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A question...or two....

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  • A question...or two....

    Hello, fellow CTPers...

    New Leaders with photos, which can be used with my Earth Map Mod:
    1. America (Franklin Roosevelt)(John F. Kennedy) (George Washington) (Thomas Jefferson)
    2. Russia (Josef Stalin) (Vladimir Lenin) (Peter the Great)
    3. Germany (Adolf Hitler--2) (Otto von Bismarck)
    4. England (Winston Churchill) (Margaret Thatcher) (Elizabeth I) (Richard I--2)
    5. Greece (Eleftherios Venizelos) (Alexander) (Pericles--no pic so far)
    6. Australia (Edward Gough Withlam)
    7. Canada (William Lyon Mackenzie King) (Pierre E. Trudeau)
    8. Iroquios (Hiawatha) (Tecumseh)
    9. Sioux (Sitting Bull/Tatanka Iyotanka--2)
    10. Aztec (Motecuzoma Xocoyotzin--2)
    11. Inca (Manco Capec)
    12. France (Charles de Gualle) (Charlamange--2) (Napoleon Bonaparte--2) (Lious XIV--no pic yet)
    13. Norway (Einar Gerhardsen) (Leif Eriksson--Viking) (Knut--Viking) (???--Norway)
    14. Sweden (Olof Palme) (Gustav Aldophus) (Dag Hammerskjold) (Per Albin Hansson--no pic yet)
    15. Italy (Benito Mussolini--2) (Giuseppe Garibaldi) (Julias Caesar--Rome)
    16. Spain (Francisco Franco--no pic yet) (Juan Carlos I) (Phillip II) (Isabella I)
    17. Turkey (Mustafa Kemal Ataturk) (Murad IV) (Mehmet the Conqueror)
    18. Egypt (Anwar Sadat) (Cleopatra) (Thutmose III) (Piye--Nubian)
    19. Persia (Ayatollah Khamenei) (Cyrus) (Suleyman)
    20. Israel (Yizhak Rabin) (Moses--Hebrew) (David--Hebrew)
    21. Arabia (Abdul Ibn Saud) (Saladin--Saleh al-Din)
    22. Ethiopia (Haile Selassie)
    23. KwaZulu (Shaka--2)
    24. India (Mohandas Gandhi--2) (Ashoka--no pic yet)
    25. Indonesia (Suharto) (Sukarno)
    26. Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh) (Rama V/Chulalongkorn--Thai/Siam) (Suryavarman II--Kampuchea/Khmer)
    27. China (Mao Zedong--2)
    (Chiang Kai Shek) (Tenzin Gyatso--Tibet)
    28. Korea (Kim Young Sam) (Yi Selong)
    29. Japan (Hirohito) (Meiji) (Minamoto Yoritomo)
    **30. Maya (Hanab Pakal) (Hunahpu)
    **31. Bantu (Alfonso I)

    Other civs that will be already in the files, with leader photos available:

    33. Mongolia: (Genghis Khan)
    34. Assyria: (Sargon II)
    35. Celtic: (Arthur) (Boadicea)
    36. Phoenicia: Hannibal
    37. Poland: (Lech Walesa)
    38. Netherlands: (Wilhemina)
    39. Portugal: (Prince Henry)
    40. Babylon (need civ names) : (Hammururabi--no pic) (Nebuuchadnezzar--no pic)
    41. Hungary: (Attila the Hun)
    42. Scotland: (Robert Bruce)
    43. Celt: (Arthur) (Boadicea)
    44. Slav: (Vlad the Impaler)
    45. (open)
    46. Austria: (Maria Theresa)
    47. Rome: (Julius Caesar)
    48. Brazil: (Pedro II)
    49. Holy Roman Empire: (Charlemange)
    50. Viking: (Leif Eriksson) (Knut)
    51. Thailand: (Rama V)
    52. South America: (Simon Bolivar)
    53. Mexico: (Benito Juarez)
    54. Polynesia: (Kamehameha)
    55. Sumer: (Sargon)
    56. Byzantium: (Constantine)
    57. (open)
    58. (open)
    59. (open)
    60. (open)
    61. (open)
    62. (open)
    63. (open)
    64. (open)
    (Okay, thanks everyone for the comments and suggestions: here, above, are the newly listed new/alt. leaders, the ones directly following the civ will be set as default, but the others will be available, and instructions will be there for those who may not know how to change the leader name and picture. So, if anyone has any extra leaders for, say, the Middle Ages (it's still fairly scarse there compared to the ancient and modern), hey, let's hear em! If you have a pic (raw or done as a diplomatic photo) all the better!

    Thank you in advance

    (Please note that this is not a part of Awesome Aips in anyway; just another side project.)
    [This message has been edited by Nordicus yet again (edited November 24, 1999).]
    [This message has been edited by Nordicus (edited November 24, 1999).]

    [This message has been edited by Nordicus again (edited November 29, 1999).]
    [This message has been edited by Nordicus once more (edited December 02, 1999).]
    [This message has been edited by Nordicus yet again (edited December 02, 1999).]
    [This message has been edited by Nordicus (edited December 02, 1999).]
    Existence is Futile.

  • #2
    Well, I've made my own leader pics and although I'm doing it differently than Harlan, it seems to work okay for me...!

    Using Paint Shop Pro, I resize and crop the pic (I use either jpgs or gifs) down to 217 x 153 pixels. I then make any modifications that I want to the pic by drawing them on -- which means that I don't use the standard CTP background on them, I usually opt for a solid color. When you're done, you copy it and then paste it on top of an old pic, but make sure that you save it by clicking on the "X", and not using "save as", because it won't work; the leader pic will have the proper frame, but green static instead of a portrait.

    Hope this helps!


    • #3
      Sorry, but I forgot two things:

      1) The Inka leader should be "Manco Capec", while the Aztec should be "Motecuzoma Xocoyotzin". I'm disappointed that you left out my beloved Maya; if you reinstate them, their last great leader was Kaan Ek'.

      2) Congratulate me; I'm no longer a junior civer!


      • #4
        I think that a lot of the people here have generally agreed that some of the more, shall I say controversial names should be dropped, and since I'm posting this, I agree. I'd rather see Bismarck lead Germany (He did have a larger impact than Hitler, arguably) Garibaldi for Italy, Phillip II for Spain, Meiji for Japan, Ibn Saud for Arabia, Xerxes or Cyrus for Persia, and someone other than Quisling for Norway, which is probably the most offending. No offense to yourself of course, I like all that you're doing for this game and greatly appreciate it, just voicing my concern before other people catch on and make it worse, which we both know they will



        • #5
          Very good point James, I'ld never put a mod where I can even see Hittler as a leader.

          Or I'll play it in chieftain mode just to be sure to wipe him out painstakenlly....


          • #6
            What about Brasil?!!!!

            The leader could be Juscelino Ku*****ek.


            • #7
              Again the leader for Brasil would be:

              "Juscelino Ku*****ek"

              I hope it comes out now on the posting....


              • #8
                For some reason the name never gets posted in the thread.

                If you are interested on the brasilian leader name, let me know and I'll email it to you.


                • #9
                  First, thanks a lot for the info. I'm going to try that later.
                  Only one question: can you do it 32 bit?

                  Second, thanks for the correction. Actually, I had pulled the Bantu and Maya at the last minute, opting for 30 rather than 32 civs, but I have since reconsidered, seeing how two more won't slow it down much more, and the Inca usually get realllly bored down there in South America, takes a long while for the Aztecs to make it down. (And in Africa, while eventually it gets filled up, the entire eastern portion of the continent remains uninhabited for a large part of the game, so I took Wes's suggestion and put the Bantu back in--they begin in the tropical region along the east coast, so hopefully this will balance the Zulu-Ethiopian dominance.)
                  However, I made the map with 30, so I don't know if one can add the extra two (not all that experienced yet with that). Skorp will likely let me know.

                  Oh, I changed the names above, but this
                  doesn't look quite right without the "n," but I know it's right.
                  Also, I have never heard of Kaan Ek...I'm going to try a search later to learn more, but I'm going with Hunahpu until then.
                  Thanks again, junior...err, no, I guess not

                  Good points. This is an old argument, I know, and I don't want to revive it--there's some old cliche about that, but I don't like using cliches, so...
                  Uh, about Quisling, yeah, well, I wanted a leader from this century and asked actually someone from Norway, who gave me a couple suggestions. I recalled Quisling vaguely from the WWII era, not knowing too much about him, but I just looked him up...and I thank you for pointing that out. I'm going with Gerhardsen instead.
                  I also liked your idea of Abdul Ibn Saud, and I think I'll include him instead after gathering more info on him.
                  I might just play it safe as well and have another set of more, shall we say, PC, leader names.

                  Thanks once more for your suggestions

                  3rd Trial:
                  I see your point as well. But this mod is not dependent on these civs or leaders. One can change these if one wants. And whenever I play as Russia (most of the time), I enjoy it when Hitler tries to invade me...he he. But I suppose if I were playing as Germany then I would want someone like Frederick or, for a modern one like this one, Bismarck.
                  Good thing this can be easily changed for everyone's specific taste.
                  What about Brasil?!!!!
                  The leader could be Juscelino Ku*****ek.
                  I'm sorry, I already included the Maya (and the Bantu) to fill out the 32 civs. In the english(or *language*) gamedata folder, this is very easily changed--here, this is from my "civ_str" text file:
                  MAYAN "Mayan"

                  MAYAN_LEADERM_NAME "Hunahpu"
                  MAYAN_LEADERF_NAME "Hunahpu"
                  MAYAN_COUNTRY_NAME "Maya"
                  MAYAN_SINGULAR "Mayan"
                  MAYAN_PLURAL "Mayans"

                  MAYAN_CITY_1 "Copan"
                  MAYAN_CITY_2 "Chichen Itza"
                  MAYAN_CITY_3 "Uxmal"
                  MAYAN_CITY_4 "Jaina"
                  MAYAN_CITY_5 "Palenque"
                  MAYAN_CITY_6 "Uaxactun"
                  MAYAN_CITY_7 "Yaxchilan"
                  MAYAN_CITY_8 "Tikal"
                  MAYAN_CITY_9 "Tonina"
                  MAYAN_CITY_10 "Coba"
                  MAYAN_CITY_11 "Etzna"
                  MAYAN_CITY_12 "Kabah Labna"
                  MAYAN_CITY_13 "Xpuhil"
                  MAYAN_CITY_14 "Calakmul"
                  MAYAN_CITY_15 "Comalcalco"
                  MAYAN_CITY_16 "Tenampua"
                  MAYAN_CITY_17 "Yojoa"
                  MAYAN_CITY_18 "Yarumela"
                  MAYAN_CITY_19 "Zaculeu"
                  MAYAN_CITY_20 "Seibal"
                  MAYAN_CITY_21 "Dzibilchaltun"
                  MAYAN_CITY_22 "Quirigua"
                  MAYAN_CITY_23 "Lubaantun"
                  MAYAN_CITY_24 "Pusilha"
                  MAYAN_CITY_25 "Chinkultic"
                  MAYAN_CITY_26 "Pechal"
                  MAYAN_CITY_27 "Caracol"
                  MAYAN_CITY_28 "Palmar"
                  MAYAN_CITY_29 "Sayil"
                  MAYAN_CITY_30 "Yaxchilan"
                  MAYAN_CITY_31 "Izamal"
                  MAYAN_CITY_32 "Uaacbal"
                  MAYAN_CITY_33 "Yaxha"
                  MAYAN_CITY_34 "Tulum"
                  MAYAN_CITY_35 "Nohmul"
                  MAYAN_CITY_36 "Takalik"
                  MAYAN_CITY_37 "Amatitian"
                  MAYAN_CITY_38 "Xullun"
                  MAYAN_CITY_39 "Ucal"
                  MAYAN_CITY_40 "Oxpemul"
                  MAYAN_CITY_41 "Xtampak"
                  MAYAN_CITY_42 "Loltun"
                  MAYAN_CITY_43 "Yaxuna"
                  MAYAN_CITY_44 "Cozumel"
                  MAYAN_CITY_45 "Izapa"
                  MAYAN_CITY_46 "Chinikha"
                  MAYAN_CITY_47 "Uolaritun"
                  MAYAN_CITY_48 "Nimlipunit"
                  MAYAN_CITY_49 "Itzan"
                  MAYAN_CITY_50 "Altun Ha"
                  MAYAN_CITY_51 "Puerto Cabezas"
                  MAYAN_CITY_52 "Managua"
                  MAYAN_CITY_53 "Matagalpa"
                  MAYAN_CITY_54 "Ocotal"
                  MAYAN_CITY_55 "Brasilia"
                  MAYAN_CITY_56 "Rio De Janeiro"
                  MAYAN_CITY_57 "Aracaju"
                  MAYAN_CITY_58 "Sorocaba"
                  MAYAN_CITY_59 "Laguna"
                  MAYAN_CITY_60 "Caceres"
                  Of course, if you have 60 cities here, you must also have 60 in the default/gamedata "civilisation" file.
                  As you can see, I have included a few South American cities, which can be changed just as easily. To make this civ "Brazilian" again, simply change this like so:
                  MAYAN "Brazilian"

                  MAYAN_LEADERM_NAME "Juscelino Ku*****ek"
                  MAYAN_LEADERF_NAME "Juscelino Ku*****ek"
                  MAYAN_COUNTRY_NAME "Brazil"
                  MAYAN_SINGULAR "Brazilian"
                  MAYAN_PLURAL "Brazilians"

                  MAYAN_CITY_1 "Brasilia"
                  and so on, whatever you like, just be certain to keep these in quotes.
                  Geez, that's weird.(?) Why doesn't that post.
                  If you'd rather not bother with this, I could change this for you--send over the name and maybe a pic if you have.

                  (BTW, to have the correct leader pic for your civ, in this same file--"civ_str"--you have to change
                  MAYAN_DIPLOMAT_PHOTO "hunahpu.tga"
                  to "*whatever*.tga" or you'll have the wrong pic in diplomacy.)

                  I'm going to try something tonight--I have an idea how to have different leader names for different eras, and different civ names too.
                  I'll let you guys know how that goes.


                  And, please, everyone note: this is a separate mod and is in no way connected to Awesome Aips, it's a side project of mine.
                  Thanks again.

                  [This message has been edited by Nordicus (edited November 24, 1999).]
                  [This message has been edited by Nordicus (edited November 24, 1999).]
                  Existence is Futile.


                  • #10
                    First of all, I GOTTA reply to this "evil leader" thread running around all over this CTP forum: The way I see it, ALL national leaders are evil to the side fighting them! I mean, Genghiz Khan was never considered a nice guy, nor a human rights activist. The Native Americans might be none too thrilled with any of the American presidents of the 18th or 19th centuries, and I'm fairly sure that any colonized country would consider their colonizers evil.

                    It's a game, folks. Personally, I enjoy kicking Hitler's butt, and especially so when I see his face as Deutchland cries for mercy. I don't play as Germany, but if someone wants to do so, or change the files to get rid of him -- go for it.

                    Now on to another soapbox. I'm something of an student of the Maya, and so I'll give you my list of cities. Note that I don't use Kaan Ek' (king of Tayasal until the late 1700's), as I like the more ancient or middle-ages leaders. Just some ideas to flesh out your 60 cities!

                    MAYAN "Maya"

                    MAYAN_LEADERM_NAME "Hanab Pakal"
                    MAYAN_LEADERF_NAME "Hanab Pakal"
                    MAYAN_COUNTRY_NAME "Maya"
                    MAYAN_SINGULAR "Maya"
                    MAYAN_PLURAL "Maya"

                    MAYAN_CITY_1 "Lakam Ha"
                    MAYAN_CITY_2 "Wakah Kaan"
                    MAYAN_CITY_3 "Kaan"
                    MAYAN_CITY_4 "Bak"
                    MAYAN_CITY_5 "Xukpi"
                    MAYAN_CITY_6 "Ek' Xukpi"
                    MAYAN_CITY_7 "Ox Tun"
                    MAYAN_CITY_8 "Chichen Itza"
                    MAYAN_CITY_9 "Pia"
                    MAYAN_CITY_10 "Coba"
                    MAYAN_CITY_11 "Yok'ib"
                    MAYAN_CITY_12 "K'an Te Mut"
                    MAYAN_CITY_13 "Mak"
                    MAYAN_CITY_14 "Xuk Na"
                    MAYAN_CITY_15 "Ch'atz'"
                    MAYAN_CITY_16 "Nal Kab"
                    MAYAN_CITY_17 "Kay"
                    MAYAN_CITY_18 "Pakbul"
                    MAYAN_CITY_19 "Ul"
                    MAYAN_CITY_20 "K'an Witz"
                    MAYAN_CITY_21 "Ak"
                    MAYAN_CITY_22 "Yax Ha"
                    MAYAN_CITY_23 "Mayapan"
                    MAYAN_CITY_24 "Coba"
                    MAYAN_CITY_25 "Kaan Kun"
                    MAYAN_CITY_26 "Bonam Pak'"
                    MAYAN_CITY_27 "Puh"

                    If you want a pic of Hanab Pakal, just gimme your e-mail address, and I'll send it.

                    Finally, I don't know if the pics are 32-bit or what: when I click on the "X" they save in whatever format they started as. I've tried saving the other way, but there was no way to keep the pic from going bad.

                    Sorry for being so long-winded!


                    • #11
                      It's not that I'm trying too hard to make everything PC or anything, I just know that some people'd be offended, and I know that these countries had better leaders. Mussolini did nothing for Italy but make the fight a war. Garibaldi united the country. Same goes for Hitler & Bismarck, but a better argument could be made for Hitler. And my argument against Hirohito was that he was a figurehead emporer, even before the war, he didn't do much, Meiji is the one who led the industrialization of the country.


                      • #12
                        If you need any help making diplomatic photos, i'd be glad to make some for you

                        i've made many... if you'd like some samples i could send you a few

                        just write me and ask because i don't come to this thread very often



                        • #13
                          Hey, thanks for the info. I shall include those cities and will trust that you just didn't make them up knowing little of Mayan city names.
                          I am considering adding 10 more cities for the 32 civs, so if you have any for the Inca, I'd really appreciate it. I have a bunch here for most of Mesoamerica.
                          I just can't stand when my cities start doubling up, starting over but with a number after them.
                          I also have an idea for how to change leader pics, civ names, et cetera, in the middle of a game, so that's something left to test also.
                          Oh, by all means, send the pic of the Maya leader--my email thingy is Thanks.

                          I understand your opinions, as well as others' opinions, and like I said, I really do not want to argue. The bottom line is if one doesn't agree with the ruler, one can change him or her.
                          I wish you could have a different ruler for each period--I wish that the first European civ that successfully colonizes present day America could trigger a (or manually) change their civilization to whatever they want, the USA, or whatever, and the same for any North or South American civ--and Australia. Maybe someone can figure that out.
                          And I would like to have different rulers available depending on war or peace, so that it's not so set in stone.
                          But seeing how this is a mod concentrating on the war periods of this century, esp. the Second WW, I'm going to stick with most of these but have alternative ones for those who disagree. I think it's futile to try to make everyone happy, because someone will always want it another way, so we have to compromise.
                          If I can figure out how to have varying leaders, then that solves many things.

                          Anyway, I do see your point. Enough rambling for now.

                          I just posted about this in your other thread. I'll email you--I just thought of two more that are needed--not diplomacy pics but wonder icons: the Pyramids and Hanging Gardens (I have these included in my game, but no icons for them).

                          Anyway, I'll talk to you guys later.

                          I'll edit the initial post to include the alternative leaders later. And after I test to see if there can be many different ones, I'll likely re-edit.


                          [This message has been edited by Nordicus (edited November 27, 1999).]
                          Existence is Futile.


                          • #14
                            Hey, everyone.
                            I did some thinking...and decided to compromise--above is the (pending) list as it is now, the first row will be default (I also may do two different ones up--one with leaders that I use and one with leaders that are most popular...yeah, that seems fair enough, so that one can have a choice without messing with files and such). So, who would you suggest for an alternative file with alternative leaders from the list above? Or if you don't care that much either way, that's okay too.

                            Oh, any suggestions (with pics or diplomatic photos preferably but not necessarily) regarding the 1100s to 1700s would also be appreciated. Still, if you have someone better in mind than one which I've chosen above as the second choice, please don't hesitate----spelled a name wrong? I'd very much like to know, wanting it as realistic and factual as possible.

                            Thanks, people.
                            Existence is Futile.


                            • #15

                              Here are my suggestions for your leaders:

                              America: Jefferson (I have a pic)
                              Russia: (I have pics of Lenin and Peter)
                              Germany: (I have a Hitler pic)
                              England: I'd include Arthur and/or Boadiccea (I have a Richard I pic)
                              Greece: How about Pericles?
                              Sioux: I have a Sitting Bull pic.
                              France: NAPOLEON! I have a pic. Louis XIV?
                              Spain: Ferdinand and Isabella.
                              Italy: I have a Mussolini pic.
                              Egypt: Thutmose III, and I've a pic.
                              Israel: David
                              India: Ashoka
                              Korea: Yi Se-Jong (I have a pic)
                              Japan: Minamoto Yoritomo (I have a pic)

                              If nothing else, it'll add 1/2 a female leader! I've also got some pics that you may or may not want (ancient carvings or paintings showing the leaders, etc)-- just gimme the word!


