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Is the game over?

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  • Is the game over?

    Can somebody please tell me if there is more to the game? I have defeated my enemies, I have nothing more to build or do research on, I have cities in space and undersea, and I finished an alien embryo (which seemingly escaped). My total points are 5741 and my civ score is159%. However, I have only been given possibility to build 6 tile improvements on sea and 4 in space. And I have not managed to visit other planets, if that is possible. Thank you for helping me!

  • #2
    Well if all the AI is dead you should have won. Have you checked everywhere? There could be one AI somewhere strange holding out. There aren't any other planets to go to in the game, so the only choices are the current map and space.


    • #3
      From what you say, I think you have indeed completed the game. I suspect you must have pressed the "continue playing" button when you won... The picture with the alien embryo seemingly having escaped is basically the victory screen for the science victory.


      • #4
        Thank you for answering both of you. I deed press the continue-button after being told that I had won once I finished off all my enemies. There was so much more to explore in the game. I expected at least to be told so when there was nothing more to achive.
        As for the aliens, I've searched through both space and earth without finding anything. Are they supposed to be found at all? Have you two found them? What do they look like? How did your games end?
        I would really appreciate it if you or somebody else could answer these questions.


        • #5
          Originally posted by SPL
          Thank you for answering both of you. I deed press the continue-button after being told that I had won once I finished off all my enemies. There was so much more to explore in the game. I expected at least to be told so when there was nothing more to achive.
          As for the aliens, I've searched through both space and earth without finding anything. Are they supposed to be found at all? Have you two found them? What do they look like? How did your games end?
          I would really appreciate it if you or somebody else could answer these questions.
          The Alien looks like this..the planet..umm.. ..Why UR ANUS OF COURSE


          Grandpa -"Too-much-time-on-his-hands"-Troll
          Attached Files
          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


          • #6
            Grandpa Troll always gives the best advice. He doesn't MEAN anything by it SPL, that's just Troll's way of saying HELLO!

