Hi all
I've bought CTP a week ago and been stuck in front of the screen since then. Firts I just played through the game a couple of time to get the feeling. Now I have started to look into the gamefiles and I have realized that CTP is a wonderful game to make scenarios from.
I have started to researced my favorite era of the history the Roman Empire and I have so far gathered quite alot of troop information. Now I need help in telling what can be done and what can't.
The feutures I would like to have is the follwing:
1. Leaders - Since I have not found a way to make the ai to understand leaders properly only player would recieve them. Computer would get some other benefits instead of the leaders. Leaders could give combat bonus as well as production/happiness/whatever bonus.
2. Morale for seperate units - Maybe this is to much to ask about but morale for each unit would be great. This would determine not only combat modifiers but also unit chance of
Could this be implemented and if so can the ai be taught to use it properly?
3. Supply - It would be great to have some sort of supply rules. Unit would have to forage to get food. Each unit has a supply value and all the units in the stack add there supply values then compare it to the terrain currently occupied by the stack. Supply value above the current terrain supply value would risk the chance of starving.
I think this might be possible for the ai to understand simply by allowing him only to stack the maximum units the could be supplied in the terrain. What do you think? (The reason for this is that Roman powers does not stack 9 Legions into the the same square)
4. Diplomacy - I would like to make some factions not being able to talk to eachother as it was possible to forbid in Civ2 scenarios. Maybe even just allow them to do some limited diplomacy with eachother.
5. ai moves - Also I would like to make a seperate aip for each faction. Can I specify for each faction which locations are important to attack and/or defend? And other general decisions that should be made by the ai?
6. building -> units -Is there anyway you can relate specific units to specific buildings ie Legion units can only be build in cities with Roman baths?
7. Is it possible at all to create own flags to units/improvements/wonder/tileimp?
Well this is what I'm looking into right now. I would appreciate any comments from you.
My scenario that I'm working on is taken from the Boardgame Imperium Romanum II and begin in Feb. 55 bc and will end somwhere around 52 bc.
The Major Factions/Nations/Tribes are:
Gauls Barbarian
Ceasar Roman
Pompey Roman
Crassus Roman
Cicero Roman
Parthi-Media Civilized
Minor Factions/Nations/Tribes:
Gallaecia Barbarian
Aegyptus Civilized
Armenia Civilized
Galatia Civilized
Lycia&Paphylia Civilized
Numidia Civilized
Rhodus Civilized
Thracia Civilized
Charax Civilized
Elymais Civilized
Hyrcania Civilized
I've bought CTP a week ago and been stuck in front of the screen since then. Firts I just played through the game a couple of time to get the feeling. Now I have started to look into the gamefiles and I have realized that CTP is a wonderful game to make scenarios from.
I have started to researced my favorite era of the history the Roman Empire and I have so far gathered quite alot of troop information. Now I need help in telling what can be done and what can't.
The feutures I would like to have is the follwing:
1. Leaders - Since I have not found a way to make the ai to understand leaders properly only player would recieve them. Computer would get some other benefits instead of the leaders. Leaders could give combat bonus as well as production/happiness/whatever bonus.
2. Morale for seperate units - Maybe this is to much to ask about but morale for each unit would be great. This would determine not only combat modifiers but also unit chance of
Could this be implemented and if so can the ai be taught to use it properly?
3. Supply - It would be great to have some sort of supply rules. Unit would have to forage to get food. Each unit has a supply value and all the units in the stack add there supply values then compare it to the terrain currently occupied by the stack. Supply value above the current terrain supply value would risk the chance of starving.
I think this might be possible for the ai to understand simply by allowing him only to stack the maximum units the could be supplied in the terrain. What do you think? (The reason for this is that Roman powers does not stack 9 Legions into the the same square)
4. Diplomacy - I would like to make some factions not being able to talk to eachother as it was possible to forbid in Civ2 scenarios. Maybe even just allow them to do some limited diplomacy with eachother.
5. ai moves - Also I would like to make a seperate aip for each faction. Can I specify for each faction which locations are important to attack and/or defend? And other general decisions that should be made by the ai?
6. building -> units -Is there anyway you can relate specific units to specific buildings ie Legion units can only be build in cities with Roman baths?
7. Is it possible at all to create own flags to units/improvements/wonder/tileimp?
Well this is what I'm looking into right now. I would appreciate any comments from you.
My scenario that I'm working on is taken from the Boardgame Imperium Romanum II and begin in Feb. 55 bc and will end somwhere around 52 bc.
The Major Factions/Nations/Tribes are:
Gauls Barbarian
Ceasar Roman
Pompey Roman
Crassus Roman
Cicero Roman
Parthi-Media Civilized
Minor Factions/Nations/Tribes:
Gallaecia Barbarian
Aegyptus Civilized
Armenia Civilized
Galatia Civilized
Lycia&Paphylia Civilized
Numidia Civilized
Rhodus Civilized
Thracia Civilized
Charax Civilized
Elymais Civilized
Hyrcania Civilized