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Is this a mistake

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  • Is this a mistake

    I was going through the set resource desire fli file and I ran into this line.

    if( yes_i_can_build_wormhole_probe)
    very high_pop_production_max
    very low_pop_science

    I was wondering if the "very" was suppose to be there?? I have seen this "very" operator in another file but I don't know if this was a mistake or what??? I suppose only activision would know forsure but maybe someone on the forums would know.


  • #2
    no... very is definitely a valid operator, and is used in other places as I recall.

    We've never gotten explainations from Activision of the fli's. I and CD did the initial delving into the fli's, and pretty much everything we've learnt has been built from there.


    • #3
      Thanks man, This is a related question to the fli files, has anyone seen the ai use the virtual democracy government, also can anyone be so kind and post a how guide to adding your own new governments. I have added a couple but I am unsure as to whether it was done correctly. Thanks



      • #4
        I believe it works like this: high_pop_production_max takes a value between 0 and 1 and the operator 'very' returns the square of it's argument. The standard example is something like "John is tall". If "John is tall" is true to, say, the degree .6 then "very(John is tall)"="John is very tall" should be true to a lower degree; and thats just what the square operation does.
        "very" is an example of what the fuzzy logicians call a hedge. The only other hedge I've noticed in CTP is "kinda" which occurs in diplomacy_begin, but I don't know what it returns.
        I started some notes on this stuff, i.e. how fuzzy logic is used in CTP, a few months ago. If anyone wants a copy feel free to e-mail me.

        [This message has been edited by Peter Triggs (edited July 09, 2000).]


        • #5
          Thanks Peter, Yes I would be interested in any notes you have on fuzzy logic but If it's not to much trouble to you could you post it in the forum???



          • #6
            Hi, Gemini...

            Lordy, this place is so empty. I actually don't have time to comment right now, but I thought I'd *bump* this thread to keep this Creation section looking "alive"

            O yeah--why don'tcha email me sometime!?

            Gotta run,



            --the Bible.


            Another stupid homepage, out of destruction, under construction.
            Existence is Futile.


            • #7
              Hey Nordicus, nice to see you still floating around. Ya, the creation forum here has been pretty dead, I think most people are anticipating ctp2 for thier ideas on mods and such.

              Sure man, I've been meaning to give you a e-mail, it's been a while!!!!!!!!


