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Scenarios and diplomacy

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  • Scenarios and diplomacy

    I am working on a World War III scenario. But I have a problem with the diplomacy. I want to make alliances between USA and Western Europe and between Soviet Union ans Eastern Europe. How can I archive that? When I open the cheat menu and the city editor and enter the diplomacy screen, I can do diplomacy actions for every civ. But this had no effect. I offered a alliance between to computer player and didn't get a real answer at all. No "yes, no "no". What can I do? And war between Western Europe and USA for example is not what I want? Has anybody here an idea?

  • #2
    I don't think that their is a way to get this working other than playing until there are two teams, each with alliances, and changing the CIVS, advances, etc. I think this could be the only way to achieve what you want.

    Flying shields and no warm beer.


    • #3
      Actually through slic there is a way to set regard levels, and maybe it might work if you adjust the settings in the diplomacy fli files so that if a civ really likes that other civ it will always offer and alliance.

      forceregard(); is the function in slic that you will have to use for this to work. The regard levels you can force to are in a range from 1 to 5. 5 being the highest level, so if the regard level is 5 they love each other if it is 1 than they are at war. Now I may be mistaken, the regard levels might run from 0 to 5. I can't honestly remember.

      After that is accomplished through your script you'll simply have to adjust the fli diplomacy file for the civs so that in the code where it determines if it offers or accepts alliances that it will always accept if there is a high regard level.

      output alliance[0,1] = 0
      right no_alliance(alliance, 0, 0.2)
      tri perchance_alliance(alliance, 0.5, 0.25)
      left married(alliance, 1.0, 0.25)
      	if(hate_him or dislike_him)
      	if(neutral_towards_him or neutral_or_better_towards_him)
      	if(like_him or love_him)
      You would have to look for a line like that and make sure like the above example that it will offer an alliance if like_him or love_him or you could change it so that it's only love_him that they would form alliances. So that might work out if the regard is set to 5 through slic, the civs with high regard should automatically offer each other alliances, all you would have to do is play a few turns and see what happens.

      I don't know if it is possible any other way to force alliances.

      There is an accept(); function in slic but it only can be used within messages and only works if the player is human since it won't work trying to send the ai a message with that function in it.

      Also btw there is a breakalliance function but I haven't tried it and don't know if it works but you may find that info useful.

      [This message has been edited by gemini (edited September 03, 2000).]


      • #4
        That's good then because it means I'll be able to make certain races hate or love each other for my fantasy mod, ie the Moredhel hate the Eledhel goblins hate Dwarves etc.

        Thanks for that
        Flying shields and no warm beer.


        • #5
          Thanks for the help. I solved the problem. But I found my own way which was a little different. I set the regardlevels with SLIC and changed the AI so that it always agrees to an alliance offer if it loves you. Then I made a alliance between the Soviets and East Europeans. That was possible the Soviets were Player 1 and human player. The Problem with America and Western Europe was not real problem because I created a scenario file from my saved game. Then I started it with the Americans as human player. Now I could make an alliance with Western Europe. After that I created again an scenario file and started it with the Soviets as human player and everything was in the old order and I had the two alliances.

