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Imperial CtP Scenario

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  • Imperial CtP Scenario

    I've started work on a scenario beginning in 1900, which will (hopefully) focus on the high-point European imperialism, and the beginning of European friction. Naturally, I hope to re-do the tech-tree, and perhaps create some of my own units for usage in the scenario. Though I will perhaps call on some other files (e.g. World Map and AwesomeAIPs), most of the work will be my own, and I hope it will please the CtP colective

    Any suggestions would also be welcomed in the thread

  • #2

    So, what nations are in it? Will it have events or just a map with cities? Will it include WWI? Will it play on a world map or on a European one?
    Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


    • #3
      So, what nations are in it?
      Nations (definate):
      United Kingdom
      United States


      The TBD's could still be under Spanish/Portuguese rule, depending on time.

      Will it have events or just a map with cities
      It may have events. At the moment I'm looking at map with cities, but if I can get more information on creating events, then it will 75% likely have events in it.

      Will it include WWI?
      The relations between the nations will reflect pre-WWI stances (e.g. Austria, Germany, Italy, Turkey allied etc.)

      Will it play on a world map or on a European one?


      • #4
        Frozzy, I just created a scenario where I also have a map with cities on it. I ran into a snag that you might find of interest and this might save you a bit of trouble. Perhaps this info is already known to everybody, but I had to find it out the hard way -

        If you intend to use the map with cities for pbem games then you can't launch it from a savegame.csg file (single player or hot-seat works fine, multiplayer I don't know...). If you do this then it will undoubtedly crash by the 3rd turn. Instead you have to launch your pbem game on a normal map, kill off the settlers, import your map and then add everything to it (cities, tech, tile improvements, city improvements, etc.). After you've done all of that and you are ready to close the cheat DO NOT save the scenario as a savegame.csg, even if you don't intend on using it and you plan on going straight into the game. If you try and save it then the resulting turns will crash 2-3 turns after. I find it hard to believe that this is actually an intended trick from Activision to prevent people from cheating somehow... but then again who knows...


        btw: that being said, I've got a fantastic 'gigantic' map of Europe + North Africa if you're interested. It goes from the Uk to the Urals, Northern tip of Scandanavia to a thin stretch (4-5 tiles width) of North Africa. Some aspects are diproportionate to better suit playability. Drop me a line here or on e-mail and i'll be happy to swing it your way.
        "that's right, a SLAVER!!!"

