Dutcheese maker of Really Play CTP as it should be v1.1 and myself maker of LW1 add-on for CD's Mod. Have decided to work together on a joint project called "The Ultimate CTP Combo MOD". It makes about 30 changes and is designed as an add-on for CD's mod. If you would like a copy E-mail me a Waters_1981@hotmail.com and ask for COMBO. Post your idea comments and suggestions etc here - WE will be working on a future version of this mod as soon as the patch comes out.
· 4 new governments - Military Dictatorship, Semi Democracy, Crime Syndicate and The Police State. The computer know which and when to research and use - all 4 governments have been altered and revised for this mod.
· I have edited the Great Library to incorporate the new governments.
· Slightly more chance of encounter barbarian and in slightly great numbers.
· More grassland is generated in maps.
· It is now possible for both you and the computer to get slavers, spies etc, abolitionist and Ecoterrorists promoted to veterans status. Each with there different bonuses.
· More chance of you hearing gossip.
· City now stay watchful for 8 turns instead of 5.
· 1 military unit can once again guards 3 slave instead of 2.
· Slave chance of uprising if unguarded is now 7.5%
· Franchise effect is now 40%
· The chance of a Bio infection spreading is now 35% as opposed to 30%
· The influence distance of a revolting city has been doubled.
· Riot will take place in your city when happiness is down to 72% instead of 73%.
· The revolution will happen once happiness drops to 62% instead of 60%
· Added new advance called Alien Biology to replace the wormhole probe requirement to build the x-lab. (The AI's wormhole probe could never find the opening of the wormhole so the AI could never build the end game project.)
· AI now builds End Game Project. (AI completed project in 2350 in test game on king level)
· Dedicated AI threshold production ratio for End Game Project. Original and Dawn's settings did not dedicate any production threshold for the End Game Project.
· Correctly placed End Game Project city improvements into proper location, enabling AI to actually produce the improvements. Dawn tried moving these items to the Wonder creation list rather than increasing the production threshold level.
· AI no longer builds wormhole probe.
· Increased AI usage of farms, roads, and mines and thereby increased AI city growth rate. AI actually appears in Top Five Cities list.
· Improved AI defence and attack.
· Improved AI unit choices like warwalker and dropped calvary.
· Gave the Seige Weapon 1 Attack and 1 Defence point since the AI does not know it needs to stack the unit and is therefore too easy to destroy lone AI units.
· Added a little gold for roads, farms, and mines.
· Dropped some of the city improvements from the AI build queue like Beef Vat, Water Transformer, and Airport.
· Changed AI city improvement priorities to decrease pollution and increase growth and production.
· Increased global pollution threshold levels so global disasters occur less often.
· Plus other changes (see Readme)