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Looking for a co-creator

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  • Looking for a co-creator

    I'm testing the waters for a longer, more indepth game than what I have been exposed to so far... the only difficulty is the need for unit creators, advance modifiers and possibly game changes.... I need to findout if there are any peoples with these skills that are interested in creating the following type of scenario

    MAP SIZE = 500x1000
    PLAYERS = 32 (minimum)
    TURNS PER GAME = lots (more the merrier)
    ADVANCE BASIS = Major and minor advances (just to keep the game interesting, since most advances don't come in heaps... they progress...)
    UNITS = specific for each civ (ideas already)
    IMPROVEMENTS = more for each era

    I'm working already on the map, and should be finished around Xmas... as for the other changes I can't do it all...

    Looking for help

    [This message has been edited by OmniGod (edited December 15, 1999).]

  • #2
    While this is tempting, I'm pretty well spread thin as it is, I'm afraid. I'll help in whatver way I can, but I have six projects of my own on the go with no help on most.
    But I can't imagine that size of map!!! Holy mudda! I went 300 X 450 and it took 7 minutes to initally load (32 civs) on my system (Pentium III 450, 128 RAM), and every button I pressed (options, cheat mode, etc.) was a bit of a pause. So, a 500 X 1000 would be available for an *elite* few!
    As for the 32+ players...yeah, well, I have tried every way and workaround I thought of to get more in there...despite sane advice, I was stubborn about it until (countless disappointments and I forget how many crashes) I proved it to myself that it's a hard-coded number that cannot be changed.

    But, I may be able to help in small way on your other aspects listed below the first two.
    I'd suggest a new thread perhaps, a poll to find out if anyone would want a map that massive--I know there's a demand for proportional earth maps...maybe not not so system-taxing, however.

    If not, well, good luck.


    Existence is Futile.


    • #3
      I will help
      In my personal mod I have made the Ancient Age longer to were the increments are every 25 years. But on top for that I have added chep inprovments to increass production. And they are the Blacksmiths shop,Stone Quere, and Stone Circle(its a pagan thing). I also made the early tile inprovments cheper for faster growth. As well as Settlers chepper as well. Some extra advances and a couple of units like dive bomber,ww2 bomber, catapult,Space Carrier,Cruise Missile,Spy Satellite,Phantom Satellite,Helicopter. And
      working on others. Inprovments on exsiting inprovments and added somemore. Added Industrial age. And I don't want to go on about other changes.

      my e-mail is
      e-mail me what you want and some ideas of stuff you want.


      • #4
        Thanks blackwisardy... I'll be in contact after the holidays... but last night I was fighting with a thought about the edit distances of units... since the map I have now is 560x1040 I feel that there needs to be some real changes to the movement points of some of the units.... I need some response to see if this is where I should be heading with it without making the game too realistic...

        Taking into consideration that each tile represents approximately 10 miles on the earth these are my potential movements

        walking person - 2
        early ship - 6
        mounted unit - 9
        late ship - 16
        missle - 20
        mobilized unit - 26
        aircraft early - 175
        aircraft bomber- 200
        ICBM missle - 400
        space shuttle - 560

        And as for length of game... I was pondering around 700 turns (approx game length = 60hrs) with around 25 initial civs, with potential for 32....

        That's it for now... but I will keep taking a poll...


