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Barbarian take over in Call to Power I, HELP!

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  • Barbarian take over in Call to Power I, HELP!


    I need some help. I just started playing Civilization Call to Power I.

    My civilization is going across nicely until all of a sudden most of my cities are taken over by Barbarians. I mean, all of a sudden they instantly revolt and are taken over. Then I have to liberate them, but if I manage to do that the cities are basically USELESS. Their population is down to nothing.

    What is happening? What is the problem? It is like half of my civilization just breaks off and forms a Barbarian civilization? Coudl someone please let me know what is going on ?

    I don't want to keep playing this game if this is going to happen every single time.

    Please either post to this forum or email me at

    I would really appreciate any help you can provide!

    I am tired of my civilization going from the top to the very bottom!


  • #2
    Try posting the query in the CtP forums, you are more likely to get a response there.

    One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


    • #3
      Uh...wrong forum...go where Big Crunch said and make this post there, or hope a mod moves it there.
      meet the new boss, same as the old boss


      • #4
        This is almost certainly due to the cities revolting, because they are unhappy. There are several possible reasons why this will occur in many cities simultaneously:

        1. You built the AI entity, and it revolted.
        2. You suddenly expanded your empire (possibly because the AI entity revolted in another empire, and all the cities that revolted from them joined your empire, or just because you built/conquered many last turn) and now you are well over the city limit for your government, causing great unhappiness in your cities.
        3. You have just emerged from the enforced celebration provided by the Egalitarian act, and while it was in effect your cities have become unhappy (probably due to a combination of the effects listed here).
        4. You altered the sliders (wages, rations, workday) in such a fashion that it created great unhappiness, especially in your larger cities.
        5. You ran out of gold, and as a result your wages were reduced, causing the same effect as in 4.


        • #5
          6. your capitol was taken over
          7. your capitol became very unhappy
          8. an ai cleric made your capitol revolt
          9. you expanded far away from your capitol
          “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
          Or do we?


          • #6
            As for the useless cities:

            The AI often tends to change all citizens entertainers - get the citizens back to work.
            First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



            • #7
              Don't know if you're still playing the game, but a few pieces of advice for a new player:

              Each successive level of government allows more cities. If you're a tyranny, move up to monarchy. If monarchy, move to republic ...

              Have a unit fortified in each city. Early in the game this is essential, less so later on.

              Max out your food or production sliders. That will usually ensure that the individual city's happiness is at least 73. If at 73, check every single turn. It can drop easily.

              Build stealth units (clerics, slavers et al) to keep track of incoming clerics, abolitionists et al.

              Never build the AI Wonder. It literally is a time bomb.

              Build the Temple and Theater and Coliseum. A happy worker is a contented worker.

              Don't lose your Capitol. Ever.

