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Help - How to change AI?

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  • Help - How to change AI?

    Help I'm new in freeciv so I will probably
    ask for basic questions but...

    I played today for two hours and after the connexion
    crashed... I tried to re-enter the game with the name of my leader, and it passed, but my nation was controlled by AI, and I couldn't take it under control...

    How shoud I do it???

    Another little question... I know that all games are started by the operator of a server. If I start a server it's cool I can set all the options. But if everybody connect on a server of freeciv who is the operator??? And who set the options, start the game, etc???

    Thanks please help me I'm going to put out my PC by the window...

  • #2
    Did you log into the same session with your exact username and rulername of your civ? People will sometimes drop out of a game to join as another civ. But you need to enter the same name.

    The setup of the game is (usually) done by the host. The moment you log in on a session you should see this scroll by on the chatline. Just use the scrollbuttons to check.

    You probably have noticed this but you can enter server commands from the chatline if you add a slash " / " for the command. Far easier than working from the server commandline IMHO. You can also use this to see who's controlling the server by typing: /list when you're online.

    Hope this helps...
    Last edited by CapTVK; January 19, 2003, 18:36.
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    Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer

