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Infinite units ?

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  • Infinite units ?

    Well, I've just tried to add a sprite with an ID of 100 and... it works ! The upu0XX.tga associated with the sprite must be in this case named upuXXX.tga (X is the ID)

    It means that you can actually have at least 999 units in the game !

    So some modmakers could make a game in which each period of the humanity is well covered by units and technologies(This means a very long game with lots of new advances, but we should be able to better simulate the reality).

    At least you're not limited in the number of units

  • #2
    but of course!
    back when the game was just released I remember that Harlan had tried to copy/paste the necessary lines, reached 128 units and then got bored


    • #3
      Are you sure Mark that the people (of the creation forum of course) know that we can use more than 99 units ID ?? Because I remember a thread where someone puted the free ID for new units. And all the available units don't use an ID above 99. And the makespr.exe just allow you to make sprite ID betwenn 1 and 99. It seemed there was a consensus that you can't make more than 99 units.

      Maybe I'm just the only one who hadn't discovered it yet


      • #4
        Yes Markos,
        But those were simply copies of the same sprite, over and over (simply repeating a section of the Units.txt file). Its a different thing to say that one can have over 100 different looking units. Definitely a good thing. I just tried it out and it works!

        I still would like to know though what the exact maximum for this and other types (wonders, buildings, etc) is. There must be some maximum- can any official Activision folks out there answer this question please?


        • #5
          I read what this and it gave me an idea. I don't kown if any of you have said this or tried this. But I toke a sprite and renamed it to GU105.spr, and tried it in the game and it worked. So with out some fance programing you can have over 100 sprites by just renaming them.


          • #6
            You should be careful- I hear you can go to jail for toking those sprites!

            Yes, that's what you have to do- rename the sprites. Because the makespr.exe program that makes the sprite doesn't work over 99. I tried renaming one of my sprites 210, and it worked. But then I tried adding 211 and 212, and I got a message saying it couldn't find Gu00. So then I renamed all three to 110,111, and 112, and it worked again. Is 212 one of these magical computer numbers like 128, that might be some limit to the sprite numbers?

            Also, playing around with sprites I find quite frequently that my screen will turn funny colors and fill with gobbledygook and I have to restart my computer, when I try running CTP after changing things. Does this happen to other people, and what's the way of avoiding it?


            • #7

              About the gobbledegook sp? problem: this happens to me when working with my new improvement. Whenever I receive an error message and the game shuts down, I've gotten to where I just restart the computer then, because it's going to crash next time you try to start it up.


              • #8
                It happens to me when CTP has gone back to windows because of some files errors. If I restart CTP(and have made some change in the files) then I will have a screen like you Harlan (gobbledygook, what a funny word for a french people)


                • #9
                  Alright! If there can be more then 100 sprites I am not worried. Right now my mod is reaching the point where if I ever get sprites for all the new units it would put it over 100 sprites. So I am glad I don't have to worry about running out of possible sprites, I just have to worry about getting actual ones.

