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Team Collaberation Rules.

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  • Team Collaberation Rules.

    We need to better work out what is and is not allowed with respect to collaberation.

    For example, some players have complained that they do not want their opponents to look at each others turns.

    THis brings up related questions... e.g.

    Can I tell my partner about where I am on the map by email
    Can I tell my partner what I am researching.
    Can I tell him where I have seen the opponents

    One simple way to handle it would be to limit collaberation to in game features only (the diplomacy screen, establishing embassies, etc...)

    I would like to hear suggestions, and also any historical precendence from the previous superleague. Were there rules about this? I was not aware of any but I started late in the previous super league.

    One good thing about our specific situation is that it is unlikely that any harm has actually been done in any game where the players are protesting because I don't think that any turns have been forwarded to the off turn partners except by the opponents.

    Please tell us here, if you have forward turns to your partner. Not that it is anything wrong with what was done, but we just need to know whether this occured to help decide what to do.
    Last edited by checkMate; October 2, 2003, 00:38.
    If it ain't broke, find a bigger hammer.

  • #2
    milamber and I did not look at each others turns until it was mentioned as ok in the forum. we have only looked at one turn so far in our game with paul and yoda game 23, but only the one time. we have talked about other games but were waiting on the newest turn to do so. we will wait until it is decided before doing anything else. Purest form; would be to "not" look, but I do not care either way so I will go with the majority. Ken/dancemasseuse


    • #3
      I have pretty much said all I'm going to on this. I only intend to communicate with my partner through the diplomacy screen. Whatever anyone else does, as far as I'm concerened, is up to them.

      Btw checkmate, I think in your eg's above you mean "partner" instead of "opponet" in most of them.
      Fruity Oaty Bars! Make a man out of a mouse! Fruity Oaty Bars! Make you bust out of your blouse! Eat them all the time! Let them blow your mind...ohh! Fruity Oaty Bars!


      • #4
        Originally posted by gumpold
        Btw checkmate, I think in your eg's above you mean "partner" instead of "opponet" in most of them.
        Fixed thanks
        If it ain't broke, find a bigger hammer.


        • #5
          I'm going to go about as extreme as gumpold, but think that once contact is made then e-mail is fair game as well.

          Let's face it, the diplomacy screen is rather lousy for chatting but e-mail works quite well for those issues once contact is made.

          Again, once contact is made.

          I'm drawing off of my experiance in SMAC/SMAX mostly as I say this, adding the e-mail part since SMAC/SMAX has a better diplomacy screen (and the ability to chat in game). In the SMAX games around here, thus far they've all restricted contact until actual contact in game, after that, anything goes. It's what I was planning to do here as well.

          The sending to partners, to me, is a safety/time issue. If one partner is going to be away, the other can play it to speed up play.

          Then there's the problem, however, of when playing to keep play from lagging you're obviously going to get a shot and see where your partner is on the map. That's just an unfortunate byproduct of being able to keep the game going at a good pace.

          I'm tired and may make more sense later.
          I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

          Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...


          • #6
            i can go either way on this. in all the non SL team games and last years SL team game i only have had to next my partner a couple of times (at their request) which does involve playing their turn, the team games are or should be different as these games are more driven by war than the Alien Life Project. Civ building is a side bar here and war production is more of a reality.
            as in the real world countries share infomation all the time intellegence ect...................
            as this is a team game i have no problem with having partners seeing what each other is doing and offering advice. these games in the long run come down to taking out your opponets and the only way to do that is by war.
            as a side bar here getting your parteners turn allows a better idea of where the turns are at regardless if turns are looked at or not.

            my vote is total collaberation also play partners turn if asked other wise these games are going to take 2 years to finnish maybe more. im still working on a SL 1 2x2 game that probably will never finnish due to all the SL 2 2x2 games
            but i must repeat only in team games all others no, team games are different.
            Last edited by MILAMBER; October 3, 2003, 17:53.
            I heard a loud voice, I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! It's rider was named Death, and hades was following close behind him. They were given power over one fourth of the earth to kill by the sword, famine and plague.
            Revelation 6:8


            • #7
              I'm easy, I'll go with the majority.


              • #8
                i might have forwarded 1 or 2 turns to ricketyclik, but AFAIK in all of our games our opponents have sent turns to both of us for some while now.

                on the issue:
                i'll (naturally) bow to the majority, but my vote would go to allow complete information exchange in any way once contact has been made naturally, but not before that.
                Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
                O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."


                • #9
                  Originally posted by FlameFlash

                  Let's face it, the diplomacy screen is rather lousy for chatting but e-mail works quite well for those issues once contact is made.

                  Again, once contact is made.
                  I was kind of thinking the same as Flame Flash too.
                  Gumpold mentioned that explorers would not havd done what they did if they knew what would happen. And I agree, but after the civilizations meet, then there really is no "real-life" restriction of the information flow. So perhaps there shouldn't be any in the game either.

                  But before you meet you partner (ally), most of the work is simply to find them.
                  If it ain't broke, find a bigger hammer.


                  • #10
                    I will abide by whatever the majority wants. Personally, I think cooperation between teams before contact is fine.



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by MILAMBER
                      as this is a team game i have no problem with having partners seeing what each other is doing and offering advice. these games in the long run come down to taking out your opponets and the only way to do that is by war.
                      as a side bar here getting your parteners turn allows a better idea of where the turns are at regaurdless if turns are looked at or not.

                      my vote is total collaberation also play partners turn if asked other wise these games are going to take 2 years to finnish maybe more. im still working on a SL 1 2x2 game that probably will never finnish due to all the SL 2 2x2 games
                      but i must repeat only in team games all others no, team games are different.
                      I agree with Milamber (and others).

                      In the teamgames I play (Team Spirit)/have played (Great Alliances)/made (Team Horses), collaberation has been used by (my guess) most players.
                      First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                      • #12

                        This is a league about teams, is it not?
                        Unless specified differently what is more naturally than full collaboration between partners?

                        I haven't forwarded my turn to my pertner simply because most people already send my turns to both me and my teammate and who ever didn't from the beginning I asked him to. I send turn to both teammates as well.

                        I thought to start a similar thread about rules - I had some suggestions - but I let it pass. Perhaps in any future rule that might apply to SL you should ad the CtP PBEM Rules 2.0 as well.


                        • #13
                          There is no way to check if someone has revealed his position for his teammate and thus will be able to get in contact for map/advance exchange fast.
                          Even with a rule that it's not alowed there is no way to tell if it has happened or not.
                          For that reason I think full exhange should be allowed.

                          But, my own opinion is that only exchange of gamefiles should be alowed after first contact is done since ingame comunication is very limited.

                          /Sir Dimytes Vilantis


                          • #14
                            i think i will change my initial vote (full cooperation after contact) to full cooperation (including file exchange) before contact, since not doing so would be too big a luck factor and favor that team that gets lucky enough to meet each other first.
                            Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
                            O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."


                            • #15
                              I like luck myself
                              If it ain't broke, find a bigger hammer.

