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GPFs in Nord 1.4

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  • GPFs in Nord 1.4

    Good news: they're great. And thanks for all the work.

    But, CtP frequently shuts down with "This program has performed an illegal operation, etc." I never get that with other mods or scenarios. It usually occurs pretty early, in the first dozen turns or so, although some games I've gone 50+ turns with no problem. As nearly as I can tell, it happens when a unit moves onto certain terrain types.

    I'm running CtP with 1.2 patch and 1.21 hack. It happens with both standard and Apolyton Pack versions of the trade goods.


  • #2
    Hi, Lago...

    Huh. That is puzzling. What is the exact error message you receive? Is there a message or does it just crash without one?
    To be safe, try everything without the mod installed...if it works well, no problems, then try installing it again.
    If that doesn't help, I'll take a closer look. Feel free to email me with the error message (if there is one).

    Existence is Futile.


    • #3
      That sounds errily similar to the crashes I was getting with the Modern mod.

      Iago, would you give us the specs of your computer?


      • #4
        Well, this afternoon I did a complete CtP reinstall (i'm getting pretty good at that) and then played for a couple hours using Nordicus 1.4, both with and without the AP. No problems.

        However, the Medieval Mod doesn't work...go figure. Something like "CONCEPT_BUFFALO not found in string database" or whatever. I'll figure it out.

        My thanks to both of you; the mods are a lot of fun to play, and I know it's been a lot of work.


        • #5
          I spoke too soon. After I wrote the above post, I went back and picked up where I left off. Boom.

          It's an invalid page fault. I'm using a 600mz P3, 128MB memory, Win98 SE, lots of drive space.

          It happens after I push the 'End' button; the year indicator cycles through one or two of the other civs, the screen freezes, and then I'm looking at my desktop. I can't reload CtP until I reboot. It seems to me that it either will happen fairly soon in the CtP session or not at all. If I make it through 20 turns or so, it doesn't happen, although if I save and come back to that game, it could.

          One other thing is that this also hoses the modem ("Hardware failure") until I reboot.

          I'll try removing the mod next.


          • #6
            Hey, Lago...

            Geez...that sounds pretty silly. Once in a while I have a buggy install and nothing works correctly, so I blow CtP away and reinstall it...usually defrag before the install....
            But if the trade goods *and* the Med mod are acting kooky, hell, it may just be CtP.
            The "CONCEPT_BUFFALO not found in string database" error message refers to the gl_str.txt file in the english/gamedata folder. Sounds like it's included in the default/gamedata side, in concept.txt & concepticon.txt and what not, but not quoted for the Great Library. Sometimes having a " missing will cause that, but normally that shouldn't happen.

            Wait a minute--> have you been using the New Trade Goods Mod, as found in the downloads' section, along with Wes's Med mod? I ask because if you aren't using files adjusted for his mod, there's no way it'll work. Damn, I think I forgot to mention that in the thread--that it's not compatible with Wes's mod.
            But if you are using both, this is why you're having these problems--the 'CONCEPT_BUFFALO' message would be because Wes included it for his mod, but I didn't for mine.
            Let me know--Timothy Pintello has adapted files for the Med mod, I could send them to you.

            Existence is Futile.


            • #7
              Damn, this is scary. When I was trying to debug the Mod mod, I started having weird problems with my modem. I didn't think that the two were related, but I do know that since I gave up on the Mod mod, my modem problems have disappeared as well. I have had plenty of crashes with my other mods in the past, and since, but never a modem problem until the Mod mod.

              And no, the Med mod is not compatible with Nord's mod (nor the stand-alone versions of the AAips). I should have the next beta version of the Med mod 3 up at my site shortly, if you want to wait.

              Btw, to keep from having to reboot after a crash, go into control panel, system, device manager, and click mouse- refresh at the bottom. Then refresh the monitor. One of these fixes the problem- I always do both.


              • #8
                When you have a hard crash in CtP (end up at the desktop), you should always reboot. That is the ONLY way to clear out Windows memory and reset all its components. If you don't, you are simply asking for more problems. You also face the problem of introducing new CtP errors which you would not get if you had rebooted to begin with.

                Can't begin to tell you how many people I have seen spend 2 hours(literally) chasing errors and problems all over Windows to keep from having to reboot, when all they had to do to begin with was Reboot.

                CtPMaps at Apolyton
                [This message has been edited by skorpion59 (edited March 23, 2000).]
                CtPMaps (Hosted by Apolyton)


                • #9
                  I think if you reinstall something often enough, you'll finally get it to work. I'd had CtP, the 1.2 patch, the 1.21 hack, the AP, and Med Mod 2.0. Installing Nordicus 1.4 over this led to the blow-ups.

                  I reinstalled everything, leaving off Med Mod, and now Nordicus 1.4 works fine. I'm still the same mediocre player as before, but that's another issue.


                  • #10
                    Don, yep, been there. Figured that out the hard way. But after trying to debug something and seeing it crash fifty, sixty times, gawd, you feel one eye growing bigger than te other...then it starts twitching and you feel a primal sound rising up in your throat....

                    Did you want a copy of the mod that's compatible with the Medieval Mod?
                    Existence is Futile.


                    • #11
                      Nordicus: If there's a Med Mod compatible version, I'd certainly be interested. Hadn't seen any info about it.


                      • #12
                        I think the latest version of WesW's medieval mod contains a compatible version of the trade goods


                        • #13
                          Yes, I worked with ETB for several days integrating Nord's mod into my Pack.
                          I moved a few of the goods to different terrains, and generally used lower values than Tom did. Also, I already had the base terrain settings about how I wanted them from my work on the True Terrian mods.
                          Overall, I didn't go as far as Tom did with his changes. I hope that play-testing can help determine what values work best.

