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Sprites Sprites Sprites

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  • Sprites Sprites Sprites

    Well I've been benefitting from the discussions here a long time, but never really participated much. But I'm here now anyways.
    What I'd truly like to know, from anyone source at all really is.....Is there a sprite VIEWER out there somewhere...not a spritemaker...or a spritetool...a SPRITE VIEWER.
    The sprite editor for creatures2 supports the *.spr format and the codes are similar even, but it's not got the capacity to view ctp sprites. There's some other 8 bit *.spr editors and viewers out there, but nothing that will support ctp *.spr viewing, that I can find anyways. Seriously driving me nuts!!!!
    I've edited nearly everything else I care to really, and I'm almost done with my scenario I think. But if I could find a useable interface in regards to the sprite viewing and creation it would change my whole world I suck at sprite creation, and I'm lost in the coding, as I have no complete comparisons to go by.
    But if anyone out there can help in any way at all, it would be greatly appreciated.
    Also, I owe all contributors to past editing topics much thanks, especially Nordicus, who's cleared up many a grey area for me.

    Live EVERY day like it's the best day of your life, and it will be.

  • #2
    Thanx Wombat. I pretty much found out about Activision's trickery with the .spr format the hard way I guess. I thoroughly searched at least 500 to 600 sites in regards to viewing and editing .spr formats and got led a merry chase through several different forms of programming and coding on many different o/s.
    Anyone tried to contact the activision ctp builder? Any time I've ever tried the mail always gets returned, yet they don't update the contact link. Same with the Activision contact link itself though. Some days if you're in the mood though, check the link to the "Call to Edit". Last time I checked that one it took me to the 000sex homepage. More funny stuff from Activision I guess.
    I'll drop the names of the other .spr viewers here some time soon, and provide any who wish the addresses as well. They don't really work, although some of them did actually load the sprite, but just gave me a blank pic, not a real view anyway. But if anyone could modify any of them to fit, it would be a godsend here. I have to chase the viewers up again though, as I deleted them all in a Fuzzy Fit Of Rage at having so little support for sprites in ctp. Damn U Activision!!!!
    The scenario I've been working on has mainly been a labour of love for some friends of mine I've played ctp online with for the last year or so. It's incorporating many interesting facets from other scenarios, as well as some newer concepts as well. There is currently units from previous ctp1 and 2 mods edited to fit, although custom sounds are giving me a few minor probs. But once I get all the sound files edited properly it should no longer be a prob I hope.
    I'm still hopeful of getting somewhere with finding a real Sprite viewer and editor here though.
    Live EVERY day like it's the best day of your life, and it will be.


    • #3

      Originally posted by Fuzzball on 04-20-2001 08:36 AMWhat I'd truly like to know, from anyone source at all really is.....Is there a sprite VIEWER out there somewhere...not a spritemaker...or a spritetool...a SPRITE VIEWER.

      Is far as I've heard, on these forums and the CTP2 forums - No.
      I expect that Activision deliberately used a different format so that no-one could steal their graphics. Nasty corporate corporation .

      Where can we get the other *.spr viewers? Maybe someone here could adapt them?

      As for coding, you've probably seen this, but its the example text file from the help file.

      # This is a Unit Sprite script. 
      0 # Required 0
              # This is the sprite action definition block.  All sprite
              # actions require this block if the sprite action is defined.
              SPRITE_NUM_FRAMES     1    # number of frames of animation
              SPRITE_FIRST_FRAME    0    # the index of the first frame
              SPRITE_WIDTH         96    # the width of each sprite image
              SPRITE_HEIGHT        72    # the height of each sprite image
              SPRITE_HOT_POINTS          # the hot points (center points) of
                                         # the sprite for each of the 5 facings
                  49 54     # facing 1
                  49 54     # facing 2
                  49 54     # facing 3
                  49 54     # facing 4
                  49 54     # facing 5
      	ANIM	1
      		ANIM_TYPE		1
      		ANIM_NUM_FRAMES		1
      		ANIM_DELAY		10000
                  72 9
                  72 9
                  72 9
                  72 9
                  72 9
                  48 36
                  48 36
                  48 36
                  48 36
                  48 36
                  48 36
                  48 36
                  48 36
                  48 36
                  48 36
                  82 9
                  48 36
                  48 36
                  48 36
                  48 36
                  48 36
                  48 36
                  48 36
                  48 36
                  48 36
      What's your scenario? Nothing's been released for ages

      Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
      "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


      • #4
        Existence is Futile.


        • #5
          Hey, guys...

          Nice to see that the old Creation section hasn't died
          But it's a bit slow...
          Who's still around?
          What's cookin?

          Thanks, Fuzzball. I've just gotten back into Call to Power modding--trying to get another world map made...etc.
          Haven't done very much with sprites--only, something I've found out is that CtP2 sprites don't work in CtP...

          So, what's new around here?
          I don't see Gemini's WWII mod anywhere--is he still working on that?

          Well, back to surfing...


          Existence is Futile.


          • #6
            Maybe the legit ctp2 sprites don't work, but I know the ones from the mods the amazon units and high tech units etc. I have fully working edited versions saved with all the correct files names and icons etc. I can pass them along if anyone's interested.
            Live EVERY day like it's the best day of your life, and it will be.


            • #7
              Hey Nordicus, long time since I've seen you post here. Most of the mod-makers moved on to CTP2 or left completely, so there's not much going on here anymore.


              • #8
                Hey Nordicus, long time, good to see you again......

                Yes believe it or not, I'm still working on my scenario. Having troubles getting the americans to attack the nazi's in my scenario so I'm still tinkering with the aidata files but damn, it's taking a long time man.

                How's everything with you??



                • #9
                  Ctp2 sprites apparently use a slightly different coding method which means that CTP cant read them, but CTP2 can read CTP sprites, and because all fan-created sprites use the CTP spritetool, which codes for CTP, CTP2 can use them too. (and breathe...)

                  Wow, Nordicus is a real person!! I came to CTP too late, and just had time to download the entire database before CTP2 came out. So I'm modding over there.

                  Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                  "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                  • #10
                    Thanks--I'd be very interested in those! (Email is at bottom of post.)
                    You have these working in CtP1?

                    Hi, man--how's it going? Yeah, I've been gone, but now I'm back
                    Yes, that's what I presumed would happen--did Locutus call it quits as well? Or is he into CtP2 now?
                    And what have you been up to?

                    Hey, buddy, good to see you again as well

                    Hmmm...if you need any help, see email below.
                    Oh, that reminds me: I tried emailing you several times (?--can't recall when that was...lonnnnng ago), but it was always returned to me, undelivered
                    So what *is* your email addy now?

                    Oh, the move to Van damn near killed me (caught a double pneumonia here and took it back to E-town when I returned to pack up my pretty bad, was in the hospital for a month--but the second round of antibiotics did the job ). And it's been hell getting organized with everything (due to that), but it's all cool now, getting better

                    Anyway--send me an email, damnit!

                    Later, bro...




                    Ctp2 sprites apparently use a slightly different coding method which means that CTP cant read them, but CTP2 can read CTP sprites, and because all fan-created sprites use the CTP spritetool, which codes for CTP, CTP2 can use them too. (and breathe...)

                    Yes, it tells me "invalid version" or something, so that's what I gathered...
                    Grrr...don't have a functional copy of CtP2 (yet), so I'm stuck with CtP1 right now....Good info, tho--about CtP2 reading CtP sprites. I am insanely determined to make an Aip-Specific mod, after so many attempts and so much lost data (I'll play it on a big-ass world map), so all these extra sprites will be ideal in providing a base "first unit" for all 9 AIPs, etc.


                    Wow, Nordicus is a real person!! I came to CTP too late, and just had time to download the entire database before CTP2 came out. So I'm modding over there.


                    Yes, it's 'bout time I cruised over too--as soon as I have a working copy of the game, that is...

                    Later, guys!


                    "Am I drivin' okay, man?"
                    "I think we're parked, man..."

                    (email me: )
                    [This message has been edited by Nordicus (edited April 24, 2001).]
                    Existence is Futile.


                    • #11
                      Locutus is into CTP2 now, but he has been busy with the university, so he doesn't have much time at the moment. I have been doing some stuff for Wes' Med Mod 2, but I haven't got a lot of time, so I didn't do too much.


                      • #12
                        Whoops....the files I sent were way too big for your email account.I'll post you the files in a couple of days in .zip format, and if that doesn't work I'll just send them slooowly, hehe.
                        I'm also setting up a site on the So after I talk to Blue Orange, hopefullly I'll be able to put the readily modified files for ctp there available for anyone to download. I'll be approaching many past and present game modifiers and scenario creators about allowing me to put some of their ware's and documentation (readme's and faq's and stuff) on the site. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to pull people away from Apolyton. I'm dedicating the site mainly to the original ctp, as well as slowly adding more for ctp2 in the long term. The site won't have a chat room of it's own or anything, just information, links and downloads. I've got most of the layout sorted out already, but there's an incompatibility in the format I've used to create it apparently....So now I have to rewrite the whole thing....well...that's enough rambling for now I think...Sorry people's, it's 5am here and I've been slavin' away at several different projects here for the last 14hrs or so. (With little results Although I won't repeat the same mistakes tomorrow. I'll create new one's instead )
                        Live EVERY day like it's the best day of your life, and it will be.


                        • #13
                          Hey, Nordicus, sounds like you've kept busy. Anyway, my e-mail should be working, it's the same address as always, I did have trouble with it a couple of months ago but it's been sorted out now anyway. I'll give you an e-mail in the next couple of days. Nice to talk again man. Cya



                          • #14
                            He Tom! Great to see you're back again Of course I'm still around, you know I'm too addicted to ever be able to give up Just spending most of my time on CtP2 nowadays since SLIC2 is infinitely cooler than SLIC1

                            We were wondering what had happened to you: didn't hear from you in a long time and all your email adresses were dead, never online on ICQ, we were actually getting a bit worried. And rightly so, as it now turns out. Good to hear you're recovering though.

                            Didn't Activision sent you a copy of the final game? Anyway, good to hear you're ready for some good-old modmaking again, whatever the game...

                            I'll email you as well one of these days,

                            Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                            • #15
                              Danm Nord, it is good to hear from you again. I have been worried about you. This is my first post in quite a while, in either CtP or CtP2. Medically, I took a turn for the worse and don't get online as much as I used to but I did want to say Hi and let you know I have been thinking about you.

                              EDIT: I tried to add you to my ICQ but it couldn't find you by your ICQ number in your profile here. Send me an ICQ msg so I can get your current UID. My nickname on my PC upstairs by my bed is arZtoKku(92173697) and it is DonB181(89038342) on the PC downstairs by my couch. I will have to auth you.

                              I will send you an email when I can.

                              [This message has been edited by skorpion59 (edited April 25, 2001).]
                              CtPMaps (Hosted by Apolyton)

