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Help and advice requested...

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  • Help and advice requested...

    I'm doing a scenario set 2020, but need some help with how to make it more accurate.

    1. How do I change the name's of the Civ's and their leaders ?(and what are the image files realted to those leaders)

    2. How can I change the graphic for a good ?(it's stupid having elephants on the American Plains, using the graphic for the unused cow unit would be better)

    3. Is there any way to change the number of years passed in a turn?

    I'm fairly new to CTP so bear with me if these are really dumb questions

    'He who thinks great thoughts often makes great errors' - Martin Heidegger
    19th Century Liberal, 21st Century European

  • #2
    For 1) I would suggest downloading Harlan's graphics mod. It should have that stuff in there. 2) Nordicus could probably help you. 3) Check out ProvostB's game too fast thread in the general forum. CTP is much harder than Civ II to make scenarios for, so you had better be prepared to spend a lot of time learning your way around if you want to do much in the way of changes.


    • #3
      El freako:
      Interesting idea. I'm currently doing a WWII Europe Scenario with Harlan and Wes and am planning a full WWII one with Gemini (and maybe Harlan & others), as well as a Cold War Scenario, extending into our modern era. What's yours about?

      1) Yes, Harlan's Graphics Mod (I think it may be in the Apolyton Pack as well...but don't quote that as your sig or anything ), like Wes said. There are many modern leader pics in there. As for civilizations: the appropriate file is

      ...ctp_data/english (or if you have a different language version)/gamedata/civ_str

      In this file, civ_str, you can pretty much change anything as long as it's in quotation marks, and that'll be what's on the screen in the game. (Be sure that every quotation mark is in a pair, cuz if just one is missing anywhere, the game go wonky on you.)

      2) Ha!--that's a good one Note my thread about such silliness. I had about 20 different terrains and 21 new trade goods I was trying to put in CTP.
      24 is the max number for those (having Axis and Allied Forces struggling for the fate of the world in a cartoonland just didn't sit well with me, neither did ELEPHANTS taking crossfire along the Russian Front, or my quest for--some--realism) but I still haven't quit yet trying to install my goods, just taking a break to regain sanity. I think it can be done (one can add existing trade goods to any existing terrain, no prob, but new goods or replacing default goods...hmmm). And you can't exceed 38 trade goods.

      I also agree with

      "...(it's stupid having elephants on the American Plains, using the graphic for the unused cow unit would be better)."

      No kiddin, eh? Even a buffalo. I changed the forest good2 to 'Deer,' which is the 'caribou' good just renamed. In my Earth world map games, I usually keep those elephants in areas in which they actually existed, as well I keep things like tobacco in the Americas only, etc., but that elephant I don't know about (I haven't yet seen any index for "Elephant" on the NYSE or any other stock exchange ); the graphic should be replaced with, say, the wheat trade good I made, and have cattle as the plains' 2nd good, at least that makes sense.
      ("Stock market news today....Alligator took a turn for the worse, Elephant and Giant Tobacco Pipes faired quite well, while the price of Giant Jade Buddha Statues and Beaver sky-rocketed....Tim, sports...?")
      Anyway, enough rambling...

      3) Yeah, like Wes said. I'm adding that to my sig, cuz I keep saying that....I start at -5000 in an average game, but one could change it to starting at any date, 1940, 1990, or whatever. Check the other thread.

      Hope that helps.
      Hey, I don't personally believe any question is stupid (maybe cuz I ask a lot of em)

      Need anything else, just ask.

      Existence is Futile.


      • #4
        Nordicus --> If you're doing a wwII you have a Europe map then?
        I would very much like to have that one...

        BTW, is there a way to load a pre-made map in the editor? (and change the numbers of players, say from 12 to 20 among other things...?).

        Why work when you can be unemployed?
        In the GREAT BANANA we trust, for only he can set us free!


        • #5

          Sorry, unfortunately the Eurpean map that Harlan designed for this scenario has not been completed yet (I want to have REALISTIC terrain in it--the terrain graphics I've made and am trying to get in CTP--or we might as well made everything look like a cartoon, have the Smurfs in Allied uniforms and put Axis uniforms on the 7 Dwarfs, maybe Ren could be an SS unit, and Stimpy could do as a French Partisan...). Ah. But seriously, when it's made, you'll be welcome to it. There are a couple Europe maps floatin around, I think. Might wanna check the download area and see what's there.

          Loading a pre-made map into the editor...? Uh, I've never tried it, not sure. I usually make my own maps, rarely use anyone else's. But like I said, try the downloads--I'm sure some map will have a Read Me about that. Try also the read me about the map editor.

          Changing the # of players...hmmm. Well, I play with 16 civs, and I find that working quite well so far. I honestly don't know about more than that. I have files for all that sorta stuff (see other threads for more details), but to do it yourself, I don't know. All I can tell you is that I go into ctp_program/ctp/userprofile and have that match ctp_data/default/gamedata/profile, and it works perfectly with 16 (just don't touch the game screen option button to change number of civs-->crash), but be sure you know what you're doin!
          Hope that helps.
          Need anything, lemme know.

          Existence is Futile.


          • #6
            What I am thinking of doing is a 'real world' scenario set from 2020 onwards, with about 10-12 civs in it.

            Obviously this would mean changing the name of some of the civs & I would like the scenario not to go much furthur than the 22nd century (which is why I want to slow things down a little).

            'He who thinks great thoughts often makes great errors' - Martin Heidegger
            19th Century Liberal, 21st Century European


            • #7

              thats sounds good!

              best of luck.

              Hope you will share when you get it done.

              Save the whales, harpoon fat people.

              If you don't like the way I post,
              call 1-800-ASK-ME-IF-I-GIVE-A-CHAT!!!

