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Troubles with advance.txt

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  • Troubles with advance.txt

    I've been running into some troubles modding my scenario. I'm sure it's something to do with advance.txt but wanted to ask you guys a question to maybe confirm my suspicions.

    Do advances have to have two prerequisites or something. The reason I ask this is because for a couple of my advances it pops up with this warning in easymod "Fusion is a prerequisite of itself!" Why would easymod give me this warning if it wasn't important??? Or is it something wrong with easymod. I can't figure this out. But I believe that finding the answer to this may solve the bigger problem of my scenario crashing. Thanks guys.


  • #2
    This sounds like a problem with your tech tree. Most likely you made fusion a prerequisite for itself or for one of the advances on the path to fusion.


    • #3
      Thanks Paul, well, it was pretty strange since fusion wasn't a prerequisite of it self but when I added some more preq's it wouldn't come up with that error. Anyhow, I fixed the scenario crashes and it wasn't related to the advance.txt after all. Thanks for you help though!!!


