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Scenario Creation Problems

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  • Scenario Creation Problems

    Bear with me, I'm new at making scenarios, and I'm by no means a programmer
    Ok, I know how to alter maps and such, and I know how to create my own scenario packs and all that. But, my problem is this, when I try to play my scenario from the scenario menu, to test it, the game puts me on a random map. So how do I make my scenario that I saved play? I think I might need an associated saved game file, but what do I save it as, or do I have to move the files from C:\Program Files blah blah, and if so where? My buddies and I really want to play this scenario I made, so any help anyone could offer would be most appreciated. Thanks.

  • #2
    Hey man, I don't have alot of time right now so I'll keep it short. Look in the readme.txt that came with the patch 1.2. It's all in there how to get what you want done. You might want to try to search here on apolyton as well cos I know that I have answered this question a couple times. Post if your still having trouble and I can go into more detail.



    • #3
      Thanks a lot! I figured it out, sort of. I got the scenario to work with the map, but is there any way to make the players start out with pre-positioned cities\troops and such? Like for instance, the Romans, is there any way to give them an actual empire to start with, not just some gold and a settler? My setup was like that, but when I play the scenario it just puts me on my map that I made, with a settler, like a normal game.

      Also, can you change the research speed, just slow it down, because I hate if I want to build a fighter, for example, and before I can build it, my research is going so fast that it's obsoleted already. Or can you make certain units and or\wonders and such never become obsolete?

      Thanks for all your help all!


      • #4
        Ya, pretty easy stuff to do. Use the cheat menu to add cities and whatever, then save the map as a scenario.

        Slowing down the research can be done through the diffdb.txt
        Just adjust the research coef for the difficulty level.

        Hope that helps.

        You might want to look in the modification section of apolyton for a indepth explanation of diffdb.txt or try search the threads I'm sure someone has a detailed explanation of diffdb.txt



        • #5
          ummmm....I don't mean to butt in or anythin. I know you can use the cheat mode to put settlers on the map and set start locations the game and load it as a single or multiplayer scenario/savegame, but....whenever I've done somethin like that and loaded an edited map into multiplayer to play with others, some bug creeps into it to screw up the tech and it all stops at a certain point....Any way past that? or is it just one of those dumb activision things you gotta deal with?
          Live EVERY day like it's the best day of your life, and it will be.


          • #6
            Yes and no Fuzzball, Activisions scenario feature can be really buggy if you don't do things the proper way. E.G. saving a scenario from a scenario file. I've run into alot of problems with my scenario because of the flakey way activision setup scenario's. The biggest problem of all though is that call to power doesn't read all the files from a scenario directory. I found that out the hard way. So your right in some respects but scenario's can work, even in multiplayer, as long as everything is setup correctly. I do agree fully that activision should have done a better job at adding scenario support.



            • #7
              Thanks for all your help gemini! Everything seems to be in working order, and I think my friends and I will be all set!


              • #8
                Glad to help!!


