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Help with Aip and Fli files

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  • #31
    Thanks for the clarification on the UNIT_WARRIOR thing and also I'd forgotten about cd's comments because when I first cam to Apolyton, about 2 months back (yes I'm a newbie)I wasn't sure whether cd was a who or the cd, call me daft if you wish but ya get that occasionally when you're half asleep .

    Flying shields and no warm beer.


    • #32
      One thing I found out while working on the Med mod 3 is that the AIs *can* research things that are not in their aips. They will pick the available tech that is highest in their aip's list, but they follow the same rules that the human does as far as which advances are available to them.

      Also, if you are interested in working on the aips, I would recommend that you get the Awesome Aips, and study the readmes that come with it. These readmes are also in the Med mod 3, in the "other readmes" sub-folder of the readmes folder.

      The Medieval Mod 3.0- The Renaissance. Part of the Medieval Pack, soon to be available at my homesite, which is accessible through the homepage link. Check there periodically for updates and new additions.


      • #33
        To Anyone who knows,
        Is there any way to stop tech trading between Human players, can it be done using the Diplomacy file or SlIC, somwhere else or just not at all?

        Hey Nordicus,
        when are you going to tell us about the 13 Diplomacy files? I've had a quick look through them but it just went in both eyeballs and out my ears, small variant on the usual saying , also in my lack of decorum I forgot to thank you for the clarification of my question about changing the ending time. Thanks
        I'll have another look at the Diplomacy files now so that maybe I can answer any questions that pop up.

        See ya's later
        [This message has been edited by Dogmatrix (edited May 09, 2000).]
        Flying shields and no warm beer.


        • #34

          Was it you who toyed around with those map values, trying to get not-so generic looking continents and such, or if not, who was that? I know someone was doing that....


          Hey, dude, whuz up?


          Ah, hey, we were all newbies at one point

          Diplomacy files!?
          Oh yeah...right.

          diplomacy.fli --> Never touched it, nothing really of interest for me anyway.

          diplomacybegin.fli --> Okay, this is the big one. This file is extensive and contains all the data the AI uses at the beginning of its turn. It's the primary diplomacy file; the AI uses this file to determine how big the world is, who is in the world, who is AI and who isn't, who is friend or foe, what everyone's rank is, who's stronger, who's weaker, who's fighting (and how many they're fighting), who's allied, who's loyal, who's polluting, pirating, special attacking, breaking treaties, trespassing, and how often...etc., etc. It also determines "regard"--how the AI "feels" about you or another AI--loath, hate, dislike, neutral, like, love, well as "trust"--> completely_trust_him, maybe_trust_him, watch_him, dont_trust_him, distrust_him, benedict_arnold....Of course, how the AI deals with you or others is relative to how it "feels" and how much or little it trusts is much more difficult to regain than regard.
          This file is massive--took months to get thru it all, and I found something new every time I went into it.

          diplomacyaccepted.fli --> This file is mainly responsible for regard & trust, but it only relates to if something has been accepted or not (hence its name). Any request by it or to it by you or another AI, either rejected (see next file) or accepted, will directly impact its regard & trust--for you or whoever.

          diplomacyrejected.fli --> ...if it's not accepted, then this file sets the regard and trust, depending on what it was. But if it doesn't get something it really wants, there's additional stuff here--like preparing for war, going into cold war, and so forth. Depends how pissed off it is.

          diplomacy_pre_incoming.fli --> Okay, this file takes care of all messages coming in from anyone. If you're asking, offering, trying to trade, whatever, it all goes thru here. It also affects regard & trust. Fairly massive file, too.

          diplomacy_pre_outgoing.fli --> Just like pre_incoming, but this handles all outgoing information, messages, requests, trade offers, treaties...if they should be sent, what the priority of each is, depending, etc.

          diplomacypeaceloyal.fli, diplomacywarloyal.fli,
          --> all of these mainly contain outputs to be used for whichever AI personality that fits with the file--i.e. a "WarFew" or "MilFew" aip will use the diplomacywarloyal.fli file, whereas the "WarMany"--"MilMany"--uses the diplomacywarbackstab.fli file.
          So, I've never altered any of them.

          Gotta cruise!

          Existence is Futile.


          • #35
            Hey Nordicus, Doing fine. Glad to see you back, got any projects planned for ctp??

            Hey Dogmatrix, I don't think it is possible through slic or anywhere else to stop tech trading between human players.

            Hey Wes, that's interesting, but does this apply for units, improvements, wonders on a buildlist, will it ever build units not on a buildlist?? Have you noticed anything about that.




            • #36

              Hey--just the guy I needed to talk to....
              Yeah, I'm currently doing the Aip-Specific stuff. Didn't take as long as I thought it would!
              Email ya later.

              Don, yes, I do recall now. I think I tried as well (slightly) last November, oh well.
              What are you up to? Have you gotten any emails from me?

              [This message has been edited by Nordicus (edited May 08, 2000).]
              Existence is Futile.


              • #37

                Yea, but I just got it and it is going to take a while to catch up. I got about 6000 emails to go through, literally.

                The transformer in back blew up (technically, I can't tell you what happened). It wiped me out as well as 6 other houses close by. The only thing I had left was one file server because it had a hellatious UPS. I lost 2 file servers, 7 computers, every TV, VCR, stereo & phone, all the wiring in the house is gone as well as all the fixtures. You should of seen the sparks flying when it hit.

                Of course, the electric company has to pay for all the damage and they had a rep out here in 30 minutes, but that doesn't help much for data which wasn't backed up as well as all the down time and all the time required to get everything set back up once it is replaced.

                I lost virtually everything CtP related, including all the maps I had been working on but weren't published yet.

                The only good part was when the guy walked into my computer room and saw how many computers were fried. The look on his face was priceless.

                I think I must of been a bad person in a previous life because this happened to me 2 years ago too.
                CtPMaps (Hosted by Apolyton)


                • #38
                  Yeah, Nordicus, I have toyed with them, quite a bit. I have worked with virtually every aspect that relates to maps. It is a lot of frustrating work more than anything else.

                  CtPMaps (Hosted by Apolyton)


                  • #39
                    Gemini, the answer to all the other things you mentioned is no, the AI's will *not* build those things unless they are in the aips.

                    Dear God, Don, that's horrible! I didn't know things like that *could* happen.


                    • #40
                      Nordicus, I forget; How do third-party AIs react if you pirate the routes of someone you are at war with? Does it make a difference to the other AIs if you pledged to stop to one AI, and then broke it?

                      I was at war with one AI, and pirated a couple of his routes, and within two turns *everyone* else declared war on me, including an AI that had loved me the entire game.


                      • #41
                        Hey, guys...

                        Don, I can definitely relate, man.
                        Was this the result of a storm?
                        I forgot that you're in that region down there with all the really nasty storms and such--how often do ya see a tornado?
                        Good to hear you haven't given up, though, unlike me....

                        Speaking of email, mine has been killed--related to my current cumputer ****. I'm having difficulty setting up a new account, but with enough hair-pulling and teeth-grinding, it should be Unfortunately, I've lost everything in the old account

                        Wes, that's strange. I recall messing with this: I tried to lower tolerance for this kind of behavior, as everyone agreed; I know that if an AI pirates you and you consequently attack it, the amount of regard lost is way lower than before (don't have the file in front of me at the moment). I think that other AI reactions *should* not be so aggressive towards least, I don't recall making or changing any of that code.
                        As for you pirating its routes, I believe the regard you lose when doing this is greater--going along with the theme at the time we did AAIPs that the AIs needed to band together more often, in more varied circumstances. So...good! Glad to see it worked out okay (well, not for you ).

                        {edit: Good Lord, I just saw how long ago these posts were }
                        [This message has been edited by Nordicus (edited June 06, 2000).]
                        Existence is Futile.


                        • #42
                          On a topic I brought up a little while ago, about stopping tech trading, would it be possible to simply romove the button that is for tech trading, inside the diplomacy screens somewhere? I had a look through some file or another and noticed how the CTP engine give addresses to it's buttons, maybe I could just remove the address. Anyway I'll have a look tonight, when I get home.

                          Good bye,
                          Flying shields and no warm beer.


                          • #43
                            Hey Dogmatrix, No I don't think that is going to stop the ai from trading tech because I don't think it depends on a ui to trade tech. You can go into the diplomacy files and just delete that part of the code and it should work for you. But if you do disable the button for trading tech,it theoritically should work to stop human players in a multiplayer game from trading tech. This is just a few logical answers so I may be wrong about this but I am going by what I saw when I went through the fli's.

                            [This message has been edited by gemini (edited June 08, 2000).]


                            • #44
                              I don't know why I never thought of this before (or at least not as far as I remember), but it might be possible to stop tech-trading through SLIC. There are the functions DontAcceptTradeOffer() and RejectTradeBid(). I never looked into it and there may be complications but in theory this should work. Of course you'd also have to set the chance of getting an advance from a goody hut to 0.
                              Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                              • #45
                                Hey Locutus, aren't those functions for trading goods not tech?

                                I'll have to check that out as well cos that should solve the problem about disallowing civs from trading techs if it can be used for that purpose.

                                [This message has been edited by gemini (edited June 08, 2000).]

