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Wanted: Worker graphics

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  • Wanted: Worker graphics

    I'm working on a ruleset where, among other things, I have a worker unit as in civ3, but I've never found a good worker graphics to go with it. Are there anyone on this forum who know about such a graphics which is available under an acceptable license (public domain, BSD or GPL) and which is uncontaminated with original civ art?

    If you have any, please post 'em here (and say where you got it from) :-)

  • #2
    License: Public Domain
    Author: Me
    Used: Nowhere
    Attached Files
    Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


    • #3
      Division Workes/Settlers has been alrady made by LoD. You can download it from our new website . (There are more materials). In our download section there are two version of Workers modpack with and without xpm files. In next versio probably we use new workers (he looks much better then our.)


      • #4
        The first settler looks exactly like the civ2 settler. The second is a little too small.


        • #5
          I've just send new version of LoD Worker Mod with Per graphic.
          If you are interesting check here.

          To Per:
          I've tried to send you info about it, but I couldn't.


          • #6
            The worker mod is interesting. I am not entirely happy about the worker graphics, though. I am still looking for a better replacement.

            LarryN: I've dropped some of my older email addresses, since I was getting too much forwarded spam. My new email is per at leftist dot net.


            • #7
              How about this one?

              Attached Files


              • #8
                The problem with several of the worker units I've seen is that they look too much like military units. It should be clear from a very quick glance at the map that the workers are non-military and harmless.

