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Important - Units.txt File.

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  • Important - Units.txt File.

    Due to some ..... experiences (I do loose (too) many battles).... I have had the latest 5-6 months I have made some tests with the units.txt file.

    It is now clear to me, that "local" changes in the values for a unit DO give the unit the power/weakness/line of sight (vision range) what-ever changed and it gives ONLY the "desired" effect for the player, who has different settings - just as the old problem with the wonder.txt file.

    Now - this is not to blame anyone (afterall I have not tested this before today, and I have played PBEM for years).

    But as we DO have several, who are modding/twinkling/testing/changing-for-fun any files they fall across, I think we should have a "set of files" - preferable the default from the game - placed on a-top-thread on the main-forums for both the challengeladder and the SL-games. Files all should be obliged to use when playing against others.
    First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.


  • #2
    Re: Important - Units.txt File.

    Originally posted by TheBirdMan
    Due to some ..... experiences (I do loose (too) many battles).... I have had the latest 5-6 months I have made some tests with the units.txt file.

    It is now clear to me, that "local" changes in the values for a unit DO give the unit the power/weakness/line of sight (vision range) what-ever changed and it gives ONLY the "desired" effect for the player, who has different settings - just as the old problem with the wonder.txt file.

    Now - this is not to blame anyone (afterall I have not tested this before today, and I have played PBEM for years).

    But as we DO have several, who are modding/twinkling/testing/changing-for-fun any files they fall across, I think we should have a "set of files" - preferable the default from the game - placed on a-top-thread on the main-forums for both the challengeladder and the SL-games. Files all should be obliged to use when playing against others.
    So a player would have the adavantage of whatever they "tweaked" the units.txt file to?

    Ya know, i believ ya and I'll leave it proof no pudding so i wont concoct any stories, just this is the reason I "caution" on PBEM play

    for the post Birdie

    Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


    • #3
      How much does it improve the battles Birdnam? Is it infinite? If it only affects the one having the text file it should be easy to check by redoing the battles on an unmodified installation.

      There are battle types that gives the attacker significant advantage to the opponent allthough they have same numbers and terrain from the start.

      ©Dimytes 2004


      • #4
        Well, he is saying that it's bad because it can be a potential cheat or an accident by some modder. If you triple defense of your Phalanxes, you win...

        If someone puts together a zip with the original/desired files, I'll top the thread and get it into the Directory.
        Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
        Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
        I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


        • #5
          Well, he is saying that it's bad because it can be a potential cheat or an accident by some modder. If you triple defense of your Phalanxes, you win...

          If someone puts together a zip with the original/desired files, I'll top the thread and get it into the Directory.
          Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
          Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
          I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


          • #6
            Tryingto up your post count,eh? Solver..

            One post please!

            Anymore of this unnecessary "spamming" and know where you'll be headed!

            Warden Grandpa da Merciless

            "Distant kin 2 Ming The kind and former Merciless"
            Attached Files
            Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


            • #7
              hey I was passing through and saw the "Important" and since it was from thebirdman I read it. I too have thought it was not possible to lose a defense and did. I have even sent the turn later to a friend "here" and it did not work for them either. I really figured it was just one of those "odds" thing, but since it did not work for him either, who knows. I always wondered since so much tweaking of the game had happened with all the mods if it was possible to do this. I am kinda computer stupid, but I do think. I don't remember who I thought ill of at the time and would prefer to forget. I like to think the best of everybody so I just go on. I always wondered if there was a way to put a counter automatically generated in to each new turn so you can see how many times a turn was executed/played. you could figure out if people "Peek", of course, if they peeked after it was sent who would know. I used to play another pbem game that had a password built in to it, but sometimes I thought someone Figured out a way around it. I figure if someone wants to tweak something in their favor, then I might end up a better player since i will be trying to figure out a way to beat what is happening. so maybe it will hone my skills and let me win the next time when the odds were stacked against me in the first place, smile. I am such a paranoid anyway I would be scared to cheat, since I and others keep the turns and go back and refight the battles later and see how others developed things, I would get caught. so I figure the best defense is too hope they did keep the turns, then anyone can check up on me. of course it is still the honor system on "peaking". I have only had one person I thought "peaked" so I know most of you are extremely honorable men. Ken/dancemasseuse


              • #8
                Originally posted by dancemasseuse
                I always wondered if there was a way to put a counter automatically generated in to each new turn so you can see how many times a turn was executed/played. you could figure out if people "Peek", of course, if they peeked after it was sent who would know. Ken/dancemasseuse
                Great idea, if it was possible

                Nice idea but someone would probably find a way around it though!


                Attached Files
                Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Dimytes
                  How much does it improve the battles Birdnam? Is it infinite? If it only affects the one having the text file it should be easy to check by redoing the battles on an unmodified installation.

                  There are battle types that gives the attacker significant advantage to the opponent allthough they have same numbers and terrain from the start.

                  ©Dimytes 2004
                  From what I see (until now), it does only give the advantage to the one with the changed files.

                  But I will check that later, using some turns from an ended game or two (then I am allowed to open all turns) - I have several games with all turns saved, so that should be possible to verify.

                  Until we get a zip-file for download, I can inform you, that all the important txt.files in the folder "Civilization-Call To Power/ctp_data/default/gamedata" should be from either the 14th March 1999 or 8th of August 1999 (that brings me to..... do any have a valid wonder.txt file - my file is from 28th November 2000 ).
                  First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                  • #10
                    Birdy could you send me a turn with the modified files, er one with and one without of the same turn if you could.
                    Attached Files
                    “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                    Or do we?

