternal. They were all put here for one purpose: to conquer the World. It is said that Six of the other tribes have been given divine power to build great wonders, while the Americans and one other are forbidden to do so. Instead they were given the power of thought.

    The Ageless President EPW of the Americans was given supreme lordship over his people, his first task to find an appropiate place to build his first city.

    He orders his nomadic minions south away from Coadunation Hills. In the distance a strange animal is spotted, named Beaver.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by EPW; October 27, 2004, 20:17.


    • #3
      3950 B.C

      We arrive at the promised land of the Beaver. The prophets say that three great cities have been founded by our rivals.
      Last edited by EPW; October 27, 2004, 20:19.


      • #4
        3900 B.C

        After hundreds year travel, President EPW founds the Capitol of this great nation: Beaver City.

        President EPW proclaims to his people:
        "This monumental day marks the beginning of this great civilization. The road ahead of us shall be long and hard, but I shall lead us to success from my throne at our new Capitol!"
        Last edited by EPW; October 27, 2004, 20:19.


        • #5
          3850 B.C

          Training of an elite group of fighters and explorers is well under way. Many young men have been eager valunered to join this elite group of warriors. Sadley it will take many centurys for this unstoppable fighting machine to be completed, and these first pioneers of warfare will be long dead.

          EPW, seeing the depressions that death causes on his peoples, begins slowly to impose a relgion on his followers with himself at the head.
          Last edited by EPW; October 27, 2004, 20:20.


          • #6
            3750 BC

            The Great Warrior Army is finally complete. After hundred and fifty years of training this grand army marchs out of Beaver City. Their Cheif, Uba-Duba, is a great military leader, fimiliar with the woods and jungles surrounding beaver city. He has been bestowed the honor of naming whatever he and his warriors come apon.

            Soon after the warriors start their journey west along the yet-to-be-named water, they spot towering ancient Figures in the distant. Uba-Duba, a clever man, realizes that these are ruins of the ancients, perhaps even made by the Great Overlord himself.

            Uba-Duba, not being so clever with words, names the surrounding lands: Ruined Jungle
            Attached Files


            • #7
              3700 B.C.

              Uba-Duba, still chugging fifty years later, leads his men slowly into the ruins that they had spotted years ago. It didn't look like they were going to find anything, and they settled down for the mid-day meal. However, when one of the young warriors leaned against one of the giant stutues, it gave a load groan and toppled over, luckily missing the others. When everything settled down, the same young warrior noticed something shining at the base of the fallen statue. He went over for a closer look, and saw that it could be nothing else but gold! Whoever had built these statues had used gold as the foundation(explaining their lack of stability).

              Soon all the statues were pulled down and the gold gathered. It was then shipped back to the capitol and was given a value of 436 gold. President EPW was pleased.


              • #8
                3650 BC

                President EPW has succesfully launched his new religion. His people now bow down to him not only as their leader, but as their God as well. EPW has plans to base the entire structure of society on this princible, but it will take many hundreds of years to fully accomplish.


                • #9
                  3450 BC

                  President EPW continues to develope his theocratic Empire, and also sees that soon Beaver City will not be enough to contain his growing Empire. Hes sees great potential in a new city in the ruined jungle to the east.

                  The Uba-warriors(Uba-Dubba is long dead, but retain the name) continue their quest through new lands, mapping their way. Many generations have now lived in the jungle and know nothing of Beaver City. However, Uba's ancestors and his advisors are still loyal to the President, and send messangers back to Beaver City on their findings. (They do not know that they and every other army built are cursed with being enternally loyal to whichever great leader commands them).
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    Did you notate that map in-game, or with a different editor?
                    If it ain't broke, find a bigger hammer.


                    • #11
                      MS-Paint..that last one got a bit blurry for some reason....


                      • #12
                        3150 BC

                        After nearly half a millennia of preperation, 10,000 brave men and women leave Beaver City never to return. They leave lightly armed, and yet if they are destroyed America's future will be grim. The venture towards the Ruine Jungle and plane to settle along the coast...


                        • #13
                          3050 BC

                          The pilgrims finally reach their destination at the Ruined Jungles. They settle down and build a few huts, and even start training some warriors. They wisely name the new city Epwood, honoring their great President.


                          • #14
                            2900 BC

                            The city of Epwood sends out it's first warriors. They have been given the task of exploring the vast lands to the North. The success of Epwood has emboldened EPW to prepare two more groups of settlers in both cities.
                            Attached Files


                            • #15
                              2850 BC

                              The Uba-Duba warriors approached a great flowing river. There was an agrument among the leaders whether to cross it or not. They decided to cross it.

                              Once accross they saw ruins in the distance and approached cautously.
                              Attached Files

