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Looking for a partner to do an Age of Kings modpack

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  • Looking for a partner to do an Age of Kings modpack

    I just bought Age of Empires II.

    That's an idea I had for a while: I wish to do a modpack based on it with the same Units, Improvments, Technologies etc.

    I love medieval history and I want to create a fun, balance multi-player modpack that would play faster than a regular game.

    Of course it would not be an exact copy of AOK since they are CTP limitations but it would be heavily based on it with a few twist to eaven make it better.

    Although I have never published anything (blame it on a heavy work load created by the Y2K bug) I have been thinkering with the files heavily since the game is out.

    Now it appears I will be out of a job until January so lots of time on my hands. I know all of the text files inside out, have been following everything about the AIP files and did play a bit with SLIC although in that area with a few successes and a lot of failures.

    I can't do graphics and need somebody who can convert the AOK units to CTP format. Of course if this person want to get involve in the other aspect of the the modpack it would be his choice, we would be partner.

    I would begin late October (the end of my contract). So if you are interested e-mail me at

  • #2
    This sounds like a fun idea. From what I know of AOK, you'll need a lot of graphics from someone. Maybe Morgoth or Harlan or whoever made the fantasy units would be interested. If there's anything you want to use from my mods, feel free, that's what it is there for. Btw, what's it like playing AOK? Is it really similar to Starcraft? I was thinking about getting it, but not if it was just like Starcraft.


    • #3
      I could not say how it compares to starcraft, I never played it.

      I don't think my opinion is very valuable, when it comes to RTS, the only other RTS I played is AOE, and then very little. I was always a fan of turn base.

      But compared to AOE my first impression is very good.


      • #4
        I wish you well. I of course have to spend my CTP time making my own projects like the WW2 Europe idea, but I may be able to help a bit with some of the graphics. The thing is, one would need to wait till the debugging for that game comes out. For AoE I, someone made a program that converts the graphics from their wierd, unreadable format to something people can use. That way, one doesn't need to take screenshots. IT can be found on one or more of the AOE websites. Perhaps the same program can be used for AOK if they're using the exact same file format, I don't know. Or one might have to wait till someone comes up with a new hack specifically for AOK.


        • #5
          Hey, Daniel.
          I really appreciated your feedback--I think I understand how to implement your info (adding/removing techs), but I'm fuzzy about inventing novel AI personality types. Once I get snooping in the right area, I usually stumble onto an answer sooner or later. So, it's not so much that I'm fuzzy as it is that I'm lazy--busy with other tasks....Hey, maybe we could help each other.
          Yeah, I do make graphics, but I haven't had any time to test them because of much file-tinkering. (I haven't done much: so far I've done a few new terrains, trade/good units, new govs & icons, and I'm currently trying to make WWI units, post-WWII/Korean-Vietnam War era units, as well as more WWII units, but it's been hard so far because I don't know what Harlan or others are working on--I'd hate to waste time making something similar to that which someone else is currently designing).
          But I've considered making more ancient units, just because there's not enough of them. I wouldn't be able to spend 100% of my time on an AOK-type modpack, maybe 50%, but sure: sounds cool.
          I've never played AOK or AOE, so I'm not sure what kind of game your talking about, but I assume it covers multiple eras--Sumerians --> Egyptians --> Greeks --> Romans --> European Empires? Ghengis/Kublai Khan far ahead? How ancient--game begins at 5000 or 4000? How historically accurate (goblins & trolls, or just an odd dragon gliding over the Pyrenees?)? Old World map only? How many civs? What sort of graphics? Et cetera...
          Okay, so get back to (or email me) and tell me precisely what you had in mind, alright? Meanwhile, I'll dig around and see what I've got on hand. (Thanks again for your comments, Daniel.)


          Existence is Futile.


          • #6
            Thanks Harlan for the information, I will try to look it up.

            Unless there is some AOE experts here that knows the answers.


            • #7
              If you're interested in what I'm doing lately, I'm afraid nothing. Been mostly in longhouses in remote parts of Borneo, though from time to time I return to town and am able to check email and such (a very strange cultural whiplash, I might add).

              When I get back to the US, I'm planning on doing some more WW2 units first. I want to make some "people" type units- Stormtroopers, Marines, basic infantry types, etc etc... The only other WW2 thing I want to make is some more bombers. B29, Arado 234, Pe2, Avro Lancaster, and a few more. I also would like to hear what you (or anybody else) is making, to avoid overlap. Another thing, if you're big on WW2, I would like to see someone actually make the text files work for some of these WW2 units I've made. So far, I've only done graphics for them and haven't even touched the text files yet. It will take a lot of tinkering and playbalancing to achieve a good balance between different unit types and different powers (I'm most interested in Allies vs. Axis vs. Russia). I wish someone would start in on that challenge too.

              Also, where are you getting the "raw" graphics for any units you might make, or are you making them from scratch? One last thought- you say you're interested in doing some more WW2 stuff, but what more is really needed to be done, unless you're talking Pacific Theater?

              [This message has been edited by Harlan (edited October 12, 1999).]


              • #8
                Hey, there you are....Borneo, huh? How's the weather?--rainy season there (it's probably always the rainy season there no doubt)?
                Anyway, yeah, I have a few ideas regarding a WWII scenario, or one covering this entire century of warfare (WWI-WWII-Cold-War...?). The units I've been attempting to compile consist of some WWI units and planes (since there isn't anything really from that period), which could lead into the WWII era, but mainly German & Axis units (specialized: Stormtroopers, SS, etc.), Russian/Soviet (some specialized, and naval later on), maybe a couple Chinese & other communist units (bring back the partisan unit--man those were tough to get rid of!), some Allied infantry, maybe anti-personnel & anti-tank mines (thinking of modifying the 'siege engine' into an infantry-mine-sweeper type of unit, looks kinda like a woman with a metal detector I thought--what do you think?). Yeah, a few more bombers wouldn't hurt; also, I'm compiling several helicopter units (even if just for a WWII scenario: if the war would have lasted longer, then I'd expect that they'd be developed eventually). But as for the tank & artillery situation, I think the work you've done is excillent and quite adequate. More missles...I don't know. And as for the PTO, more naval and marine units are probably required (Japanese mainly, I think, and British), as well as some aircraft, but I don't want to get too carried away.
                Other ideas: advanced settler (engineer) unit, POW camps, a bunker fortification (that's initially what I thought your 'Strongpoint' unit was...or is it something different?), and I've been doing some notes on needed Dimplomatic improvements (nothing useful, just complaints so far), etc., 6 new AI personality types (outlines--not sure how to create them), which would define which civs would ally and possibly share units and techs with each other but not with the enemy. This is assuming that the scenario isn't solely multiplayer. If you know someone who could do that (maybe Daniel Frappier does or knows someone), or maybe you have an idea...? Another thing I thought of is borders, but not only for this.
                Yeah, so, there's some of my ideas. I'd like to hear yours to make sure we're on the same page, huh? I'm surprised no one else is working on something like this--or perhaps someone is.
                Oh. The non-unit graphics I've done so far have been from scratch (some were downloaded or scanned, but I ended up altering them so much that they might as well have been from scratch). The helicopter outlines were from the internet. And most of the units I have for consideration are from screen-shots (you may have done this--I find that there's a slight loss in quality, yet having all 5 unit positions is mighty handy and saves time), modified, or 'rough' images scanned and then customized. I do a lot of artwork normally, but I just don't have the time to do everything from memory or a picture, yunno, especially when I'm constantly farting around with files.
                Alrighty, that's enough for now. Tell me whatcha think (and anyone else who's reading who may have suggestions, feedback, or would like to get in on this, please feel free...), and get back to me.


                (PS: Sorry, Daniel, for hogging all your post space--I'll start a different one. Oh-yeah, if your offer is still open, I'm still interested.)
                Existence is Futile.


                • #9
                  Daniel: see my post for my reply to your reply.
                  Existence is Futile.


                  • #10
                    Existence is Futile.


                    • #11
                      Existence is Futile.


                      • #12
                        Hi Nordicus,

                        I haven't touched CTP for the past 6 weeks, besides playing multi-player every Thursday night.

                        My contract that was to end october 31th got renewd at the very last minute and I was very much in a "waiting to see CTP2" mood before doing anything.

                        I did digged some old files this week-end as I am hoping that we will play our next multi-player game with a mod.

                        I will keep you posted.

