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Winning on bloodlust

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  • Winning on bloodlust

    Hi anyone!

    Im trying to finish civctp on bloodlust mode but whenever any of the opposition completes the alien life project the game still ends, how do i disable it to get right through to the end?

  • #2
    you have to start the game with bloodlust "on". if bloodlust is "on" then there is no winning through alien life project. if you start a new one, then during your initial set up of the game you turn bloodlust "on".
    now in case you meant you wanted to change it in the middle of a game, then, I too had a game I really liked and had done this. so unless someone has come up with something new, once you start it, it is too late to go back in that game and change it. does that help?? Ken/dancemasseuse


    • #3

      hey thanks, perhaps my game has a glitch to it, but even with bloodlust enabled at the start of the game I still cannot continue once my opponents complete alien life. And the computer is getting quicker as well, in my latest game it completed alien life by 1890 something... crazy it love to find a loop hole in this scenario... later


      • #4
        Other people have reported this problem too... I don't think anyone has come up with a solution.


        • #5
          maybe targeting the city with the Alien Life Project being built
          destroy it just before the city builds it..

          Troops I need more troops
          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah

