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CTP PBEM Challenge Ladder -- Feb 2004

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  • Originally posted by Protoss72000
    If they quit after like 5 turns then you would just get a really cheap win. That's why I said maybe a set number of turns need to be played first.
    precisely ! i think until turn 20 it is really too early to see if you would lose this game and just get out of the match.
    besides, maybe this rule should be combined with being dropped from the ladder altogether... (?)
    Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
    O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."


    • then again... some people lose the game already before turn 20.
      Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
      O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."


      • Originally posted by Protoss72000
        If they quit after like 5 turns then you would just get a really cheap win. That's why I said maybe a set number of turns need to be played first.
        Ok..say its 5 or 25 or even 75..what is the difference if NEWBIEMY@R$E0U812 COMES INTO THE COMMUNITY AND SEZ..

        hi!! I AM NEW BLAH BLAH BLAH

        What must i do to play

        so they get "suckered" I mean involved in some games and well..gets to turn"X" just before cutoff turn and up and leave?

        Why should the other person playing be penalized?

        Let me hear of how one would resolve that versus what we alreday have in place now?

        (That being either game ends and concedes..or you wasted your time..I mean..not like any game is NOT a waste mind you..BUT..our little victories are what keep us going!!)

        I tell you what happens..

        HINT: Person left in game is the consumer in this picture

        Attached Files
        Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


        • it is not about the penalty for the player that quits, troll. he can be dropped from the ladder, fine. and off he is.

          it is about whether the remaining player actually did something to deserve a win. a FULL win.
          Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
          O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."


          • oh well, lets make it after turn 1 then.
            Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
            O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."


            • I'll just add this to the discussion...

              Because this is a LADDER, and the number of victories or losses is more informational than meaningful, it doesn't REALLY matter how many wins or losses you have, but where on the ladder you stand (come to think of it, that doesn't REALLY matter, either ). Defeating a new player and getting a win doesn't change your ladder position -- it just adds one to your win column. If that is important to many of you, then we should continue this discussion, otherwise it is kind of a MOOT point!


              • well, im fine with anything. dont wonna argue much around it.
                Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
                O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."


                • Originally posted by Mathemagician
                  it is not about the penalty for the player that quits, troll. he can be dropped from the ladder, fine. and off he is.

                  it is about whether the remaining player actually did something to deserve a win. a FULL win.

                  Let me ask you this then:

                  If a person has sucky land..dont find much tech..has the ai pirating his routes of trade (caravans fer u foreigners here!! )

                  Point is..he aint got a very good shot...

                  The other person has mountains,rivers grassland with lots of goodies AND find some neat tech AND has an extremely generous ai for neighbor..

                  TELL ME Mr Math Major..


                  I dont wanna argue either...

                  But we have a point to winning when someone "quits" any more skillfull than the arguement of old that a player with better playing circumstances is made out to be "skilled" when luck of draw makes a world of difference..

                  HEY BLACKICE..this is where you can jump in too for you and I have had many-a-discussion about "starting positions" dictating many a game..

         I personally feel if a player steps on the field..(I am an old athlete) all fair in the rules set aside..
                  Attached Files
                  Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                  • alright, trollie. lets not argue, lets just vote on it. i say win after turn 20. period.
                    Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
                    O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."


                    • I would say win ONLY if your PG is higher than your opponent.
                      And your opponent is not only droped to the bottom of the list but removed from it also.

                      ©Dimytes 2004
                      Last edited by Dimytes; April 29, 2004, 17:49.


                      • Troll yuza mud slinger too

                        This is where the head to head, back to back, same land for the other guy games come into play. Duel duel I think it is called.

                        I'll bet there is a shorter way to say that...

                        Quinn does have a point two to be exact, if the player was below or the same position in the ladder then, what the heck they walk you get 1 in the win side. It would not affect your ladder position. Also it is just a ladder did ya have fun?

                        U could have win loss draw quit but then quinn would spend more time filling the blanks vs family time and gaming. Not much fun for him.

                        Or you could just continue to slam the person's integrety in every forum in every game site on the web until he shows up to defend himself. Then tell them you will stop if they report the "I quit you win"

                        That of course would take a lot of time, thus less gaming for you....

                        Seriously if the person does not finish the game and it does mean something to people as it obviously does. It should be ruled a victory for the opponent, but we walk into the area of fictcious players and multiple log ons to gain top spot. Don't kid yourself it happened in GL a lot.

                        So really the answer is.... It's a game take the win and create the rule newbies, as they are more likely to boot must finish at least one game to have thier name added to the ladder. That way it is not a ladder game until it's finished.

                        I personally like to play rookies, ladder or not always fun to meet a fresh personality.

                        Now for vets it should be labled a win after a prescibed time.

                        These ideas are protected in copy write laws any and all... book'em Dano'
                        Last edited by blackice; April 30, 2004, 16:44.
                        “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                        Or do we?


                        • Originally posted by blackice
                          Troll yuza mud slinger too

                          This is where the head to head, back to back, same land for the other guy games come into play.

                          I'll bet there is a shorter way to say that...

                          Quinn does have a point two to be exact, if the player was below or the same position in the ladder then, what the heck they walk you get 1 in the win side. It would not affect your ladder position. Also it is just a ladder did ya have fun?

                          U could have win loss draw quit but then quinn would spend more time filling the blanks vs family time and gaming. Not much fun for him.

                          Or you could just continue to slam the person's integrety in every forum in every game site on the web until he shows up to defend himself. Then tell them you will stop if they report the "I quit you win"

                          That of course would take a lot of time, thus less gaming for you....

                          Seriously if the person does not finish the game and it does mean something to people as it obviously does. It should be ruled a victory for the opponent, but we walk into the area of fictcious players and multiple log ons to gain top spot. Don't kid yourself it happened in GL a lot.

                          So really the answer is.... It's a game take the win and create the rule newbies, as they are more likely to boot must finish at least one game to have thier name added to the ladder. That way it is not a ladder game until it's finished.

                          I personally like to play rookies, ladder or not always fun to meet a fresh personality.

                          Now for vets it should be labled a win after a prescibed time.

                          These ideas are protected in copy write laws any and all... book'em Dano'
                          Attached Files
                          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                          • It is mostly a problem with newer people it seems. So maybe you need to complete one game first and if they drop/leave then no win/loss for that game (as I think blackice was getting at).

                            Also Quinns mentioned that you dont rise above in the ladder by wins alone but by who you defeat (which I had forgotten about) so I guess it doesn't really matter.


                            • Originally posted by Grandpa Troll

                              Let me ask you this then:
                              If a person has sucky land..dont find much tech..has the ai pirating his routes of trade (caravans fer u foreigners here!! )
                              Point is..he aint got a very good shot...
                              The other person has mountains,rivers grassland with lots of goodies AND find some neat tech AND has an extremely generous ai for neighbor..
                              Troll, you are making the argument to use the DUAL-DUEL format! If you use the dual-duel format, you completely equalize starting positions. Also, to answer your earlier question about dual-duel counting as one or two matches -- In dual-duel you play two "games" (with sides switched), but it is considered one "match". First one to win a game, wins the match. That match is counted as ONE win.

                              Another way, that Dimytes pointed out, to get more even random starting positions (without using the dual-duel) is to place all map settings at 50% EXCEPT for wet/dry and warm/cold which are both set to 0%. This gives each player a river, usually, and fairly even terrain.


                              • Originally posted by quinns
                                First one to win a game, wins the match.

                                Originally posted by quinns
                                Another way, that Dimytes pointed out, to get more even random starting positions (without using the dual-duel) is to place all map settings at 50% EXCEPT for wet/dry and warm/cold which are both set to 0%. This gives each player a river, usually, and fairly even terrain.
                                didnt know that. what other effects does this have on the map ? any terrain that will be more common, less common ?
                                Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
                                O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."

