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Different civilization with different styles.

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  • Different civilization with different styles.

    We can create a mod in which each civilisation start with one special 'Science'. This Science could not be learned (or stolen maybe) by other civ.

    The science are for example :
    - Asian Style
    - Viking Style
    - Middle-Eastern Style
    - European Style ...

    So if only a civ with 'Asian Style' science can build the unit 'Samourai' or the wonder 'Fordiden city' ...

    So each civilisation could have is how style (of course no difference between close civilisation like French and English ...).

    Do you think this is a good idea ?


    Zobo Ze Warrior
    Your brain is your worst enemy!

  • #2
    I've been banging this idea around in my head for a while now.

    It's really easy to make separate sub-techs for each unit, and then use SLIC to add those techs to the current player if he/she has the main tech.

    eg: Iron Working gives you legions right now, but we could say Iron Working gives you nothing, and when you discover it, CTP looks to see if you have (for example) the "Roman Civ" tech, and then it will give you the "Legion Tech", or if you have the "Japanese Civ" tech, then it will give you the "Samurai Tech".

    That's the easy stuff. The hard stuff is two-fold. One, you'd need to make a bunch of new wonders, units and improvements for each civ/civ-group, and there's a limit of 64(?) wonders, and 200 units. There's also a limit on improvements, but I'm not sure what it is.

    Two, how do we keep other civs from stealing or trading the various civ-specific techs / sub-techs? There doesn't seem to be a way to trigger events when techs are traded/stolen. Nor does it seem possible to remove advances from a player.

    How far along in the tech tree should the differences go? By modern times (more or less), pretty much every civ has more or less the same kinds of stuff. The biggest differences would be in the ancient->renaissance ages. We could do neat stuff - like giving Asians ninjas (who could steal advances maybe?), and Africans those Zulu units that EB made for CTP2 instead of the warrior and phalanx. It could be very cool....

    Let me know if you want some help with the SLIC



    • #3
      Well, as far as stealing techs it wouldn't really be a problem in single player, even if the ai does steal a tech it won't build the units associated with that tech if it's not in thier build list.


