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Cool Fantasy Mod anyone help? :(

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  • Cool Fantasy Mod anyone help? :(

    I'm making a fantasy mod that has about four different races, instead of civs. I've got most of the units and stuff for Humans but very little for the others, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs. I am using tech trees for each race so if anyone knows how to make a tech work only for a certain civ could they tell me .
    Also if anyone has made up a tech tree for any of the above races, or another fantasy type race, I'd be happy to work with them on this mod. As well as different races I've made the tech trees magically and low technology based, lot of magical techs only very basic other techs. I've realised that to do this mod myself would take ages, like about a year, so any help, things would be great. :
    [This message has been edited by Dogmatrix (edited April 26, 2000).]
    Flying shields and no warm beer.

  • #2

    You can make independent tech trees for each of your races and make sure no-one else starts researching them by giving every advance at least one prerequisite. You can probably use the text files possibly in combination with SLIC-code to make sure humans only get human starting advances, dwarves only get dwarf starting advance etc.
    The only problem you then still have is that through trade/espionage/goody huts/etc. it's possible to get advances of other races. To solve this you can adapt the AI-files in such a way that each race has its own personality type and that that personality type will never build or research things of other races. Human players (as opposed to computer-players, not as opposed to dwarves for example) would just have to have the discipline not to build these items if they're not of their own race.

    You're gonna have one hell of a time making all the graphics for this mod even if you get help from others. I'm afraid I can't help you with making graphics but I can give you a few tips. For example, there are already some fantasy-type units available in the download section of this site. I never had a good look at them so I don't know if they're any good but it would save you a lot of time if you could use them. Should you need ideas for fantasy units/advances/whatever then check out some of the CivII-scenarios in the CivII download section of this site and/or the hosted sites. I'm sure they have some good ideas for fantasy scenarios.

    I'm already looking forward to playing your scenario so I hope this helps in any way,

    Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


    • #3
      Hi Dogmatrix, I just had a thought about the graphics for units problem. You can use units from civ2 scenario's but they would be one facing but that may be the only way to go to get all the units that you want. If you have questions on how to do this just ask me more about it, I already have a script for the sprite editor for making one facing untis, also I think one is included with harlan's guide to making units.

      Also it is possible in the diplomacy fli's to make it so there is no trading of tech's by the ai. So you might wanna do something like that.



      • #4
        Thanks for the Ideas Locutus & Gemini(thought I'd give you a capitol).
        I have been to the modification page for CTP but didn't think to useing the Civ 2 stuff, thanks.
        I've found a few good pics, a Mage from Magesty(5 facings but no animations), thought don't tell Microprose that, as if they care, and a few guard sort of pics. The good thing with the humans is I can at least use some of the exsisting graphics but as for the others, who knows, thought I might grab some from Warcraft 2 and Heroes of Might and Magic 2, thought those graphics are pretty bad.
        Still the Info on how to make Race dependant tech tree was very useful, as well as making me remember about tech stealing and those things. Only problem is that I'm not all that familiar with SLIC, though I should get the hang of it once I have a propper crack at it.

        Oh by the way, it might be some time before I get it fully finish but I will realese partial mods, at my website, as I get each race done, since you said you were looking foward to it
        Thank for the help, more is still welcome though! ,

        [This message has been edited by Dogmatrix (edited May 03, 2000).]
        Flying shields and no warm beer.


        • #5
          You can speak your piece here to request this feature be added to CTP2.

          Big Dave
          [This message has been edited by Big Dave (edited May 10, 2000).]
          Any flames in this message are solely in the mind of the reader.


          • #6
            I know this is going back a bit, but did anything ever come of this Dogmatrix? I'm try ing to write a Hobbit scenario for ctp2, so any new units you made would be very useful.

            Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
            "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis

