Does the AI (CPU player) get special benefits when fighting, researching,... ?
I have no played several games with a friend vs AI players and we alwys ended in losing totaly.
Things I can't understand is that he is always faster in gaining techs, seems to build faster units, AI seems not to attack each other when they have human player near,...
We know about the "going for early republic tactic", use landscape for fighting,...things (we have read the FAQ,... for freeciv)
I would assume that in 2000 BC we both have republic (may be a bit earlier). We do exchange techs when ever possible.
I have "no" problem in losing but me and my friend were years ago (when civ 1 come to market), true civ "heros". Why could we (chiefly my friend) easily win civ 1 on highest diff. vs AI and in freeciv there is no way to win vs easy AI ?
All games we played were mainly in default settings, we only changend landmass to around 50 and citymindist to 4 (we both hate building tons of city). Oh and we already tried with civ1 rules.
Has anyone more exp. in fighting vs AI's ? Or does the AI realy get benefits ?
Thanxs !
Does the AI (CPU player) get special benefits when fighting, researching,... ?
I have no played several games with a friend vs AI players and we alwys ended in losing totaly.
Things I can't understand is that he is always faster in gaining techs, seems to build faster units, AI seems not to attack each other when they have human player near,...
We know about the "going for early republic tactic", use landscape for fighting,...things (we have read the FAQ,... for freeciv)
I would assume that in 2000 BC we both have republic (may be a bit earlier). We do exchange techs when ever possible.
I have "no" problem in losing but me and my friend were years ago (when civ 1 come to market), true civ "heros". Why could we (chiefly my friend) easily win civ 1 on highest diff. vs AI and in freeciv there is no way to win vs easy AI ?
All games we played were mainly in default settings, we only changend landmass to around 50 and citymindist to 4 (we both hate building tons of city). Oh and we already tried with civ1 rules.
Has anyone more exp. in fighting vs AI's ? Or does the AI realy get benefits ?
Thanxs !