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one crash too many

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  • one crash too many

    Hi people!

    I'm an addict of this fantastic game...
    But i have one huge problem. Whenever i get to the allmost end of the game (2100 AD etc, sometimes even earlier), the game quits after ending the turn. When i play with many competing civs, this happens earlier (sometimes even in 18th century) than when i play with fewer competing civs.

    None of the patches i find on this site seem to solve this problem.
    Any ideas??

    Tanx a million,

    a snowflake in distress

  • #2
    not sure but you could have an autosave and also try saving every few turns


    Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


    • #3
      yes, i save every few turns, in the end even every turn, but the problem is when he (the computer) quits the game, it is when i push the 'end turn' button, and if i restart the saved game and end the turn again, he quits again, and so on, and so on.
      i never get to the next turn.


      • #4
        i don't know if it would help, but try to install it again. I remember that I had the same problems two years ago, but now evrything is OK.


        • #5
          i uninstalled it and reinstalled it again, i bought a heavyer 3d-kaart with more memory and stuff like that, the problem is still there...

