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TP's PowerSLICs 1.51 Feature List

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  • TP's PowerSLICs 1.51 Feature List

    Dear all,

    Please find below a part of the Readme file for my latest PowerSLICs version. As this latest version also changes and adds some messageicons, I had to put it in a ZIP-File.

    I have asked MarkG and Dan to put it in their download area in the hope that some of you out there are interested in my latest MOD.

    This version should be the latest one for quite some time as Depp and myself will be starting to code new features which surely will require a substantial amount of time in the coming weeks (e.g. random events, immigration/emmigration, maybe even borders).

    That's all, I hope you will find CTP to be (even) more attractive after installing my MOD.


    Feature list:

    1. Updated Dominique's Building MOD

    Each time you build an improvement for a city, you will get a message informing you about this fact (including the info what you have just finished to build). This code has been published previously by Dominique, but with one tiny bug: I was slightly irritated by those double messages ("you have build XXX" AND "city queue in YYY is empty"). So I changed the code: Now you will get only one message directly after an improvement has been built (telling exactly this). From the next turn on, you will get the nice note that the queue is empty in case you forgot to build something new.

    2. Public Work reminder

    I belong to those people who do not look constantly on the PW status. So this MOD will give you a friendly reminder in case you have more than 1500 units of PW unused (working in Market Research, we like to call such things "opportunity costs"). So from now on, CTP will bang on your head as soon as you have too much unused PW (the message will contain also the current PW status and the current PW tax percentage).

    3. Disappearing Unit syndrome workaround

    After I found out that this phenomena may be caused due to a interface inconsistency after you have researched a new advance, this SLIC part will force the user interface to be updated with the game’s internal status each time a human player begins its turn. I am not sure whether this really works, but it surely does not negatively effect the game at all. If it does not work for you, simply save the game (not via quicksave or autosave) as soon as a unit seems to be placed on the wrong tile.

    4. Warning on spotted bombard-capable enemy units

    As my copy of CTP is not able to autocenter on bombardments of my units, I have established two warning systems (second one follows later): As soon as one of your units or cities spots a bombard-capable enemy unit, you will get a nice warning. Therefore you should be able to "proactively" react. A small eye icon will allow you to center the map to this enemy unit. Note: This message will not be shown if your units spot a bombarding-unit which is currently in an enemy city as this would not be very realistic. For your convenience, you will be informed about the type of the bombard-capable unit and the type of the unit having spotted this enemy. I once got an error message telling me that the loop I programmed was out of bound. I am not sure whether this is relevant as it only happens to me when I artificially increase number of cities from one of my enemies for testing purposes. If you get this error message while playing normally, please inform me about it and I will dig into my code again.

    5. Warning on bombarding

    **** happens. Therefore you will get a warning as soon as one of your enemies has bombarded one of your units or cities. For your convenience, you will be informed about the type of the attacker and the type of the attacked unit.

    6. (Improved) Ranking messages

    Each round, there is a 10% chance that a ranking will be shown in a turn (however only if there have been at least 15 rounds played since the last ranking was displayed). Of course, the player will only be ranked on specific dimensions in case he has researched the necessary advances (Trade for Trade ranking, Undersea Colonies for Undersea Power, Space colonies for Space Power).

    a) In 60% of those cases, the player will get informed on his current ranking for one of the following dimensions: Number of cities, Geographic spread, Amount of gold, Number of advances, Military power, Number of population, Power in Space, Power underseas or Number of trade routes.

    b) In the remaining 40% of all ranking messages, the human player will be informed about his current rankings on all of the above described dimensions.

    I have made this split as my previous version 1.2 of this MOD only made a) possible and I didn’t want to say goodbye to my previous approach. I think that it is somewhat more interesting to have two different kinds of ranking messages available. The 60%-40% chance split will make your heart bump whether you get the big picture about your relative position to competition or only limited knowledge (and thus have to wait for at least another 15 turns for the chance to get the full ranking information).

    7. Updated messagebox "You have found an advance after entering a goody hut"

    Due to a specific request, I have added a link to the Great Library here so people can easily look at what they have just found accidentally. I do not know anymore who requested it but I hope you are happy now 

    8. Synchronizing of important war messages work now

    Although I am not a friend of real-time warfare at all, I like to watch the war animations in CTP especially as one can learn a lot on optimal stacking by looking at those animations. Unfortunately, with a little bit of experience, you can tell whether you will win a fight or whether you will capture a city (or get captured) by just looking at the icons which pop up before the actual war animation starts. This is a major spoiler, so I fixed it in the hope that I did change all potential spoiler icons. No worries, you will still get each of those messages, but now after the fight is over.

    9. New messageicons for new messages

    Bombarding warning messages now have their own icon (yellow arrow = bombarding-capable unit is spotted, red arrow = enemy has bombarded a unit/city). Same is valid for the Public Work reminder (the classical hammer), for the small ranking (the big one is displayed via an alertbox), for improvements having been built and for empty city queues (same icon as for improvements being built but with a big questionmark added). Finally Depp sent me a happyness icon so you will now get a blue smiley if one of your cities starts celebrating.

    (End of feature list)

  • #2
    Do the ranking screens only rank the civilizations you have met, or do they "give away" the nationalities of your enemies?


    • #3
      TP: I have one question to you. Can you access the building queue of a city via SLIC? Because then you could write something like: You have built xxxxx in city yyyyy, next on the list is zzzzzz. If the queue is empty you could write "nothing" instead of zzzzzz. So the User knows that the list in this city is empty.
      Wouldnt this be a great feature?

      Wait, I have found something like city.building. Can this be used, because this would represent the next project, wouldnt it?

      So, can you do that?


      • #4
        Slax: The rankings tell you where the you are standing in comparison to all civs in the game. The rankings do not inform you who is before you or you is behind you (partly because I have not found a way yet to show this in messagesboxes, but mainly because I think it is much more challenging to only show the current position).

        Grand Master Fe Long (my god, what a nickname): Yes it is fully 100% compatible with CD's MOD (but also fully functional without CD's MOD). Only condition is that you have patch 1.1. installed.

        Atahualpa: Yes you are right, city.building should be a way to implement the feature you are describing. It's now within my project list for version 2.0 (which is still far away).



        • #5
          I just took a look at it for myself, but I get stuck.

          When I have added following lines to info_str.txt:

          ATA_NEXT_BUILDING "Keines"

          DOM_BUILDING_BUILT_Granary "blablabla. Nächstes Projekt: "&ID_ATA_NEXT_BUILDIMG&"!"

          Well, this didnt work. Sadly.
          I thought if I would change this string (ATA_NEXT_BUILDING) in Script.slc to the name of the building (I would have done this this way: if (city.building == 0) { ID_ATA_NEXT_BUILDING = "Kornspeicher";} I dont know if this really works, it was just a try)and then add it, it would be very easy.
          Well, as my sig says: if something is easy, something is wrong. And it was wrong. I nearly hang up my BIOS. I had to do 2 resests.

          Can anybody help me out? Mr Ogre perhaps?

          if something is easy, something is wrong

          when I do bad things it is called mad, but when god does bad things it is called nature
          -- the devil


          • #6
            Could you e-mail me a copy your new mod? -

            Also if I make a new mod for CTP can I include your mod with it. Thanks!


            • #7
              Sould great! - Can it be used with CD's Mod?


              • #8
                TP, or Mark or Dan,
                When the PowerSlic 1.51 mod becomes available will you please post a link to it?
                Many Thanks!!

                Big Dave
                Any flames in this message are solely in the mind of the reader.


                • #9
                  Ata: It's not THAT easy :-)
                  In fact it is quite difficult to use string variables in SLIC. Now that does not mean it is impossible however it requires quite some amount of coding. As I said, I will have a look at it when I start coding on 2.0 version. For the time being, live with what has been implemented so far (or maybe there is someone out there who may start on this feature). Sorry for being so destructive.

                  Grand Master Fe Long: My MOD should be very soon available here at Apolyton for downloading.



                  • #10
                    Slax: you can already learn the nationalities of all the civs in the game (as well as how powerful they are) just by pressing F7.


                    • #11
                      Gregurabi - I posted that message because I did NOT want to find out who my enemies were from a ranking screen if I didn't meet them already. But, the rankings only tell you where your civ ranks, so its ok.

