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What do I need for TGA files?

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  • What do I need for TGA files?

    Hi Guys!!!!

    For adding new units, could someone explain to me what sizes and what the tga filenames should be called. Also do you place them all in the pictures directory. Do they have to be 16bit or 8 bit. I thought this info was on another thread but I can't seem to find it and would appreciate any help you guys can give me. Thanks.


  • #2

    I can't give you the specifics on this but we do have graphics people here which can.

    Until then, go download Harlan's 'Creating Graphics in CTP' from the CTP-Download section. It gives a lot of good info and even has blank templates in it.

    BTW, there is 2 versions. I have the larger one so I am not quite sure what all is in the smaller one. Also, I have some older saved threads which pertain to this if all else fails.

    On a side note, try to look at the other mods/scenarios and see what they use for numbers. If you can use a different number, it makes it much easier to integrate mods together.

    *scratching my head & thinking*
    Maybe a thread listing all existing user-created numbers would be of use. Then it could be updated as the numbers were taken.


    Update: try this

    [This message has been edited by skorpion59 (edited December 24, 1999).]
    CtPMaps (Hosted by Apolyton)


    • #3
      Download the new noble unit I sent in and the read me instructions explain all the sizes and uses of the various TGA files. Basically it is best and only necessary to create one TGA 160x120 and one 30x30. 2 other TGA's are needed but the programs will descale the 160x120 (Great library still) to 90x72 (most other pictures you see) and 40x30 which is used for the unit icon in cheat mode.


      • #4
        Hey Guys, Thanks again, I owe you both and hope to help you in the future!!!

        Oh Hey, Morgoth great work on the noble!!!! I am also pleased about the readme file which goes into detail about tga's. Thanks
        [This message has been edited by gemini (edited December 24, 1999).]

