Here is one simple SLIC that I have created to give a free Nuke unit in the capitol city upon discovery of Quantum Physics.
I later found that after discovering the advance and you saved the game to play in future, the trigger activated again upon the next discovery. So I added another trigger to solve the problem.
Hope these is of benefit to you people.
[This message has been edited by Dreamer (edited January 02, 2000).]
TypeLocation human_player_capitol; Trigger 'NewNuke' when (discovery.type && IsHumanPlayer(player.1) && HasAdvance(player.1, ID_ADVANCE_QUANTUM_MECHANICS)) { ExtractLocation(player.capitol, human_player_capitol); CreateUnit(player.1, UnitType("UNIT_NUKE"), human_player_capitol, 0); DisableTrigger('NewNuke'); }
Trigger 'CheckAdvances' when (IsHumanPlayer(g.player) && HasAdvance(g.player, ID_ADVANCE_QUANTUM_MECHANICS)) { DisableTrigger('NewNuke'); }
[This message has been edited by Dreamer (edited January 02, 2000).]