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OH DEAR GOD!(unit images from Harlan)

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  • OH DEAR GOD!(unit images from Harlan)

    awsome, isn't it?

  • #2


    • #3


      • #4
        awesome! with all the animations?


        • #5
          Nope, they have shadows not seen here, but no animations. If I did that, I'd still working on the first one!

          I still need some graphics to work from for most of the bombers. If anyone has Flight Simulator by Microsoft, pleeeeaaaase let me know.


          • #6
            Who created those??? You did Harlan? VERY nice! Did you get them from a game like West Front or PanzerGeneral 2 or did you create them from scratch? I need to sit down and learn how to make a few unit graphics. I was thinking about creating some naval units, maybe a new transport or something.


            • #7
              I think they were taken from Panzer General 2, at least some of em, i kinda sent the game to harlan since he wanted screens of units (and since i don´t play it anymore).

              There were some utility which you could get the unit pictures from PG2, which i believe he used. Resourceful fella!

              Great work harlan!


              • #8
                I should have though of that since PG2 runs in 640X480 only...

                But anyway, 2 weeks from now i go back to my school where i have a 10 mbts connection (really 2, but i only use one) in my appartment. So if anyone want´s large files send or something just tell me.


                • #9
                  OUCH! WOW! GEEZE! AWESOME! (Is there any other way to describe this wonderful art?) Awesome Harlan!


                  • #10
                    Actually Depp, thanks for the PG2 graphics but most of these ended up being from West Front, East Front or The Operational Art of War graphics (mostly sent by Morgoth). PG2 graphics were perfect, but too small- I had to double their size. Whereas the other games I only had to increase the size 25%, which means less touching up later. None of these four games has good bomber graphics though- I made the B17 mostly from scratch. So if anyone has a good bomber source please let me know. I think Flight Simulator would be a good source but no one seems to own that. DOGFISH also has good Age of Empires graphics- decoded files so you don't need to take screenshots of them.


                    • #11
                      By the way, no need for you to make any naval units, like a Transport. I forgot to include any naval units in my sample unit picture, but I have em made already. I will send another bunch to Mark that will show that, since the response to this bunch was so positive.

                      I have WW2 pretty well covered (except for the Pacific Theater). However, I also have TOAW II graphics, a period which covers after WW2 till today. I'm not gonna make anything with those, so maybe you want to take them and make some units out of them?

                      Anything else people want a preview of, in particular? (the thread "WW2 update" lists which units I've finished and which ones I haven't)
                      [This message has been edited by Harlan (edited August 10, 1999).]


                      • #12
                        more from Harlan


                        • #13
                          I posted this bunch for several reasons. First, I wanted Prince Bimz to see that making a transport is already taken care of. I also realized I hadnt put any artillery or naval stuff in the first bunch. This also includes two more bombers, showing all the bombers I have. I need more bombers! If anyone has any bomber images or games that have bomber images in them, please let me know.

                          Also, you can see from the naval units how I am trying to maintain relative sizes between units, more or less. A Battleship is bigger than a Cruiser which is bigger than a Destroyer for instance. But what I would like to ask is, are the differences between the naval units clear enough? Can you also tell which direction the naval units are moving?


                          • #14
                            Very impressive Harlan, I have MS Flight Simulator 98. Aren't those images copyrighted, just joking!

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                            • #15
                              Very nice, those ships look great! I won't have a problem finding a use for those graphics thats for sure.

