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PowerSlic problems

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  • PowerSlic problems

    Some of the messages aren't working right. For example, when the rankings pop up, I get a message like:

    We are the top guys, Sir ! We are number 1 in this category (in total [nump.value] zivilised competitors) !

    The same thing for population growth. What ever the info_str.txt is supposed to referencing for the values, it isn't.

    Also, has anyone noticed any sound mixups? One time I attacked with a Horse Archer and a Lancer, which used the chariot and warrior sounds, and instead I heard the attack command for a ship. The trireme, I believe.

  • #2

    I had exactly the same problem with the updates, until I remembered that I was supposed to change Debug slic to "yes" in the userprofile txt. Is this the answer?

    As for sound mix-ups, I haven't yet had the problem you describe, but as with some previous versions of Powerslic, I do not hear the "Building complete" voice. My guess is that the code TP uses to update the games "internal status" puts me in the phase of my turn which lets me move my units etc, before the building complete message is played. (But this is just a guess, as no-one else has reported this problem, maybe it is due to my setup).



    • #3

      First on the famous bracket issue which has been raised already August 20 and is still readable on the first page of this forum:

      a) You have installed PowerSLICs correctly but are playing with a game you started before you installed my MOD. In this case you can do nothing at all as Call To Power is designed in a way that modifications only are valid if you start a new game (i.e. saved games already contain all information so new code does not get in there). With a new game, everything should work.

      b) You may have forgotten to change the file "userprofile.txt" in the folder \ctp_program\ctp. Please ensure that there is a line with "DebugSlic=Yes” in there.

      WesW / JimMac,

      On sounds, this should not be caused by my MOD. Reason is that I have changed nothing at all on sounds (with the exception of getting rid of a specific sound when replaying attacks as described in 1.80 readme). Also JimMac's possible explanation will surely not be the reason for sound mix-ups. Did you install other MODs as well which may be responsible for this ?


      The fix to update the game with the internal status, i.e. the internal function CatchUp(), does only refer to the graphical interface but not with sounds etc. Actually the same as you desribe has happened to me in the early days of CTP without any MODs as well, especially if at least two things have been built at the beginning of a turn.

      So overall, there is no indicator for a bug in PowerSLICs 1.80.

      [This message has been edited by TP (edited September 04, 1999).]


      • #4
        I am having the very same sound problem and I only have the 1.2 patch and PowerSLIC installed.... And as I didn't get this sound problem until I did install PowerSLIC I assumed it was due to that. I love the mod so therefore don't let it bother me to the point of taking it out.... I can live with it.



        • #5
          Hi Tp,

          Please don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t play CTP now without PowerSLIC. I especially like the ranking updates, but it is all good stuff.

          You state that my “possible explanation will surely not be the reason for sound mix-ups”. If you thought that I was suggesting a possible answer to WesW’s sound problems then I have not made my meaning clear. I have no idea what is causing his sound mix-ups. Along with my suggestion to him to change DebugSlic to “Yes” I merely added a comment on the sound issue which I have, in the hope that either someone else has this problem, or maybe someone might suggest an answer.

          On my particular problem, I have not been able to hear the Building Complete message since installing an earlier version of PowerSlic (1.70 or 1.71?) and I put this down to having so many bits and pieces of various mods. However in the last couple of days, I uninstalled CTP and re-instaled it with patch 1.2 and the Apolyton Pak. And. . .I still don’t get the Building complete message.

          Now, since reading your above post, I \\ out the CatchUp line.
          And guess what?
          Yes, I got my Building Complete voice back!
          Now I do not believe that this means that there is a bug with PowerSlic, because it seems no-one else has this problem, therefore it must be a fault with my set-up or system somewhere.

          I could analyse this weirdness further , but as it really doesn’t bother me I think I will restore CatchUp to its rightful state

          Looking forward to version 2.0.


          Ah.... I have just read Deah's post and am intrigued.
          Deah, Do you have the sound problem I have or the sound problem WesW has?
          [This message has been edited by JimMac (edited September 04, 1999).]


          • #6

            After reading your post, I immediately eliminated CTP from my harddrive and re-installed it. Results:

            1. No sound mix-ups
            2. Building complete message works normally, however sometimes not if more than one building is built within one turn.

            Then I applied patch 1.2 (hacked German version) and implemented PowerSLICs 1.80. Results are completely identical with CTP without patch and PowerSLICs.

            Then I went to my gf's PC and did the same thing while looking StarTrek - Meeting of Generations in TV. I did both procedures as outlined above - and guess what ? No sound mix-ups AND no missing building message even with more than one building built in the same turn !

            So again, I can not tell 100% surely where this bug on your side is coming from, however I can tell that it is not PowerSLICs. By some mysterious effect, the function CatchUp() has helped you in getting something which this function should not affect according to the SLIC documentation.

            Most likely it seems to be a hardware thing (as both PC's in our house have the same Win98 installed) maybe driven by the soundcard. With this insight, I gave up because it is not a PowerSLIC issue and I can not do anything against it.

            Maybe your CTP installation is a victim of your hardware combination, too.


            P.S. Working at PowerSLICs 2.0 at this very moment. I already implemented some new features (one reducing massive mouse-clicking efforts in later stages of the game). Also I am working in parallel on a customizable installation script, so people can decide what parts of my MOD they want to install. However it will take some time as I am currently extremely busy due to my profession requiring a lot of business travel between countries.

            [This message has been edited by TP (edited September 04, 1999).]


            • #7

              Gosh. I didn't mean to put you to any bother. I hope that it didn't ruin your enjoyment of Star Trek!

              I am happy to continue with CatchUp activated.


              P.S. I have also added the wage increase as discussed previously to the Const.txt and will suggest doing this when there is a "Suggestions to the Apolyton Pack team" topic.


              • #8
                I went on a Labor Day trip, that's why I haven't responded until now.

                About the sound problem; I never meant to imply that it was caused by TP's mod. The lead unit in the stack where the problem occured is one I added to my mod. That's probably where the problem is at. However, in the units.txt, I had it use the chariot wav files.

