Is anyone able create some different scenarios rather than a MOD.
Been trying a few things like:
Capture the Capitol--capture and win
King of the Hill--control for so many turns and will.
Run for Your Life--bring unit to city and win
But the inface is so difficult they cannot be created. I'm very unhappy.
In Age of Empires you can set an invisible target flag or a goal--just by dragging and dropping.
Maybe with new SLIC documentation this can be done via file editing but Activision has yet to release this document.
Also found some bugs:
-Must have at least two AI players
-When you create a scenario you can pick the leader name and gender. If player picks diffent name and gender the game only refers the original name and gender. IE senario was create and leader is mary a woman yet the scenario player picked john a man. when the player loses the game says mary lost.
-You cannot restart a scenario. you must quit the game and then click new etc.
-The number of player is reported incorretly. When you select new game and the number of players says 6 and you then select play a scenario and the scenario uses 3 players the game reports you are using 6 players. (shows up in cheat mode)
-it goes on and on...
Since no one has put out a real senario it looks like other people are having this same trouble.
[This message has been edited by dutcheese (edited September 04, 1999).]
Been trying a few things like:
Capture the Capitol--capture and win
King of the Hill--control for so many turns and will.
Run for Your Life--bring unit to city and win
But the inface is so difficult they cannot be created. I'm very unhappy.
In Age of Empires you can set an invisible target flag or a goal--just by dragging and dropping.
Maybe with new SLIC documentation this can be done via file editing but Activision has yet to release this document.
Also found some bugs:
-Must have at least two AI players
-When you create a scenario you can pick the leader name and gender. If player picks diffent name and gender the game only refers the original name and gender. IE senario was create and leader is mary a woman yet the scenario player picked john a man. when the player loses the game says mary lost.
-You cannot restart a scenario. you must quit the game and then click new etc.
-The number of player is reported incorretly. When you select new game and the number of players says 6 and you then select play a scenario and the scenario uses 3 players the game reports you are using 6 players. (shows up in cheat mode)
-it goes on and on...
Since no one has put out a real senario it looks like other people are having this same trouble.
[This message has been edited by dutcheese (edited September 04, 1999).]